'' She is hot.'' Marlene stated chewing on her chicken, beside her Mary nodded absently
'' Maybe a little too hot.'' Mary says making Marlene snort
'' Say Lily were Snivelous parents hot like that?'' Marlene ask
'' Snape looks more like his Muggle father. The only think he has from his mom is his skin color, his father has a more darker tone.'' Lily said absently trying to not look to much at Athena
'' Look at her... I know she can't say anything of her time but aren't they obviously father and daughter?'' Alice said nodding towards the two Snape. At some point Severus begin to berate her for 'sharing' her veggies around the other plates beside her own. Regulus Black was laughing the most, Rosier barely keeping him up.
'' Or a spoiled wife.'' Marlene said. She nudge Lily '' What? Lily-flower doesn't have any comments for this? I'm so surprised.'' she said sarcastically making Lily beautiful face grimace
'' Just because she is his possible wife or daughter doesn't mean his mistakes are hers.'' Lily said sipping her glass, beside her Marlene rolls her eyes and Alice nods emphatically
'' If she goes around with Mulciber or Black ilk than you will eat your words Lils.'' Mary said making the girls nod
'' Being a Death Eater or a general scumbag must run in the family then.'' Marlene said finishing that topic
Lily stomach was burning all night she wasn't sure why was she feeling betrayed or upset for that matter. She just know that the mere sight of Athena face make her want to scream. She should get some sleep.
Athena could barely shallow her food, the crispy chicken scratching her throat, the pumpkin juice almost coming back and the bloody green beans that appeared on her plate. Apparently in this time period the house elves put a type of greens on every plate before they could appear, making some students eat at last half healthy. So trying to not throw up, Athena begin to scoop them up and share them with the closest to her. And if those were Narcissa bloody Malfoy, ger father younger self and a young maybe-already-Death-Eater Mulciber than it wasn't her problem.
At last the pretty boy in front of her was having fun and her Da wasn't that tense anymore, he just looked like she was in for a scolding.
'' Evan likes green beans as well.'' the pretty boy in front of her said making her glance at the dirty blond haired teen beside him. Evan wasn't having any expression so she give him her last scoop of beans and begin to chew on the chicken she got. She wanted to give this one away too, but half of the Slytherin's already looked angry with her so she hold back. They weren't like her boys.
'' Thank you.'' Evan says holding a hand at her '' Evan Rosier, pleasure to meet you.'' she shook his hand with a firm grip. Apparently this was the cue for the others to begin
'' Regulus Black, it's a honor to meet a Jumper like yourself.'' his hand was thin, his bloody wrist was thin but despite that his handshake was firmer than Evan's. Unbothered by his name Athena smiled and returned his greeting
'' Narcissa Malfoy nee Black.'' a quiet voice said beside her. Narcissa was a beautiful teen, like all the Black really, with a two toned hair, flawless skin. Narcissa was the closest thing Athena ever had as a mom, now she shakes her dainty hand with perfect nails '' Myself and Regulus are fifth-years.''
Athena taps Severus foot under the table making him look at her, just to sighs and say '' I'm not playing your charade.'' he said icily so familiar with his older self
'' That's mean Severus.'' so weird, calling her father by his first name. Her answer made the students whisper once more, making rumors under rumors '' You played right into my hand.'' she whispers making Severus glare at her but before he could interfere the Headmaster stand up, announcing the end of the night
The walk to the dungeons was familiar and her long legs guided her there, making the others speculate even more of who she was in her time.
'' Pureblood.'' this was the password for the first two months of the year, it was so the new spoiled first year wouldn't remain outside in the cold
The Common Room was unchanged, same dark green curtains, same green and black sofa and armchairs, same silver and green carpet. There a couple of flags on the walls and a student board beside the fireplace. A fake cough wakes her up from her daze and she curses herself for that moment of weakness. Around her the students blocked all her escape routes, they weren't blunt enough to cage her with the student body.
'' Such a warm welcome.'' Athena said lazily, letting her eyes roam lazily around them. Her young- Severus was there as well, with the all too familiar expressionless face, beside the other three that introduced themselves before. Such a sad fate they got, Athena never heard of Regulus Black, beside Harry search or Evan Rosier from her father.
'' Indeed.'' a seventh year said pompously, their nose looked familiar but not strong enough to actually know who she talks with '' To be sorted two times in the same House, must make you feel terrible confident...Snape.''
'' We won't meddle with your Jumper affairs, we already understand enough but we have our limit. As a Slytherin , we hope you understand that this-'' he shows towards the room ''- was a necessity. Prove us your worth as a Slytherin and we will let you be part of this House.''
The silent gazes mocking her, Narcissa cold one , the mad glint in Regulus eyes and the curiosity in Evan's. Athena wasn't sure when did she lose control of her emotions but she thinks that at that time her younger fath- Severus, Severus indifferent, with a slight disgust, gaze made snap. It was quite similar with her namesake.
'' My worth? To you and your little friends? '' she takes a deep breath and says mockingly, remembering why he was so familiar '' Hah, you have quite the attitude Parkinson. Guess what? I don't give a fuck about proving my worth to you, to any of you.''
Parkinson face reddens at her disobedience and like a fool he turns at Severus. '' I see you won't even educate your own child, I suppose your breeding shows the most here.'' he say turning his nose at Severus face
In a instant the tip of Athena wand was at his throat making him choke the rest of his words. The two around him took some steps back in surprise, they didn't come closer again.
'' If you know who I am then you should watch your words around me. I don't particularly care, if you can't help yourself with your bigotry and whatever the fuck rolls out your month. '' the tips begin to burn making Parkinson cry in pain, but Athena takes a hold of him before he could fall '' Your family was always ugly and beyond arrogant, they should watch how obedient you are now though.'' she avoids pointing out his child, daughter, and her escapades in Hogwarts.
Athena push him back, leaving behind a bright red mark, slightly bleeding. Looking around the others, catching Severus turning from expressionless to angry, she walks with her hands in her pockets towards the girls dormitory. Not minding the new enemy's she got, nor the burning gazes at her nape.
If luck would be on her side Voldemort would be interested about her by tomorrow. After all, the Parkinson's were always wanting more praise from him , not even trying to hide their greed.
Gryffindor common room
Every night when Remus couldn't sleep, he would get a history book that it's actually interesting, and read in front of the fire place.
'' Royalty..'' he said to himself '' She was wearing a battered hat and still looked like a royalty looking down at us.'' his wolf, restless was struggling to get out to get ready for battle.
The wood cracking in the fire and his wolf accompanied him that night. And when the first student, a little firstie, come down he just finished his book.
The Power of The Greek God's