
Chapter 5

The first rays of Coruscant's sun crept through the windows of the youngling dormitory, painting the room in a soft, golden glow. Kaedan stirred, his eyes fluttering open to the now-familiar sight of the curved ceiling above his bed. For a moment, the lingering tendrils of a dream made him expect to see his old bedroom back on Earth. But reality quickly reasserted itself, bringing with it the weight of his unique situation.

As he sat up, running a hand through his tousled hair, Kaedan's gaze fell on the simple Jedi robes folded neatly at the foot of his bed. A symbol of the path he now walked, a path he had only ever dreamed of before. The events of the previous day rushed back to him – the struggle with meditation, the slip-up in Yoda's class, and most prominently, his encounter with young Anakin Skywalker.

The other younglings in the dormitory were beginning to stir, the room filling with the sounds of yawns and quiet conversations. Kaedan dressed quickly, his mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. He had spent much of the night wrestling with the implications of his situation, the enormous responsibility that came with his knowledge of the future.

As he fastened his belt, Kaedan caught his reflection in a nearby window. The face that looked back at him was still jarringly young, but there was a determination in his eyes that hadn't been there before. He had made a decision. He couldn't stand idly by and watch the tragedies of the future unfold. But neither could he recklessly interfere, potentially making things worse. He would commit himself fully to the Jedi path, to learning the ways of the Force, but he would also do everything in his power to subtly guide events towards a better outcome.

"Ready for another day of enlightenment?" a cheerful voice broke through his thoughts. Kaedan turned to see Zara, the young Twi'lek girl he had befriended, her lekku twitching with excitement.

Kaedan smiled, her enthusiasm infectious. "As ready as I'll ever be," he replied, falling into step beside her as they made their way to the dining hall for breakfast.

The corridors of the Jedi Temple were already bustling with activity, Masters and Knights striding purposefully past groups of chattering Padawans. Kaedan drank in every detail, from the intricate patterns on the floor to the distant hum of Coruscant's never-ending traffic outside. It still felt surreal, but with each passing moment, it was becoming his new reality.

Over breakfast – a nutrient-rich porridge that Kaedan was slowly getting used to – he listened to his fellow younglings discuss the day's upcoming lessons. There was to be a practical session on Force manipulation in the morning, followed by lightsaber drills in the afternoon. Kaedan felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was his chance to truly begin honing his abilities, to prepare himself for the challenges he knew lay ahead.

As they made their way to the training room, Kaedan found himself walking next to a Zabrak boy named Raz, who had been quiet during breakfast.

"You okay?" Kaedan asked, noticing the boy's furrowed brow.

Raz glanced at him, then sighed. "Just nervous about the Force manipulation class. I can barely lift a pebble, and some of the others are already moving multiple objects at once."

Kaedan nodded sympathetically, remembering his own struggles with meditation. "Everyone learns at their own pace," he said, surprising himself with how much he sounded like a Jedi master. "The Force flows differently through each of us."

Raz managed a small smile. "Thanks, Kaedan. You're right. I just need to keep practicing."

As they entered the training room, Kaedan was struck by the serene atmosphere. Sunlight streamed through high windows, illuminating the circular space. In the center stood Master Tera Sinube, an elderly Cosian Jedi known for his wisdom and patience.

"Gather round, younglings," Master Sinube called, his voice gentle but carrying authority. "Today, we will work on fine control of your Force abilities. Remember, size matters not when it comes to the Force. It is your focus and intent that give you power."

Kaedan took his place in the circle with the others, closing his eyes and reaching out with his senses as he had been taught. He could feel the Force flowing around him, through him, connecting him to every other being in the room. It was still an awe-inspiring sensation.

"We will start with something simple," Master Sinube continued. "Before each of you is a small crystal. Your task is to lift it and keep it hovering steadily."

Kaedan opened his eyes to see a small, clear crystal resting on the floor in front of him. He took a deep breath, centering himself, then reached out with the Force. To his surprise and delight, the crystal responded immediately, rising smoothly into the air.

As he maintained his focus, keeping the crystal hovering at eye level, Kaedan glanced around the room. Some of his fellow younglings were having an easier time than others. Zara's crystal spun gracefully in the air, while Raz was struggling to lift his more than a few inches off the ground.

"Very good, Kaedan," Master Sinube's voice startled him, nearly causing him to drop the crystal. "Your control is impressive for one so young. Now, try rotating it slowly."

Kaedan nodded, refocusing on the crystal. He visualized it turning in the air, and to his amazement, it began to spin. Slowly at first, then faster as he gained confidence. A smile spread across his face. He was doing it. He was really using the Force.

As the lesson progressed, the tasks became more challenging. They moved from single crystals to multiple objects, then to more complex manipulations like stacking and balancing. Kaedan found that while he had a natural affinity for the Force, it still required intense concentration and practice to perform the more difficult tasks.

By the end of the session, Kaedan was mentally exhausted but exhilarated. He had accomplished things he had only ever dreamed of before. As the younglings filed out of the room, chattering excitedly about their progress, Master Sinube called Kaedan aside.

"You showed remarkable aptitude today, young one," the Cosian master said, his eyes twinkling. "But I sense a great deal of tension in you. Remember, a Jedi must be at peace with themselves to truly be one with the Force."

Kaedan nodded, feeling a pang of guilt at the secrets he was keeping. "I'll work on that, Master. Thank you for the lesson."

As he left the training room, Kaedan's mind was racing. He had committed himself to this path, to becoming a Jedi, but he knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges. He would need to balance his training with his goal to change the future, all while navigating the potential butterfly effects and strict nature of being a Jedi.

The weight of his knowledge pressed down on him, but as he walked through the sunlit corridors of the Temple, Kaedan was unable to shake the nerves off. He may not be able to prevent every tragedy, but he could maybe make a difference.

As the afternoon's lightsaber drills approached, Kaedan steeled himself for the challenge. It was a dream come true. But that dream came with harsh realities.