
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Phim ảnh
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs

Chapter 3 Preparations


{Opening... Starter Pack}

{Your Majesty got 100x Rifle Troopers, 1x trooper set with your size , 1x Outpost 29}

'Should i post it here?' John though looking around me , trees at all sides and small river, not best location but with river and cover of the forest it should be acceptable..

"System, post Outpost 29 here and summon all 100x Rifle Troopers.." John ordered seeing it's soon going to be dark and he will need every soldier to survive..

{Understand Your Majesty, processing....}


A Outpost 29 appeared in front of John.. Second later 100x Rifle Troopers with classic and first version of Morita Assault Rifle..

Author note" This variant have 160x rounds in their magazines, can be used as rifle and shotgun, this is rifle used in first movie...

"Sir!" Saluted all 100x Soldiers..

"10x of you scout area around us, other 20x hold the gate in case scouts have to retreat.. other 2x take your position with turrets, all others take your position on walls!!!" John ordered

"Sir, Yes Sir!!" Saluted all before they grouped all and chose their orders..

'I should change my clothes into armor, i would be needed in case these insects attack' John though before taking his first step into base followed by troopers who began taking their positions on the walls, turrets and shelters...

'It looks exactly like in the movie.' John though looking bit around before going into first shelter " No one go inside this shelter, I will return few minutes later!"

"Sir , Yes Sir!" Complied all soldiers.. before two taking place directly in front John's shelter..

In the shelter

'System give my trooper set.' John asked in his mind


A full set with armor, shirt , helmet , 3x magazines and rifle appeared in front of John on nearby table..

2 minutes later after putting all armor pieces together, John hoisted rifle in his arms before inspecting it..

'This is Morita Assault Rifle Carbine variant, mostly used by officers, security forces and are part of escape pods set' John thought while inspecting shortened Morita variant.. and putting 2x Magazines inside his pockets and 3rd in rifle..

" I'm confident that my army can kill any dinosaur, in movies such as Jurassic Park dinos had too much plot armor.." John stated while checking his armor a little bit more and decided to do some physical warm up which lasted 10x minutes later before he heard first shot from a rifle, and shouts from nearby troopers..

'Did insects attack!!' John thought before hoisting his rifle and running out of shelter only to be meet with 10x Troopers from scout time running into the base and same with 20x who guarded and all 70x opened fire..

{Your Majesty you received one mission}


{Mission: Survive First Night|}

{Rewards: 20x Rifle Troopers, 1x Outpost 29(Can be fused with all other Outpost 29)

When John heard his mission he immediately understand what's happening, before began running to the walls, while at the same time all 30x Troopers who have just got into the base and closed gate are also running to the walls..

John at this moment he put his rifle on the wall and got to see his enemy, which was actually some kind of giant scorpion.. in height it's 100cm and length 120cm from the looks of it... with two tails instead of one..

And there are hundreds of them..

"Aim their heads!!! We can't waste our ammunition !!" Yelled John, seeing that one round on the head was enough to kill them, he ordered them before for first time firing rifle in his two lives...

While he was inexperienced and isn't trained he was able to hold rifle with the help from the wall..

{DING!! 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x enemies are killed, coins are given to host... 1x 1x 1x 1x }

RTATATA!!! Sounds of rifles were heard throught entire forest..

Two or three rounds could cut limbs of the so called scorpions but every Trooper tried to hit head..

At first it seemed there wasn't end to their numbers but after few hundreds were killed they began their retreat but before that they dragged bodies of their fallen allies.. But even their retreat was costly...

Any scorpion wasn't able to even reach wall of the outpost.. Simply the firepower of the Mobile Infantry was too much for these insects..

The whole battle lasted over 40 minutes.. Hundreds of scorpions were killed and only few corpses were left behind...

"It is over!! " Yelled one Troopers happily to stay alive ...

"Troopers, 40x of you will guard at night while others will rest till tomorrow" John stated before picking 40x of the Troopers ..

{Processing.... DING!!}

{Mission: Survive First Night!! successful...}

{Rewards: 20x Rifle Troopers and Outpost 29... Would you like to fuse Outpost 29 with current one?}

'Yes' John agreed before another Outpost 29 appeared and fused with current one, thus giving much more room and 2 more turrets that could be used for defence...

'Also summon 20x troopers from rewards.' John asked before 20x Rifle Troopers appeared in front of him and saluted..

"You two, now on the turrets all of you 18x on the walls immediately." John ordered before 20x Troopers saluted and began their duties....

Chapter Word Count 845