
Star Wars: Rise of the forgotten clan

After the destruction of his clan a lone warrior makes his way through the galaxy. Starts before the battle of Naboo, the mc will work as a mercenary as he tries to rebuild his clan while dealing with a galactic civil war. (This is my first time writing and I am dyslexic so sorry if there are any mistakes.)

Vapidbread829 · Phim ảnh
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126 Chs

Chapter 40

Jango Fett was confused.

He had expected another team to be attacking Gardulla's palace. Everything was just going to well for others not to be helping him by distracting the palaces defenders.

Jango didn't however expect to encounter the other team outside Gardulla's throne room, and he also didn't expect the other team to be comprised of an ancient assassin droid, two tusken raiders and a small child.

His surprise only increased when the small child, who was apparently the other groups leader, waved at him and said high. Completely undercutting the tension that had been building between him and the assassin droid.

"Hi" Jango said to the kid.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" The assassin droid demanded from behind the boy.

"…. I'm a mercenary. I was hired to remove Gardulla as a threat by one of her competitors." Jango said. The other group clearly weren't allies of Gardulla, so he saw no reason to hide his intentions.

"What are you doing here kid?" Jango then asked the boy.

"Oh, us? We are here to kill Gardulla the Hutt." The boy answered with a smile.

The answer shocked Jango. Messing with the Hutts was no easy thing and most who tried it ended up dead. Gardulla might not be part of the main syndicate on Nal Hutta, and was actually at odds with it hence why he had been sent by Jabba to deal with her, but still fighting with a the Hutts wasn't for the faint hearted.

"Why?" Jango was curious as to the boy's reasons. The kid seemed to be the same age he was when his family was killed by death watch, and he was adopted by Jaster Mereel. He couldn't imagine storming a Hutt's palace when he was that age, he could barely believe he was doing it right now, so he wanted to know why the boy was doing it.

"Gardulla made my friend cry." The boy said simply and Jango didn't know how to respond, it seemed insane. But something in the way the boy said it made it seem like nothing anyone could do would stop him, the sounds of screams, blaster fire, and the roars of rampaging beasts also helped to make that point.

"O-Okay." Jango said after a moment.

"Soo, seeing as both of us are her to get rid of Gardulla want to team up?" The boy asked him friendly, "Oh and I'm Renn by the way, Renn Dredd. And this is Alpha." The boy, Renn, added introducing himself and the droid and waited for Jango's answer.

Suddenly things started falling into place in Jango's head. He remembered his time with his adopted farther Mereel. Mereel had used to tell him old stories of Mandalor's history, and one of those was about encounters that Mandalorians of long ago had had with a mysterious clan of Warriors who called themselves House Dredd.

Mereel had told him that though house Dredd weren't Mandalorians the Mandalorians of old had truly respected them as great warriors. The main thing in all the stories though was a lesson that the Mandalorians of long ago had wanted Mandalorians of the future to know. Never piss off House Dredd.

"Sure, teaming ups sounds good to me. My name is Jango Fett." Jango agreed and introduced himself, He wasn't very interested in testing the wisdom of ancient Mandalorians at this very moment.

"We probably don't need two prisoners, do we?" Renn said as he looked between Alpha and Jango, who were both still clutching a terrified gangster by the throat each.

"True" The Droid, Alpha, said before breaking his captive's neck with a single sickening motion.

Jango watched the mans body slump to the floor and couldn't help but think he was probably making the right choice in allying with the boy and his droid.

He glanced at the two tusken raiders and saw that they had been watching the exchange with rapt attention but hadn't understood anything that had been said.

"Okay, lets go." Renn said and the group began moving towards the door to Gardulla's throne room.


"Remain calm. You will be safe if you just stay still." Crow told the terrified slaves behind him as he fired his blaster towards the charging beasts.

He, Spark, and Earl were currently defending the slave pens located in the centre of the palace from the horde of escaped beasts and the slaves behind them were panicking slightly. Crow felt that things would be so much simpler if the organics would just be quiet and let them do their jobs, but they were scared and if they started running around things would get very complicated.

"Wow, Real inspirational. You should go into politics with speeches like that." Spark laughed sarcastically.

"Shut up" Crow growled miserably.

"He is right you now. You could endeavour to be more cheerful old boy." Earl happily added while using his blaster rifle like a club to send a charging Nexu hurling away before unloading a burst of blaster fire into the beast.

"You shut up too." Crow responded, the galaxy was always conspiring against Crow and now he was stuck in a battle against a horde of bloodthirsty monsters with two idiots to back him up. Fantastic.

Another Nexu leapt at a running gangster and began tearing into him with its serrated claws and huge mouth filled with oversized teeth. A pair of Hssiss tried to snatch the Nexu's kill and soon the huge feline killing machine was engaged in a vicious fight with the two oversized lizards.

Other miny battles broke out around the perimeter of the slave pens, drawing in more gangsters and killer animals, and the droids were content to let them happen only involving themselves when they or the slaves they were protecting were threatened. The more their enemies killed each other, the less work they had to do.

Crow fired his blaster at a group of rampaging massiffs the reptilian creatures were trying to get to the tempting meal of the scared slaves but were quickly cut down by Crow's well placed blaster bolts.

"Haha, this is great." Spark shouted in enjoyment as he launched a rocket at a mixed group of beasts and gangsters, sending body parts raining in all directions.

Crow felt like sighing, but his mechanical physiology betrayed him. Why did he always get stuck with the idiots.


"YOU FAILURES!! WHY ARE YOU ALL SO USELESS!!" Gardulla screeched in rage at the few men she had left.

There were only twenty of her men in the throne room and from the reports she had been getting, and the sounds she could hear, they were the only ones she had left.

How had this happened. First the attack on the death stick factory, then the force she sent to rescue the pathetic factory guards was ambushed. Now her palace was under assault and somehow the enemy was winning.

It didn't make sense. She was the leader of a fearsome criminal empire. She was the wisest of all the Hutts. She was the most cunning. She was the most ruthless. She was 'GARDULLA THE HUTT'. How could some unknown force compete with her, it was unfathomable.

The door to her throne room exploded inwards and she flailed and screamed in rage, and definitely not in fear.

"SHOOT THEM YOU IDIOTS!" She yelled and all twenty of her men fired on full auto at the figured who stumbled into the room following the exploding door.

The figure jerked wildly as hundreds of blaster blots tore through him as well as painting the wall behind him with black scorch marks. After a full minute of shooting the nervous gangsters stopped firing and an oppressive silence settled on the throne room.

The figure slumped forward and lay in a heap on the ground. Smoke from his burnt clothing wafted off him as four of the gangsters apprehensively moved over to check the body.

"Its Gork!" one of the gangsters said in panic as he recognised the mutilated corpse. The gangster didn't have enough time to do anything else, ever again, as the next second a grenade hidden in the corpse's clothes detonated tearing him and the three others who went to check the body apart.

Still stunned from the explosion the other gangsters barely noticed the silver armoured man and the assassin droid storm into the room. Rapid blaster fire came from the intruders and the gangsters began dropping like flies.

An armoured child wielding a blaster pistol and two tusken raiders followed the man and the droid and also began killing the present gangsters. It only took seconds from the grenade detonating till all of the gangsters, except Gardulla, lay dead on the floor of the throne room.

Gardulla looked around in wide eyed panic. She needed to escape, she needed to escape now!

The Intruders spread out as they entered the room and began checking for hidden dangers. The Armoured child moved towards her slowly before stopping in front of her and speaking.

"Hello Gardulla. You have caused my friend a lot of pain, so I'm here to return the favour."