
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Figuring things out

I was now in the woods in the middle of nowhere with a knight looking person passed out at my feet. Then to top it off I now have magic.

'Thats enough reminiscing.' I thought 'I need to find a way to get answers from this person safely.'

So I got to work with the first thing I could think of, remove the armour. Grabbing the horns on the helmet I pulled it off and was greeted to a cascade of silver hair revealing a soft face of a girl covered in dirt. Seeing this girls face made me both blush in embarrassment and arousal.

Ignoring that I then fumbled to get her out of the rest of the suit of armour. Eventually I got her out of it but that only made me even more aroused, because all she wore was a skin tight leotard. I ended up staring at her large breast straing against the fabric.

'Can't be thinking like that' I thought shaking my head. 'now how to tie her up?'

Looking around all that was present was some trees and the armour. Lucky for me the suit of amrour had, what I assumed were, leather straps holding it together. With a quick tug the straps came off.

Using the holes in the straps I tightened it around her arms and legs. Using my limited strength I took her along with her rusted armour off the path into the woods out of view from anyone that might come by. Now out of sight I just had to wait for her to wake up.

' Well I might as well try finding out more about the 'system'.' Seemingly like it could hear my thoughts a ding appeared.

'the system is designed to help users to survive in the worlds they are placed in.'

Listening to it two words caught my attention.

'What do you mean users and worlds?'

'The system is connected to all individuals brought to other worlds then their own.'

'does that mean there is another person like me in this place?' hope laced into that idea.

'No each user is brought to a diffrent world. additionally each world is connected to a diffrent server.'

'So theres no way to meet anyone from my world again or go back.' with this thought my depression started to come creep up.

'Do you want to go back?'

Hearing this broke me out of the downward spiral.

'All records shows you had no friends, your were a dissapointment to your parents, and your prospects were grim.'

Hearing this made me wonder if I should just stay here.

'If you do wish to go back become god. Only then will you be able to travel worlds.'

'Does that mean I need to beat the being that made you?'

Hearing this the system grew quiet. Even the forest I was in seemed to go silent. Finally after a minute a the system spoke. The voice that came was the same but less robotic then before, seemingly amused by the question.

'You can try but I can guarantee you an ant will never be able kill a god, but if thats what you want you can try'

With those words spoken the world was once again filled with noise. Then the system spoke again in its robotic voice.

'You only need to beat this worlds god'

I tried to calm myself down to talk again but I couldn't. Then I remebered my magic and tried using pacification on myself. Only then did I calm down.


'level up'

'emotion control lvl1 to lvl2'

'new spell: mood manipulator

able to manipulate the mood of an individual whose magic is equal to or weaker than yours'

'level up? like in games?'

'correct. the system is made like a game so that the users can more easily use it'

'so whats my level then'

'users don't have levels their powers are ranked on the worlds power system. The world you are in is the seven deadly sins world on the continent of liones. their system is based on magic,strength, and spirit'

'Seven deadly sins? like that show I was going to watch?'


'I never got to watch it though. I don't know whats going to happen! All I saw was the the intro about a war that I ignored!'

'Excatly you have no knowledge of this world so you will change it without tyring to save the plot.'

'really that sounds dangerous!'

'The maker said it would be more fun this way'

'Great this sounds like Im nothing but a toy. So about magic I guess can I learn anymore than Emotional control?'

'Yes there is a wide variety of magic you can learn. Magic is ranked as well based on utility, effect, cost, and user. Emotional control is ranked S rank, but due to user it is currently rank D.'

'well thats good I didnt get a shitty ability. Whats the highest rank anyway?'

'The highest rank is Ex rank. At this rank you can change the world.'

That got me a little excited.

'How would I get a skill like that?'

'Ex skills are made by combining two or more S rank or above skills'

'Can my magic do that?'

Before it could say I heard rustling from the girl I had tied up next. I had completely forgotten she was there. Eventually she open her eyes revealing that they were blue