
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Phim ảnh
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32 Chs

Chapter 16


Human population reached 17x Billions..

8x new systems were added to Human Empire with new planets which could be terraformed with moons but unfortunately there isn't discovered new habitable planet..

John is 31 years old now.. Mastered both advanced strategy and diplomacy skills ...

Invasion of Terra is over, in Humanity's victory of course.. Last stronghold of Arachnids was Europe..

Battle for Europe lasted a whole year unfortunately because it was most populated region of Arachnids on Terra.

Arachnids presence from Terra is officially eradicated.. Invasion meet it's end two month ago , T-400 were deployed immediately to begin reconstruction of many settlements, first will be Oceania and Australia for re-colonization..

A Royal Fleet was created by and for Emperor himself, It numbers in 30x Ships, 20x Fast Attack Ships and 10x John A. Warden.. The one who commands this fleet is Emperor ..

Losses in Human-Arachnid War

Human side :

14x Millions of Troopers KIA..

2x Millions of Troopers MIA..

30,000x ODST'S KIA.

70x Millions of Terminators destroyed..

1200x Land vehicles destroyed..

7x Millions of Troopers wounded, all of them received prosthetics and most of them returned to frontlines or stayed in new colonies as parts of PDF

Arachnids side :

Thousands of Brain Bugs.

Hundreds of Queens..

Billions of Warrior Bugs.

Millions of other Bugs such as Tiger Bugs, Drone Bugs, Royal Guard Bugs ,Worker Bugs and Hooper Bugs.

Thousands of Plasma Bugs..

Thousands of Scorpions, Tankers..


Human Military stats :

140x Millions of Troopers.. At least 80x Millions are veterans.

200x Millions of Terminators all classes: T-1, T-400, T-600, T-800, T-850.. There are other ones such as T-100 but they only number in thousands. They were most effective agains't bugs as they simply can't be destroyed by Bugs attacks..

300,000x Vehicles from Siege-Tanks to Aleksandar and some still old but modernized tanks..

530,000x Tac Fighters, they can be used as fighters, bombers or for space superiority, they will later be used for space superiority.. There are thousands of them station on different ship classes.

2030x Ships.. From Athena-Class, Yamamoto, Arachnid, John A. Warden ,Hood, Rodger Young, and some other classes..

There is exactly 1004 Space Stations in Human space, tiered into three levels, Low , Mid and High..

Low Space Stations can fit 50x ships at maximum capacity, Space Stations have few functions, one of them is to repair ships, retrofit , and add more crew if needed along with many turrets so in the core the station isn't unarmed..

Mid Space Stations, can fit 100x ships at maximum capacity ..

High Space Stations , can fit 200x ships at maximum capacity. High Space Stations are found only in Sol System.

While many would argue that so many Space Stations are a waste of resource, but in reality they are not, they make core territory of humanity even more dangerous to attack and that way humanity would be able to fight inch by inch for territory..

Plus they are needed for somewhere land their fleet and more ships in future.. Currently Humanity has over dozen of Systems and on every planet are numbers of Space Stations..

Present time : John's location,

Terra, North America

John is currently testing his new psychic abilities, which was truly different than Carl Jenkins version, it was more telekinesis or Force like from Star Wars..

John raised his right arm and pointed it at nearby group of stones, they got enveloped in green glow/light which also engulfed John..

This is sign of his powers being used, green glow is light green from first layer next layer is dark green like a skin which surround him...

He raised stones in air before they all were sent at incredible speed at forest, they shattered through trees without stooping, probably boosted from John's powers..

At speed which they were sent to forest was at least speed of sound level..

'Hmm, this is not everything i am able to do.' John though before imagining his next action, which result in him being levitated 3 meters above ground..

John's Power works on telekinetic basis and imagination, he needs to imagine and feel for object to be moved or himself to be moved..

The stronger the emotions he feels more stronger his ability would be..

And with last thought John flew high into air. Breaking sound barrier..

He can fly at speed of sound..Currently that's his limit unfortunately but in future he will be faster..

(I though about including a real numbers for speed and names such as relativistic, massively relativistic.. Along with using sol % for it, but it would just complicate my fanfic too much , in turn i would need to make too much useless explanations about it)

In 5 seconds he traveled over 1,6km or a mile .. And with a decision he flew to nearby mountain.

Minutes later he was at his desired location , (I though going to an already existing mountain such as Denali in Alaska but i decided not to..)

As he flew to Mountain just hundreds meters a way from it, he raised both of his hands at it and concentrated.. closing his eyes..

In his mind he imagined ripping mountain from ground into air before crushing it..

And just as he imagined, mountain was instantly ripped from ground, raised to orbit.

In few seconds it was crushed slowly..

Sounds of earthquake was heard when mountain was ripped off. And even more noise was heard when it was pressed against itself..

In a few more seconds it was crushed into thousands of small stones which John levitated to place where mountain originally was..

A more noise was heard when John dropped stones not from his telekinetic grip to ground, but he didn't drop them from orbit obviously..

'In System's description, my powers will rise the more stronger my emotions are and powers would rise each day i am alive, till my body wouldn't be able to sustain it.' John though stretching his limbs , in air.. ' Well, who knows what dark future is in front of us, if i have such abilities , what other races in this Galaxy, no, no this universe have.'

With his last though John flew to his ship, John A. Warden, as it did wait for him in orbit ..

John's green aura not only makes him faster, it shields him from destruction. Hold oxygen and in some mysterious way it creates it.

More research was needed..

Chapter word count 1020