

The next day, Ki-Adi-Mundi reunited the council as soon as he could as the insights in the Force brought by his padawan were extremely important if it was right and he believed that his disciple was right. The only way for the force to be balanced was that something counterbalances the Jedi and while he knew that the Jedi Order had grown corrupt during this millennium of peace, he also knew it wouldn't be enough to balance their role.

The council soon reunite and at the demand of Ki-Adi-Mundi master Qui-Gon Jinn was present as he was directly involved in this matter.

"I would like to thanks everyone to come to this meeting as one was held yesterday. First of all I would like to apologize to master Qui-Gon about my reaction yesterday, I shouldn't have been so categorical." Said Mundi to which Yoda nod before saying "To reunite the council you asked for, what the reason is."knowing that Mundi din't need to reunite the council to apologize to Qui-Gon.

"After the end of the council, I ask my padawan what did he think about the thought of Master Qui-Gon as I confused. His response is troubling but most probably right" said Ki-Adi-Mundi as he starts explaining the thought process of his padawan.

"Free is the spirit of the children but a troubling revelation it is" said Yoda as the whole council became silent as the atmosphere had become tense and heavy.

"Answers and solutions, we need to find" said Yoda concluding the meeting, every Jedi master left the council clearly more somber. As the council was emptying Master Yoda and Master Windu had not moved as they observed others Jedi.

"Master Qui-Gon, Master Ki-Adi-Mundi please stay for a moment" said Master Windu to which the two Jedi master nod and sat back.

The council was soon empty and only the four Jedi masters were left in the room.

"Since your opponent is most likely a Sith Lord you will be more careful in your mission Master Qui-Gon. May the Force be with you." Said Master Windu before turning to Ki-Adi-Mundi and say "Since your padawan could see that the Sith were always alive he may have thought on how to find them or he may have other ideas we couldn't think off bring him to us so we can hear him."

Acknowledging the word of the Master of the Order the two Jedi Master exited the room heading to their padawan, one to prepare to finish their mission and the other to bring him before Master Windu and Master Yoda.

Once the two Jedi masters left Yoda said "For too long peace there was, blind the order and dull our blade have become. Hmm. Far too little knowledge about the Sith the order has and unconvinced about the word of the child they are." Said Yoda a little disappointed in what the order had become.

While his Master had reunited the council Vaner start to think about what to do, since Anakin was found then he had around ten years until the start of the war. Ten years was neither too long or too short but he had to plan well first he will need to become a Jedi Knight fast and earn enough reputation to be made General for this he will need to perfect his lightsaber technique and find another crystal for his second lightsaber. This thought caused the lightsaber he had at his waist to tremble in disagreement, looking at it Vaner couldn't but shake his head as his crystal was still as arrogant as before and was clearly telling him that there no need for another lightsaber.

After perfecting his lightsaber technique he will need to work on his mastery of the force and worked hard on it, during his five years he worked on it but he had only started to understand and work on the Alter part of the Force and while he could use other parts well, being way better than other padawans of his generation and even better than most of the oldest padawan he wasn't really a master of any technique so he will need to spend more time on it.

Then finally and most importantly he will need to learn strategy and war technique during his spare time to be able to lead an army later and not die because he made some dumb decisions. Agreeing with himself about the rough plan he heads toward the training room to train.

Arriving in the training room Vaner start by sitting cross-leg and meditating a little to be as focused as possible. Vaner had found that this type of unmoving meditation didn't really work for him as besides making his mind clearer it didn't do much but it was what he needed to train as for deep meditation Vaner use what was called as moving meditation during which he would do some Echani martial art before falling into a meditatvie state and training his body at the same time.

Not long after Vaner starts his meditation the door which was behind him opened and a few moments later he heard a voice.

