
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Phim ảnh
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs

Chapter 15


2 years later after establishment of PDF.

Human population reached 14,5x billions..

John is now 27x year old..

Narrator POV

Chapters of Space Marines have undergone modifications.. Now not only Space Marines are part of them but ODST's , Troopers, Terminators and vehicles.. But all Chapters have different tactics and their new members are colored in their colors.. Such as PS Troopers in Ultramarines Chapter has their armors painted with blue color..

Technology improved catastrophically ..

For instance, military technology improved in creating better armor. The design of armors are same but added with shields..

Currently only PS-Troopers, Marauder-Troopers, Space Marines, ODST and higher rank Troopers have shields in their armors..

Shield is blue barrier which is manifested if user is attacked, either by projectile or physical..

Shield can survive 6x slices from Warrior Bugs or 3x attack from Jaws.. Before it's depleted..

Weapons are upgraded , such as Morita 1 Assault Rifle/Shotgun. It can hold 200x rounds now. It's faster now and more accurate than before..

Morita 5 Flamethrower was introduced .. It can only hold up to 100x rounds in their magazines unfortunately but it's also flamethrower in function. Now mostly used to burn corpses of bugs..

New technological advanced helicopters are created...

It's several times larger than todays attack helicopters and can hold up to 20x Troopers.. It's attack functions are , 4x turrets the exactly same ones used in outpost 29/whiskey along with rocket projectiles, it's effective for air to ground support and retrieval of troops. It's fast fast as DR-8 Skyhook dropships but less armored.. It can't fight in space unfortunately ..

Mobile Artillery was created from current human technology, this model is inspired from Self-Propelled Artillery Aleksandar. The design is similar to Aleksandar with few key difference, one cannon , one machine gun are in service along with a crew of 10x.. It's bulkier than Aleksandar and can travel up to 300km per hour. It's range is to 100km..

It's designated as Aleksandar to honor the old model..

ODST's are equipped with Morita 1 Mark 2 Assault Rifle, newer and stronger version of the old, better at killing armored targets, such as Royal Guard Bug , Tiger Bug and more..

Invasion of Terra progressed , humanity now controls: South Asia, East Asia, Whole Russia. Alaska, north Canada, Antarctica and north Africa.. over 40x millions of troops are stationed at Terra.

Currently , there is an Canada offensive which wouldn't take much time, as Bugs seems to hate cold.. Greenland offensive. And at last West Asia offensive.

Invasion of Terra should end in 3-5 years from now at longest..

The only reason humans didn't win till now is because every cm of ground was needed to be scouted before anything. If humans wanted to just eliminate Arachnids they could have used Q Bomb..

Jean Rasczak was summoned 1 year ago, after some of his more achievements he was soon promoted to General..

Thus making it third General invading Terra along with Zim and V.J. Dax..

V.J. Dax invading Asia and Europe later..

Charles Zim invading Africa..

Jean Rasczak invading North America..

Regions are given through experience. Seeing that Zim is youngest ,he was given Africa, while it has more Bugs than Australia by 20x percent it has many bug holes..


Federal Network..

Federal Network is main news channel. Notifying all other people of Terra's invasion and other less important news..

Today they have a very special guest..

"Today, we have a very special guest, the hero of empire. John Rico." Spoke Journalist motioning to John Rico who sat across him. And camera zoomed up to show Rico more clearer..

"Hello to all people of Human Empire, as some of you know i'm current Sky Marshal ." Repeated John Rico .' Why did i have to get dragged into this damn interview or whatever is it.. I won't make bets with Carl for a long time.'

"Sir , I would like to ask you about your personal likes and such. " Asked Journalist "After all, this whole interview is about it.."

"You may, and do it fast , i have work to do." Answered Rico, already tired about this..

"Ok. First question :What is your hobby ?" Asked Journalist as he has read first question..

"Killing Arachnids." Answered Rico stoically ..

"Hmm . Second question : What is your opinion about Human-Arachnid War?" Asked Journalist..

"This war, is a must. Terra is beginning of our race and our birth place. It cannot be controlled by any other race let alone a by Bugs." Answered Rico crossing both of his arms over his chest..

"Fourth question : For how long is it speculated for this war to last?" Asked Journalist, as this question is one of the most important for population of Human Empire..

"It is speculated from 3-5 years at most." Answered Rico before continuing " Now this is from our current information it could take more time if new races of Bugs come out . But with deployment of 6x millions T-600 it should end war sooner by an year at least."

"Fifth question : What are exact numbers of Human Empire military?" Now this question ..

" This is classified information, but i'm allowed to state portion of M.I. , Human Trooper are over 60x Millions, Terminators are over 24x millions. That's all what i can say for now." Answered Rico, skeptically about last part, in truth real military size is much larger, much..

"Sixth question : What do you think is most important for our military ?"

"Hmm , that's very interesting question. As you know it's not everything about numbers, there is still something about quality and tactics." Rico answered " And our new recruits are undergoing newer and more intense training for new types of combat, It may time some time but it all would be worthy at the end of the day..

"Seventh question : When is Empire going to explore new systems?"

"Actually, we already did.. 4 new systems are added to our Empire, new habitable planet was also found, with animal life to sustain population, few Space Stations have already been built in all these new systems, marking them as our territory .."

True Golden Age of Humanity began...

Under Humans control are Sol System, the capitol and foremost most protected system..

Rome's System, Has New Rome colony along with Klendathu colony which currently has 100,000 warrior Bugs, Queen and dozen Brain Bug in it.. Under Complete control of Humanity. Intel Bugs have been deployed in several occasion on Earth till now, only for testings purposes..

Constantinople system. Containing New Constantinople colony..

Chapter word count 1062