
Star Wars: Legacy of the Force.

The overthrow of the Republic is nearly complete. The Separist forces have been smashed, the Jedi Council nearly decimated, and the rest of the Order all but destroyed. Now absolute power rests in the iron fist of Darth Sidious the cunning Sith Lord better known as the former Senator, now Emperor, Palpatine. But more remains to be done. Pockets of Resistance in the galaxy must be defeated and missing Jedi accounted for... and dealt with. These crucial tasks fall to the Emperor's ruthless enforcer Kylo Ren. In turn, the Knight of Ren has groomed a lethal new First Order entrusted with a top secret mission to comb the galaxy and dispatch the last of their Master's enemies, thereby punctuating the dark side's victory with the Jedi's doom.

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(Chapter forty six.)

They were almost to the barren, hopeless waste that Jakku offered when Sara felt a quick tug in the Force. As if it wanted to pull her closer to the last planet most sane people wanted to be on. Perhaps it sensed the enmity, the unfinished business, between them and Tekka.

The Stormtrooper's sent ahead had already done most of the work, as they usually did, by the time Sara and Kylo Ren arrived on the planet in the shuttle. Residents of the village stood, in clusters, facing the blasters of the Stormtrooper's, and watching their homes burn around them. All for one man. Sara wondered, had the villager's known that the First Order wanted Tekka if they have handed him over to prevent their own bloodshed.

Of course, that wasn't how the First Order preferred to do things. Collectively, they were a shoot first, extort and interrogate later, kind of organization. It was an effective way to conquer a galaxy, but not a good way to sort out loyalty with it's people.