
Star Wars. The other Skywalker.

Anakin Skywalker had fallen to the dark side. Padme had her having her child Luke. Then another Leia. Then unexpected to everyone, a third, Lili. Obi-wan hides Luke, and a Senator adopts Leia. They agree that Lili must be hidden away in special care. She is taken in by a orphanage. But at the age of fourteen a strange man in a black suit comes to visit her. He takes her onboard his ship, and tells her that she is his daughter, and that she most learn the ways of the Emperor. After facing the Emperor and his wrath, her determination grows stronger. She learns the way of the Force from Darth Vader, and later uses her knowledge to help the Rebels... At the age of fourteen Lili is confronted by the Dark Lord of the Sith at the orphanage. Now fighting alongside her new Master and her father Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader and his Master Emperor Palpatine. Lili Skywalker travels planet to planet fighting the Republic. But as time passes by Lili finds out that the Emperor is up to no good. Now fighting alongside the Rebels. Lili Skywalker will do anything to protect her new friends and destroy the Second Death Star, by any means necessary. While trying to save her father Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader from the dark side and from what he has become.

TravisLaRowe23B · Phim ảnh
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(Prologue. )


She's carrying triplets.

The operating droids worked quickly as possible. A cry was heard, and the baby was brought into his mother's vision.

It's a boy.

Luke, she gasped.

The second child was a girl.

Leia, cried the mother.

It was difficult with the last child. For a time they thought this one might not make it.

The robotic voice finally said, it's a girl.

L- Lili, managed Padme before drawing her last breath.

Separated, the children must be.

It was decided that baby Leia would be adopted by a Senator and his wife.

We've talked about adopting a baby. She will be loved by us.

Obi- wan volunteered to take Luke to Tatooine.

And Lili? Inquired the Senator.

Leave the child with me, said Master Yoda, then he turned to Obi- Wan. After you have delivered young Luke you have, return. Tell you where to take her, I will. Danger I see in her future. Hidden away she must be.

I agree, said Obi- Wan. He started to leave, then paused on the threshold and turned back.

May the Force be with you are.


The man in black turned to the other man- the one he called Master?

How is Padme? he asked softly. Is she all right?

The other man, now having acquired his desire, no longer gave any thought to the younger man's feelings.

It seems in your anger, he replied, you... killed her.

No, the first man cried desperately. She was alive! I felt it!

He knelt and cried his fury and sorrow into the stale air of the ship.

The older man ordered a droid to take the other to his quarters.

Once there, Darth Vader, as he was now called , lay on the floor and sobbed. Padme had been his life. What did he have to live for with her gone?

Suddenly he remembered. The tears began to slow. His beautiful wife Padme had died in childbirth... Perhaps the child had survived. Maybe...

Rise, Lord Vader, said Darth Sidious.

Master. What is your desire?

It was the day after her death. Darth Vader had formed a plan, and was now requesting that his master would allow it.

Master, he said slowly. I request permission to search for the child of Anakin Skywalker. Perhaps they can be trained in the dark side of the Force.

The wrinkled old man thought for a moment.

Yes... A good plan... Yes. I grant permission for the search, but be sure not to forget to oversee the construction of the Death Star.

Yes, my Master. I thank you.

With that, he left, and the search for baby Skywalker began.