
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Phim ảnh
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32 Chs

Chapter 27

3x hours later at Matian colony .

Reinforcement for Human fleet arrived, entire fleet numbering over 400x ships currently.

Over a 700,000 of PS Troopers are currently on Martian colony, taking a full control of the alien colony, while 200,000 PS Troopers are still on ships. Thousands of land vehicles are also deployed on alien colony.


A unknown ship entered Martian System. Ship is of unknown design, length is 200x meters at most, blue colored spaceships with a fish tail on it's end. This ship belongs to Saralian Republic, a neutral race in most conflicts and that's why it's diplomatic race, they were asked by Martian Union to defuse the tension between Martians and new race.

The moment Saralian ship jumped into Martian system they immediately contacted Human ships and sent their First-Contact package, same was sent from Human side.

Saralian Ship:

Saralian Diplomat POV

My name is Lara Tsuri, i'm an experienced diplomat from Saralian Republic, my race have been space faring for hundreds of years, we have been in only few wars. But in all of our history, we haven't though Martians could be this stupid.

They attacked another Space Faring race, their excuse was that they thought it was "Primitive" race, and they could just enslave them. But unfortunately for Martians, this race defended their colony before besieging Martian colony and successfully occupying it in few hours..

We currently have little to no informations about this race, not even the name of this race.

As we successfully jumped into Martian Delta 6x system we noticed a fleet, e very intimidating fleet of ships of unknown design, but what truly is monstrous? THE SIZE OF THESE SHIPS, BIGGEST SHIP WAS ONLY 1.5KM LONG!!! AND THERE ARE ONLY FEW DOZENS OF SUCH SHIP!!!

As I along with my entire crew gaped at the monstrosities of over 5km long orbiting Martian colony , we all had one though shared by all. WHAT MONSTERS HAVE MARTIANS WOKE UP!!!???

"SEND FIRST-CONTACT PACKAGE!! AND HOPE THEY DON'T SHOT US!!" I Ordered to our com-operator and he did send it.

After 1x whole minute of long waiting silence, we finally got a response, a their First-Contact Package.

Minutes later

We finished watching their First-Contact Package, it was quite surprising, from the video we are dealing with monarchy and potentially a militarist society. With quite many of their civilians knowing how to fight.

"MA'AM! We got their transmission , they want us to board their ship, their 5km long ships at the center of their formation." Reported Com-operator before adding " Ma'am you are allowed to bring 10x guards and translator."

"Ready our Dropship! Were we able to translate their language 100%?" I asked before fixing my gauntlet and taking out a chip from main computer, this chip has V.I or otherwise called Virtual Intelligence .(This is from Mass Effect idea obviously, i can't buff enemy to have too similar technology to Humans, for those who don't know Virtual Intelligence are technically a lesser A.I or could be called Dumb AI from Halo, in this fanfic Virtual Intelligence will have same class as computer, able to do basic tasks)

"60% percent Ma'am," Reported Com-Operator.

"Ok." I spoke before walking and picking my squad of commandos, almost a minute later were in hangar bay, going into my personal dropships before slowly moving to Human fleet.

As we were getting closer to main ships of this fleet, we managed to see that all cannons, ALL CANNONS were POINTING AT US! as we got closer a hole opened up in main ship, for docking.

Few second later as Saralian Dropship docked .

*Creak* As doors are opened from Saralian dropships at that moment 100x PS Troopers surrounded whole dropships , before a line was formed for Saralians to walk from.

'Their armors are unlike anything we have ever seen, they look primitive and advanced at same time, and their weapons could be projectile seeing the big magazines from them' I though as i and all my commandos exited from dropships and before another Human walked up from the other part of the line, and behind him are two more soldiers in same but darker armor.

'Is he leader of the Human fleet' I though as i was inspecting his appearance , Male, 187cm talls, bulkier , white beard and good portion of his hair is also white.

The human leader said something before a figure manifested in front of us, another male figure in their armor, but everything is in red color and it looks like data was running through him.

"Good day, I'm Dan, Artificial Intelligence of this Command-Class ship." Stated A.I. before motioning with his hand to V.J. Dax ." And this is Admiral-General of Human Fleet. We request you to follow us to Control Room to further discuss the terms of potential peace."

'WHAT! Did he just proclaim himself to be a complete functional ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE!!? Somethin even our best no! not only our but of entire Galactic Community haven't managed to create! We only managed to create a highly functional V.I.! And what, does that mean there is a chance for this conflict continue? I will do best of my capabilities to not let Martians go extinct even if it was their fault. ' As i followed them. ' They successfully translated our entire language...'

3x minutes later of long and silent walk, they finally are in front of Control Room and Dan spoke in V.J. Dax name.

"To further go , you are allowed to only bring 3x Guard while other 7x can wait in front of the Control Room." Requested Dan or more like ordered, not giving much of a choice for Lara , she motioned with her hands and three guard followed her into Control Room.

Control Room has one giant table, enough for 10x people and 20x PS Troopers all around the room, warily gripping their rifles, ready to act if aliens try anything funny.

"Please Saralian ,sit." Requested Dan as he moved to other side of the table .

"We are here on behalf of Martian Union to decrease tensions between your two races, and there is much to discuss between us." I spoke as i sat down on weird mechanic chair.

"Indeed , but it is not us who you are going to negotiate with, Saralian Diplomat." Stated Dan .

Chapter word count 1036