Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.
With that, Anakin is now the true rule of the Arkanis Sector and now he could start focusing on things outside of the Sector and start planning for some future actions against either the Republic or the Separatists.
Deep within the outer borders of space, there was something lurking just beyond the galaxy where all of the action taking place was.
A massive entity of immense size was moving towards the galaxy that composes the entirety of what were considered the only living beings within the universe.
It was the planet of Zonama Sekot.
The place where all living ships had originated from, the place where Jabitha, Anakin's ship had been 'born.'
In the Ferroan language, Zonama Sekot meant 'World of Body and Mind.' It was a living planet, much more so than any other planet that most would think of as living as Zonama, the planet itself had Sekot, the living intelligence.
Zonama Sekot was more than just a simple living planet with which Anakin had gotten Jabitha from and was in fact something far more important.
It was the seed of a planet that came from outside of the known universe of their galaxy, in another that was different from this one. It was never like this from the start and had to grow to the immense size that it is now, and in doing so it started to become settled by others.
Zonama Sekot was unique from other worlds. Its north polar region, a spot of pearl white was surrounded by an entire hemisphere of tropical jungles. Its southern hemisphere was covered with impenetrable silvery clouds.
Along the equator there were several rivers, lakes, and small seas. The edge of the southern hemisphere was also covered by elegant wisps of wind which frequently broke free to form spinning storms.
It was certainly a site to behold, but if one took a step back and observed from afar the planet, it would look like a massive spherical planet that was green, brown and with splotches of blue spread all throughout.
Some might even see a massive face form because of the planets strange state of being.
Zonama Sekot was the seed of another living sentient planet known as Yuuzhan'tar. The original homeworld of the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong that was destroyed in a devastating conflict, a war. It was a living sentient planet with a large asteroid belt around it. The Yuuzhan Vong themselves also referred to it simply as 'the homeworld.'
In the Yuuzhan Vong, Yuuzhan'tar meant 'Crèche of the Gods,' and the living planet was a template for the Yuuzhan Vong deities.
During the time of the Galactic Republic, Zonama Sekot was rumored to be home to the fastest ships in the galaxy. Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and fellow Knight, Anakin Skywalker, traveled there to find fellow Jedi Vergere and to purchase one of the planet's living ships.
Anakin bonded with a record twenty five-partners, while Obi-Wan was sent back to Coruscant after getting to discover information on Jedi Vergere.
While Zonama Sekot was under attack from the Yuuzhan Vong around 10 years prior to events happening now, it was able to defeat them. Later Wilhuff Tarkin, then a Republic political leader and security force commander, declared war on the living world and attacked it in 7 years prior to now.
Zonama Sekot unveiled its hyperdrive system, which had been built by the Langhesi, and escaped into the Unknown Regions.
In the following years, stories of the 'rogue planet' that had once made living ships circulated among many in the Outer Rim.
It was moving more then just in the Outer Rim however, as it was also on the outside of this galaxy as well. It was fully capable of moving all on its own.
Being the 'child' of the Yuuzhan Vongs homeworld certainly made the Yuuzhan have some level of interest in taking it over and making it their homes themselves. However, they were unsuccessful in doing so when they had the chance.
The reach of civilization extended at least nominally to the edge of the galactic disk, for instance, the territory of the Corporate Sector extended to the end of the Tingel Arm. The galactic disk and some satellite galaxies were mapped well enough that the omission of thirty-seven systems, including Kamino, from stellar charts were obvious gravitational anomalies, even when scanning from afar.
Zonama Sekot was so far away now from where it would have been and now was staying within the Unknown Regions because it was attacked. A few years had passed by now and it was still in the Unknown Regions, completely blocked off from hyperspace lanes that enabled people to travel faster to them.
No, if people wanted to get to Zonama Sekot, they would have to fly around in open space, not knowing where they are going.
The large galactic volume designated as the 'Unknown Regions' included uncharted areas in dense nebulae, globular clusters, and the galactic halos. 15% of the galaxy's stellar mass was estimated to be contained within the Unknown Regions. Many governments repeatedly sent scouts into the Unknown Regions.
It was certainly a massive place left unexplored because people either didn't care enough to go into, content with what they have or otherwise thought it was too dangerous.
For Zonama Sekot however, this was a great thing. It may have liked Anakin Skywalker, the boy that had come to its body and then gotten and connected very well with one of its 'children,' but that in on itself wouldn't be enough for it to stay.
Not when it was attacked like it was.
The Unknown Regions included a unique section of the galactic disk to the 'galactic west' of Bakura, Bilbringi, and the Imperial Remnant. Important powers in this area of space included the Chiss Ascendancy, the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, the Vagaari, the Killik Colony, and the Empire of the Hand, but it was also home to species such as the Croke, the Ebruchi and the Eickarie.
Though severely cut off from the rest of the galaxy, these species interacted with one another, and had created a sort of interstellar culture separate of that of the Galactic Republic or the Empire. Communication and trade were sparse and infrequent, but species such as the Lugubraa were found in the services of larger powers across the Regions.
Common threats such as Mnggal-Mnggal brought together disparate species such as the Chiss, Lugubraa, and others to combat its encroachments.
To Zonama Sekot, this didn't matter, but there was something else out there. Calling to it, in a area of known space that it didn't want to return to.
Something that was familiar.
If 'she' didn't know any better she would have guessed that it was one of her previous living ships calling out to her. Calling out to try and find where she had gone, something that Sekot would have responded to if it was stupid.
