
Strange Golden List: From One Piece To Naruto

Warning: This fanfic is absolute chaos, logic is not found, prepare to lost some brain cells after reading this fanfic. I'm testing the water if people here interested with this kind of fanfic or not. Synopsis: A consciousness named Shenwu, born from the cracks in time and space, transforms into a magical big screen descending on the Ninja World and the Grand Line. The oddities recap begins to play in both worlds! Recapping deeply hidden awesome identities: Is the demon fox Naruto actually the son of the Fourth Hokage? Ace is actually the son of Pirate King Roger! Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon?.. Recapping brother-obsessed brothers! Uchiha Madara & Senju Hashirama: I established Konohagakure village for my brother! Ace: I blocked Red Dog’s heavy punch for my brother! Sabo: No matter where my brother is, as long as he needs it, I will rush over! Uchiha Itachi:…I killed the entire clan to give my brother a boost! Why is your style so terrifying when you fight seven alone?.. When Konohagakure ninjas appear in the Summit War, when all the Straw Hats cross the Fourth Ninja War, both worlds collapse!

Gustina_Kamiya · Tranh châm biếm
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65 Chs

Chapter 63 Little Luffy is stupid, I'm only 7!

"I want to fight too!!!" This childish voice directly pulled Sanji, who was half-dizzy, back to his senses.

When the combat training started, little Luffy and mini green head were pressed by his damn father to watch the battle on the side.

He was panting, looking at the edge of the training ground, the captain when he was a child actually looked so childish, shouting to fight, the voice was all baby voice, there was no threat at all, it looked more like a child's play.

If it weren't for the wrong time and place, he would have laughed out loud.

The mini green-haired head also had a cold face, raising his chin towards Yonji who was taken down for repair, his tone full of provocation, "I alone can beat three like that."

"Enough, Luffy, Zoro, I can do it alone." He forcibly suppressed his trembling legs, standing there stubbornly.

"Huh? You're the one who's pretending to be strong." The mini green-haired head still looked so arrogant.


Judge above had enough of this farce, "Enough, let those kids join too, according to the original agreement, if you win, we'll let you go." The intrusion of the two kids caused a huge uproar in Germa, causing chaos.

It shouldn't be a coincidence.

He did want to know when Sanji met such a powerful person.


Niji hooked the corner of his lips with a wicked smile, holding a wooden sword in both hands and entering the stage.

Zoro was also assigned a wooden sword, "I want three, I am a three-sword style." It's been a long time since he held a wooden sword, the feel was a bit uncomfortable, but this is not a big problem.


As soon as the referee soldier shouted to start, Niji rushed up, his speed was as fast as a cannonball, "Ha!"


The wooden sword fell heavily, if the opponent was the little Sanji from before, he could probably only be pinned to the ground and beaten, but now, the opponent is the body of the little Zoro, a muscle training fanatic with a great swordsman's soul, three wooden swords steadily spanned in front, blocking Niji's attack.

Niji frowned for a moment, "Hmm?" He continued to raise his hand, the arm strength of the cyborg was brought into full play, each blow was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

Unfortunately, he was facing Zoro, who had been training his muscles hard since he was a child, and each blow was firmly blocked by Zoro.

It wasn't until he had exhausted all the sword techniques he had learned that little Zoro bit the hilt of his sword and grinned, "It's my turn."

The counterattack begins!

Slap slap slap!

The three-sword style sword technique is fast and violent, the sword that becomes an afterimage scrapes out a series of chaotic sword, forcing Niji to retreat step by step.

Even as a cyborg, he could feel the numbness of overexertion.

With a crack, Niji's wooden sword was broken.

Incredible, is this guy's body even stronger than a cyborg?

"Impossible!" Niji gritted his teeth, threw away the wooden sword, and started to punch and kick, "We are the perfect products of successful transformation!"

Swoosh swoosh swoosh...

The moves were sharp, the fists were as fast as a machine gun, falling like a Gekko rainstorm.

It's a match for Luffy's machine gun.

His three swords crossed over his head, blocking all the dense fists, the ground under his feet cracked a few times, opening a few cracks, then shattered, brittle like a wooden board, Zoro's figure also sank with the breaking of the ground.

The physical quality of Germa's cyborgs is not to be underestimated.

Sanji was a bit nervous when he saw it, his fists were always clenched tightly, green head, don't lose.

"Hmph! You can't beat me, the companions of the waste are also waste!" Niji was arrogant to the point of nostrils facing the sky, his eyes under the sunglasses were full of contempt.

Zoro moved his mouth, "The trash said..." His arm muscles suddenly bulged, like a balloon instantly swelling, the wooden sword against the fist began to tremble.

Want to beat Niji with his own power.

With a crack, two wooden swords broke.

Boom boom! The fist fell heavily!

Fortunately, he dodged in time, the fist grazed his cheek and hit the ground heavily, the ceramic tile that was already shattered, the cracks spread and expanded around.

"Oh, you have some skills." Zoro was not flustered, holding the only remaining wooden sword in both hands, "One-sword style!"

"Thirty-Six Troublesome Wind!"

The high-speed swinging wooden sword swung out sword waves in the air, forming a sharp slash, suddenly burst out.

Bang bang bang!

Niji faced this slash head-on, just like taking a hard cannon with his face, his body flew out like a kite with a broken line, fell heavily on the ground, his back rubbed against the ground leaving a long trench, it wasn't until ten meters away that he slowly stopped.

