
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Phim ảnh
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs

Chapter 26

After 6x hours of invasion, it was over, a complete Human victory, the only reason it lasted so long was the Martian terrain advantage, entire military of this colony was destroyed, leaving only few hundreds of soldiers as prisoners, as most didn't want to surrender.

Martian losses:

70,000x Soldiers (Quite big number of them are eliminated by orbital bombardment)

30x UFO-Ships

270x UFO-Dropships (Most dropships have weapon-systems )

400x UFO-Fighters

(They don't have even one mobile-vehicle to act as mobile support,)

Hundreds of building destroyed.

Human losses:

2,512x PS Troopers

130x Marauder Troopers

70x Warthogs

15x Siege-Tanks

3x Aleksandar

30x APC

200x Tac-Fighters

10x Helicopters

3x Fast Attack Ships

Some of you might think of humanity losses being so small are impossible, but air-superiority is too big of an advantage , mobile support, artillery support, and let's not even begin the comparisons between armies, the difference is too big.

Sol System, Terra , Europe ,Greece , Athena.

Athena is established as one of most important cities on Terra now,

In Royal Palace in Athena.

Control Room.

Are Emperor John, Sky Marshal John Rico, Supreme Admiral Carmen Ibanez and lastly Minister of Intelligence Carl Jenkins (He also governs, federal intelligence, a secret organization for espionage, spying and now one of the main leaders of Klendathu,)

"Meeting shall now begin : Normally Military Council wouldn't be called for First-Contact meeting but seeing as this has became military and security problem you have been called" Explained John.

"I believe everyone of us has been notified by happenings on out colony world Dre, in South Sector, our hacker managed to hack their systems and thus giving us large galactic "basic" knowledge, some of their so called ships are under taking re-engineering." Began Carl Jenkins and finished.

"Actually i have made my decision , but i still need to hear your opinions, i might change my decision at the end." John replied.

"Your Majesty, from the engagements in space we have confirmed they don't pose a threat to Human security , but.." Trailed Ibanez .

"But some other races could actually be a threat.." Finished John Rico for Carmen Ibanez. "While with current war industrial capacity we could make a fleet of at least 50,000x ships of which 30,000x could be used efficiently and other 20,000x as reserves."

"So you propose a full-time on militarization?" Asked John for confirmation.

"Your Majesty that's a must, earlier or later, one of these races will attack us no matter what. They have a history of it after all." Commented and confirmed Carl Jenkins.

"From the data our hackers managed to hack, this so called Galactic Community have 10x races, one of the could definitely became our allies.." Said Emperor John ,seeing other members soon catching up.


"They hold a grudge against other races for sure, we could exploit it and cure them of so called "Genophage," Added Emperor John, "But we need at least one alive Krogan subject for us test cure."

"Your Majesty, please give me this task personally i will do it without error." Spoke Jenkins before Emperor gave him a nod.

"Currently not even our allies the URA know about the Empress, if it comes to the worst, she will be used" Spoke Emperor John before shifting his talk to Dre " As you know the leader of fleet was V.J. Dax ,he has successfully secured Martian colony, we are ready for negotiation or complete subjucation of the aggressive race? Fortunatelly, the fleet only had Human personnel, not even one Terminator, it shall remain our hidden card for along with Super Soldier."

"It would be still to early to declare any type of war from our side, i suggest we wait Your Majesty, and i believe Carl has some important news to state." Stated Carmen Ibanez.

"As Supreme Admiral has stated, we have detected a transmission between Martians and another race, this so called race will come to our occupied Martian colony to negotiate peace." Jenkins sighed " From translation, they would come in few hours at most."

"Ok, then , I will come to Martian colony myself to negotiate," John stated before standing up, and turning his head around to Rico. " And when are you planning to get married to Dizzy?"

"Your Majesty , next week most-likely,?"


Races :






Krogan :Most likely future ally. * this race's members are mostly mercenary now, they only have one system in their control.

Martian : Most likely non-stop enemy *6x systems in control,

Quava : Militaristic race, numbering in population of 20x billions, 11x System, the strongest nation in Galactic Community (Excluding URA's races), They are green lizards, their head resembles Crocodiles, they are physically stronger than normal Human, but not by much, Average height 190cm,

Saralian: A diplomatic but *peaceful race*, . Has 5x systems, population of 9x billions.

Turians : A militaristic race, a race who fights for justice. Also it's second strongest nation in Galactic Community , population of 18x Billions, had long history fighting against Krogan's and Quava, when Genophage was mean't to be released they were agains't it..

*Well Human's needed some allies so i'm going to make Turians a justice allies for now, till something happens and changes their diplomacies.*

And Lastly but not least,

Covenant : An Empire leaded by San'shyuum they are main leaders and being divided into several castes, military leaders are Jiralhanae , basic soldiers are Batarians ,Unggoy and lastly science class : Leran

Leran : Are squid like race, specializes in research.

For Halo or Mass Effect fans, this is now combination of several universes, alternate universes, and some races i had to make up such as Leran and Quava. Their fleets won't be same as in the games, i will try to describe them to best of my abilities later in story.

Chapter word count 1000