However, 'she' knew that it was probably for the best that it keep to itself for now.
All of her children are dead and those that still live on her are also now confined to herself. She wouldn't be moving from this spot ever, not even when others coming looking for her.
"So... I have been keeping an eye on things, but that doesn't mean I am blind as to know of what you are doing..." Anakin said as he looked at the very cute looking Barriss. She was like a startled rabbit that had just been exposed from its home and was frantically looking for somewhere to escape.
"I-I dont know what you are talking about." Of course Barriss knew what Anakin was talking about, but she wasn't about to cave under the pressure...
She hoped.
"I think you do." Anakin used his hand to grasp just under her chin and make her look towards him. His purple-violet eyes gazing into her own purple eyes.
She blushed a little and nearly went into a daze as she leaned forward hoping to have the taste of his lips on her own, only to be denied as Anakin retracted himself from her.
"W-What?" She was a bit upset, but it wasn't like she wouldn't be able to do something like that with Anakin ever again.
"I will give you an award if you tell the truth here." Anakin smiled a mischievous smile as he said this, knowing that she would gave in.
"Reward?" She thought back to that moment from where she had nearly gotten to smooch Anakin.
"Yes." Anakin replied as he awaited for her to come out about what she was doing herself, confronting here about it. Communication is important within relationships after all, and he wanted to communicate with her properly.
Instead of having to find out that she was doing things behind his back, that while he was ok with, didn't exactly mean she should be doing as well. Why the hell would she become the 'High Priestess' of the religious organization that had started up.
It would seem that she had grown bored doing other things.
"W-Well..." Barriss would then go on to explain what she was doing and why she was doing it. To put it simply, it was because of her love for Anakin and in her belief that most of what was within this religion said is true that she wanted to prove her own devotion to Anakin.
Prove her love as well, thinking that she had not done enough somehow.
"... So you thing that you haven't given me enough?" Anakin asked.
"Of course! I have given you my mind, body and soul but I wish to do so much more!" It would seem that Barriss has become slightly silly, not that Anakin all that minds her... devotion. It was certainly something that he wasn't expecting from her, but he would accept that this is just a part of who she is.
When she decided to love Anakin and even not care about him having multiple relationship with multiple girls, she didn't mind. What she did mind however is that she had some form of insecurities that included her not giving Anakin enough of what he deserved?
It was certainly an interesting way to look at the relationship, and it was probably because he provided for her and the others, while they didn't really do much for him in return. Sure, there was the Dyad that connected them and made him stronger as a result and themselves as well, and then certain 'activities' they would do, but again... this went both ways.
It wasn't just Anakin being pleased or being more powerful, but it was them as well.
"You indulge me and the others in our wants and desires, but it seems like there is so little for us to give you, that I wanted to do something. Anything that would prove my love for you!" Barriss declared quite passionately.
Anakin stepped forward and then grappled onto her, embracing her within a hug. "So when you feel these feelings I have for you, and I feel yours, that is not enough?" Anakin asked her as she was flustered at this sudden situation.
"W-Well... It is enough, and I feel like-" Barriss was interrupted.
"And there it is. Your feelings matter, but think for a moment about whether or not this is something you actually want to do. A path that is extremely strange and a belief that even I do not hold of myself." Anakin stopped her, so he could explain why he thought these actions she was takin is a bit silly.
"A appreciate everything you do for me and all of you just being here with me is more than enough. Of course I also appreciate the private time you give to me." Anakin continued.
"Of course! It is only meant for you and you alone-" Barriss was cut off again as Anakin decided to shut her up by kissing her on the lips.
Anakin transmits his emotions through to her and she does the same, in the end Barriss couldn't hold out as long as Anakin could and needed to stop for some breath.
"Now. Why dont we retire to somewhere more private and try again with one of your desires. I am already having a child with Aayla, and sooner or later Shaak would also get pregnant due to her stamina. So how about we have another go at it?" Anakin asked her and she smiled a beautiful smile and started to drag him off into another direction.
"This was your plan all along... wasn't it?" Anakin then had an epiphany that she may have waited for a moment like this.
"Why... I dont know what you are talking about, but now that you have suggested this brilliant idea yourself, why dont we get to it?" Barriss had a mischievous smile on her face of her own.
Something that was reminiscent of Anakin's.
"How devious. I like it." Anakin went along with what Barriss planned and the two would go on to have a very passionate, love filled day. Of course by doing these acts, they would inadvertently active his bonds with the others and they would experience the same desires, wants and blissful moments as well.
It was only natural after all, and it only made the rest of Anakin's week even better for him as he got to spend more and more time doing some love-making. He may have not sought out the harem life, but the harem life chose him... and he could deliver.
Something interesting of note was that during this time, Anakin and the girls were all going through a change in their bond.
It was something that was becoming something so powerful and the feedback becoming so great that the unity between Anakin and the others had reached a point that could be considered perfect. If any of them were to fight with each other, not against, then they would be in perfect synchronization.
Even when the Dyad only connected them to Anakin, their bond with him was so powerful that allowed for something like this to happen. The only person left out of this was Ahsoka as for the bond to flourish between Ahsoka and Anakin, they would need to start having an official relationship.
Well, there was another person that is left out of this for now and that is Zannah, as she is trying out the 'dating' thing she had heard about and was willing to try with Anakin. At this point, there was no going back so she might as well try...