His eyes rolled white, just like Yonji, he fainted.

If it weren't for the fact that his body was a cyborg, and Zoro's sword was a wooden sword, he would probably be completely scrapped by now.

"Gi, give it to me." The soldiers who were watching the show swallowed their saliva, their eyes were straight, they knew better than anyone how powerful the princes of Germa were, precisely because of this, the Zoro who defeated him was even more powerful.

"Hmph, you have some skills." Sanji immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Zoro returned the wooden sword to the soldier, feeling a bit embarrassed in his heart. After all, it was an adult's move used to bully a child, which made him feel guilty.



Judge pursed his lips, his face gloomy, not saying a word, the atmosphere stagnated to the extreme, the researchers beside him also looked incredulous.

Their scientific research results were defeated just like that.

Feeling Judge's anger, they shrank their heads and dared not speak.

"Yo-ho! It's finally my turn." Little Luffy didn't understand the atmosphere at all, he ran onto the field with a grin, starting to do radio calisthenics to warm up his body.

Zoro & Sanji: "That idiot."

Judge: "..." Where did his son go to make such strange friends?

Luffy's inherent silly nature broke the heavy atmosphere.

Ichiji took the stage, his eyes complex under the sunglasses, his lips tightly pursed, ready to fight.

"Gomu Gomu No! Rocket..." Luffy swung his arm back, only to see his arm stretching like a rubber band, his fist getting farther and farther away, probably wanting to rely on the elasticity of the rubber to give his fist a very fast speed, and then it could be bombed out like a rocket.


"Rocket... Huh? Rocket Punch?" Little Luffy looked dumbfounded with his eyes wide open, he looked back, his eyes immediately bulged out, "Ah--"

His arm was stuck between the branches of a tree far behind him, "Ah ah ah, it's stuck, help!"

Zoro and Sanji roared in unison: "What the hell are you doing?!"


The sound of breaking wind came, what was blasted out at high speed was not his fist, but his body, but the direction was reversed.

Little Luffy uncontrollably flew backwards, straight into a big tree.

With a thud, a big bump immediately appeared on the back of his head, his round eyes also welled up with tears, "Wu wu wu..."

"Why are you crying?!!!" Zoro and Sanji looked dumbfounded, couldn't help but roar again, help, is this really their captain? Why does he look even more stupid?

Little Luffy roared back in a babyish way: "Shut up! I'm only 7 years old, so I can't control my fists well."

Zoro's fist hardened, Sanji's foot also itched, "You're not really 7 years old! There's a limit to being stupid!"

"In the end, Ichiji won." The referee sighed slightly, his mouth twitching as he announced.

"No, I haven't lost yet! I can still fight!"

Little Luffy was super unwilling to admit defeat, but he did appear, according to the rules, he did lose, this is also unavoidable.

The final result was that Zoro was released, and little Luffy was locked back up crying.

Ichiji didn't seem too happy about winning, he walked away with a cold face.

Judge listened to the flattery of Ichiji around him, and the making up for Niji and Yonji, his face was complex, he looked at Sanji, wanted to say something, but found that he and the green-haired companion had walked away.


Reiju watched the whole process, her mouth corner with a faint smile, "Sanji, it seems that you have indeed found some good companions."

Sanji, who was with them, was much more lively, just a bit worried, would he be infected by the rubber man who looked silly?


At night.

Sanji passed by the mini green-haired head who was snoring on the floor, fiddled in the kitchen for a while, and then sneaked off to the place where people were locked up with a food box.

The soldiers at the door were distracted by the noise he made.

"Meat, meat..." Luffy's nose was particularly sensitive to meat, as soon as he smelled something delicious, his nostrils immediately opened, the rubber hand stretched out to grab the prison bars, the moment he stuck to it, he slid down weakly.

It was a seastone handcuffs.

"It's so annoying, you little devil, it's been said that no one will come, can't you stop making a fuss?" An extremely impatient voice came from the next cell, the energy of the rubber man seemed to never run out, making them extremely irritable.

As soon as his voice fell, he heard footsteps and low talking, "Luffy..."

"Sanji, you're here! I knew it, I'm so hungry, Sanji. Meat, I want to eat meat."

Sanji helplessly handed over the food box, "I could only come when there were fewer people at night. Eat quickly, it's all yours."

"Gurgle..." As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a rumbling stomach came from the next cell.

Yonji suddenly clutched his stomach, snorted, and didn't expect Sanji, that trash, to come. It was too embarrassing to be seen like this. His second brother also pursed his lips, his face dark.

"Green Onion Head, Headphone Man, do you want to eat too? Delicious! As expected, the food Sanji makes is the best. I haven't eaten it for a long time." Luffy chewed on the meat bone in his mouth, mumbling.

"Green Onion Head? Headphone Man?" Sanji frowned in confusion, leaning towards the next cell, "Who is it... Yonji? Niji? How come you guys are here?"

The ones locked up next door were Yonji and Niji.

"Of course it's because we lost to you, this trash. What else could it be?" Yonji awkwardly curled his lips, craned his neck to listen to the Straw Hat kid's chewing sound, and swallowed his saliva with envy.

Just because of this weird reason? Indeed, Germa is a hell, and his father is even more of a scumbag, "Didn't they give you food? That's impossible." He was able to get a hearty meal in that situation.

"%*&¥*...." Luffy chewed on the meat and couldn't speak clearly, patted his throat, and swallowed the meat, "I ate their share, Sanji, can I share half with them?"


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