
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Phim ảnh
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32 Chs

Chapter 20

(My inspiration is running thin, i haven't played Halo games but i have read many , many fanfictions and crossovers. Do not expect Sangheili's to act exactly like in the game or to have same technology level, if you readers find holes in my knowledge, freely comment it)

Human side:

"Send First-Contact package." Ordered Captain of the ship, while not averting her gaze from screen...

"Yes ,Ma'am Yes !" Replied Com operator before typing into his console.. few seconds later..

"Ma'am, package is successfully sent, further orders?" Reported and asked Com operator as he turned his head around to look at Captain directly..

"No, we wait." Reaffirmed Captain, this words silenced whole crew..

This First-Contact would also create an best and mightiest ally of Humanity.. They would became brothers and sisters in all but blood..

Sangheili side:

"Arbiter, new race sent an transmission!" Reported an Com operator variant of Sangheili side

Arbiter POV

My name is Thel 'Vadam, the leader of my race, the Sangheili..

My race has space-fared for hundreds of years. But this would be first ever an actual contact with another race..

The world we are now orbiting is a new colony of Sangheili Empire, i had just given my speech to citizens, my brothers, my sisters.

An the moment we were just about to use Slipspace to return to our home world, the Sanghelios a new ship entered this System..

A system of an new and fascinating design. It was obviously alien to us, from all ruins found in our territories, there's not even one with similar technology..

All of my ship escorts readied ourselves in case this new arrival attacks but thankfully , they didn't, thus making a possible peace deals, i immediately ordered my man and woman to ready a First-Contact Package like advised by protocol..

"Show their transmission ." Ordered and an video appeared in front of us, with loading screen which lasted 5x seconds.. And was paused..

"So they are sending an video type of First-Contact package along with informations Sir, probably a language." Reported second young Sangheili..

"Unpause video." Ordered before video was unpaused and showed us a first picture..

In picture are of what can be assumed their race's variant of Female and Male..

A slightly muscular figure with short hair and beard, in only sweatshirts and pants appeared in right side of the picture , on the left side of picture is a female variant , in a blue blouse with a shoulder length hair.. At the bottom of variants it's written Human Male and Human Female..

'From the looks of it, they are mammal and advanced version of primates?' I asked myself as i brought my arm in front of myself, and hearing an interesting music being played as picture shifted to their flag and at the both of it was written Human Empire. 'So their race was named Human?'

And in next few minutes a various pictures of Humans and their civilization was showcased..

From Human cities, their cultures, outfits was showcased before a war and bloodshed was shoved..

It showed a Bugs, who were fighting against Humans, in near ending hordes, it showed planet, it showed continents and how Humans advanced, re-taking a centimeters of the planet.

It showed a picture of the so called planet, and at the bottom of the picture was written Terra..

'Probably their home world.' I though before continuing to watch it..

Video continued and showed how many years Human's were space-faring, it shoved wars, Human wars..



Unification Wars..

In few more minutes, a video ended and showing a picture of their leader, their so called "Emperor".

"Sir we managed to translate their language, should we send our own First-Contact Package now? We had to translate it with help from our AI.." Asked second young Com operator Sangheili..

"Yes, it wouldn't be good for us to keep them waiting more." I stated and at my command the package was sent..

No one's POV

Human Side..

Over 10x intense minutes of waiting. Humans finally received a response of the new race they encountered ..

"Ma'am, we got their transmission, it's a video and basic set of informations which included their language." Reported Com operator to Captain..

"Good, show us their First-Contact Package." Ordered Captain,

Few seconds later a video was showed on screen. It immediately turned on a music, a interesting music..

Video showed a new species.. Both Male and Female variant of the race, it appeared to be a reptilian in origin with elongated neck , no hairs and on instead of normal mouth by human standards are four mandibles. From their stature they aren't short at all..

"Oh my god, they are reptilian." Commented random member of the crew..

"They look cool.." Commented Com operator as he glanced from his console too look at video ..

Video shifted up to show aliens in a battle armors of some type..

Then shifted to show them with weapons but weapon that got everyone's attention are their energy swords, if they are called that , questioned Humans..

Then shifted to show a military parade of sorts.. From weird purple colored vehicles, to classical marching Aliens and air support..

It shifted to show a fleet of 400x ships of total, orbiting a planet.

A beautiful planet.. Most likely their home world.. And words are engraved at the bottom of the video with arrow that's pointing at planned, written Sanghelios..

"They have advanced type of technology, maybe more advanced than ours, or it only looks beautiful ." Murmured Com operator, but it was heard from all members of the crew in Control room..

"Universe is vast, who knows what could await us further in line of our future." Commented random crew member..

Few minutes later video was over..

"Ma'am, our AI was successful in translating half of their language, unfortunately ." Reported Com operator , looking at Captain..

"Hmm, AI needs more upgrade, but even this is more than enough to attempt an conservation, what about messages from diplomats?.." Asked Captain , more like stated than actually asked..

"They are going to send one diplomatic ships with nearest diplomat, we got further orders to attempt to start a meeting between them." Reported Com operator..

"Good, send our alien friends that our diplomatic ship is going to come into this system soon, to warn them so they do not open fire on us, plus where should meeting start between them." Ordered Captain as Com operator sent message..to Sangheili fleet..

Sangheili side:

"Sir, we got their transmission, they managed to translate more than half of our language, enough to attempt an conservation. From a message, a diplomatic ship was coming into system and are asking where should diplomatic relations be established." Read out Sangheili Com operator..

"Hmm, impressive for their technology, nevertheless , send message in their so called "English " that diplomatic relations will be established on our colony." Ordered Arbiter as he looked at 5km long ship, and impressive design."That's definitely a warship, with full functional crew for exploration purposes most-likely and are you sure about your scan?" Asked Arbiter..

"Sir, we scanned multiple times, we are sure this ship doesn't have Slipspace engine and it its 5km long."

Chapter word count 1153