"You are Vaner right, there is a rumor saying that you are the strongest padawan in the order I don't believe any of it and here I thought I would have some adversary but it's only a kid" said the voice full of arrogance and disdain, hearing this made Vaner burst in laugh as it reminded him too much of novels he had read in his past life with arrogant young master or older disciple, he really didn't expect this to happen in star wars universe even more in the Jedi order.

"What do you find funny?" said the padawan angered by Vaner laughing at him.

"Sorry, sorry… I really didn't think I could experience this" answered Vaner finally suppressing his laughter. Having calmed down Vaner send a training lightsaber at the padawan behind him with a flick of his hand and pulled one toward him as he was standing up.

"Here catch Young Master, I will show you that there are mountains beyond mountains, and heavens beyond heavens" said Vaner with a disdainful smile trying his hardest not to laugh again but he was soon left dumbfound interiorly as his arrogant Young Master was none other but Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan who was already unstable because of what happened on Tatooine just turned the lightsaber on before rushing at Vaner. Vaner looked calmly at Obi-Wan and shook his head discreetly wondering how such an arrogant and impulsive padawan could become the Jedi master portrayed in the other movies.

However, one thing he had to acknowledge was that Obi-wan was strong with a lightsaber and so he would be a really good test for him and with his thought in head he used his left hand to grab the lightsaber and turn it on before blocking the first attack from Obi-wan quite easily without taking a step back even while obi-wan was using his two hand and Vaner used only his left showing a clear disparity in the physical ability of the two.

Seeing his first strike stop so easily obi-wan while shocked wasn't perturbed and quickly followed his first strike by taking a step back before jumping and slashing down his lightsaber at Vaner increasing the weight of the attack which cause Vaner to use his two hands to parry his slash.

Feeling his saber being blocked obi-wan didn't make the contact last longer as he knew he would lose the contest of strength and start to attack swiftly from a different angle. Understanding what obi-wan was thinking and knowing there would be no contest of strength Vaner return to hold his lightsaber with only his left hand and the two Jedi padawan start to dance around.

The fight had not started for long maybe only two or three minutes but the difference of strength could already be felt as Obi-wan start to breathe heavily but still attacking, being a user of the fourth form Ataru obi-wan needed to attack as it was an aggressive form, not a defensive one.

Seeing his opponent weakening after every contact Vaner starts to direct the fight with parry causing obi-wan more than one time to be cornered against a wall forcing to make some jump to not be trapped but this only made him exhaust faster.

"Is that all you can do Master Kenobi" Said Vaner taunting Obi-wan with a disdainful smile trying to make him use his very last strength. This small taunt sufficed to make Obi-wan regain some strength however his form soon starts to be clearly not up to standard and numerous flaws start to appear making Vaner frown.

"So that's really all you can do" said flatly Vaner as his movement start to speed up and every time Obi-wan blocked a strike a burn mark appeared on his cloth signifying he had failed to block one of his opponent moves not being able to follow all of them anymore.

Feeling that this duel a nothing more to give him Vaner clash his saber with Obi-wan one and with a quick second slash made the lightsaber go out of the way and sending a kick on Obi-wan stomach sending him to fly to the other side of the room before slowly approaching and putting his training lightsaber on his throat and saying slowly and disdainfully "You're dead Master Kenobi"

Hearing Vaner word and feeling the heat of the lightsaber on his throat Obi-wan closed his eyes before laying on the ground exhaust and start to think about what happened and what he had done.

Seeing him like this Vaner just sat on the ground and start reviewing the fight to find the flow he had in his technique with his left hand.

A few minutes later Obi-wan sat on the ground before letting out a dry laugh while scratching the back of his head and saying "Sorry about that something happens in my last mission and one thing causing another It came to this but thanks you really helped"

Opening his eyes Vaner looks at Obi-wan with a serious face before saying "No problem it was my honor Master Kenobi" before he starts laughing which left Obi-wan stun for a moment before he starts to laugh too.

First fighting scene, any advice is welcome

Lumorecreators' thoughts