
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Where am I

As I look around I see a vast sweeping plains and hills as far as the eye can see to the right of where im sitting. To the left I see a dense forest with little light shining through it with a dirt path. Standing up I dust of my new pants I now have from I don't know where and follow the path.

5 minutes ago

My names Nathan glover, or Nash to my friends. I recently graduated from highschool two months ago. I was not the best student when I was in highschool. I was kinda of a pervert, nothing obvious but my eyes would linger on my hotter classmates and my grades were average at best.

After I graduated from highschool I figured it would be smooth sailing. Turns out a bunch of stuff they teach in school is useless, and the stuff that was important like making a resume was skimmed in freshman year. So thats great had to rember how to do that with no help from my parents.

So after a week of struggling with it I had it done. Then going online I sent it to a bunch of diffrent places hoping to get something. Two weeks later I got an email thanking me for applying but they were going for someone else. Thats what i kept getting over the next month and a half.

After repeated failure I felt dejected which was made worse by my parents thinking I was doing nothing. Feeling the pressure I started to get depression, making life harder.

Waking up this morning I reached for my phone on the night stand next to my bed. Opening it I see it's now eleven and that I had a text from my mom.

'you better be looking for a job today'

Great start. I used to get alot of instagram updates in the morning to but I blocked it so i couldn't see how well my friends are doing.

Now crawling my way out of my bed and into the living room. Getting there I plopped down onto the couch and turned on netflix, figured i had plenty of time to get rejected today. The first thing that pops up was a trailer for something called The Seven Deadly Sins. Not caring what I put on I clicked on it. Next thing I knew I was in a field.


Walking down the path I was trying to figure out where I was.

'well im not at the equator it's to cold for that'

and thats as far as I got. I know nothing about what kind of trees these are or anything that could help me. I do know that I'm going west from the sun which is now at the highest point. lucky the trees are giving me shade.

As I keep following it I start hearing a clanking sound coming from down the trail. hearing this I start running towards the sound hoping to find someone.

As I run I quickly realise I am very out of shape because im already out of breath. Even still I pushed on hearing the clanking get louder and louder until I saw where it was coming from.

Seeing the source I stopped dead in my tracks. It was coming from a large person in a rusted set of armour and cloak shambling down the trail.

"the...seven... deadly... sins" a distorted voice spoke.

Seeing this I summoned as much courage as I could and slowly walked towards them.

"excuse me" I spoke trying to grab their attention, but seeing that it didn't hear me I spoke again. "Excuse me!"

That seem to get the knights attention. It turned its head towards me and then turned completly towards me. It then started to shamble me muttering the same thing as before.


'system starting'

'acquiring magic'

'magic acuired: emotion control'

'emotion control lvl 1'


empathy-able to sense the emotions of

individuals with magic equal to or weaker than you

pacification-able to calm individuals emotions with magic equal to or weaker than you'

magic power 150'

Suddenly my head was filled with how to magic. without thinking I cast empathy on the slowly approaching knight. I suddenly understood that whoever was in the armour was running on adrenaline and had a hint of fear.

then I cast pacification. when the spell hit the knight it suddenly stopped then like a puppet with its strings cut it collapsed.

Now no longer feeling in danger I had only one thing to say.

"where the hell am I!?"