
Chapter 3 - Interval One: A night in Jabba's Palace

Interval One


So… you learn a few things working for hutts… For instance, treat them right and they will treat you right. Don't try to double deal, don't try to screw them over, don't sell them out to the empire… Honestly if you're smart you would already know these rules and a few others… But a free tip when working on tattooine, do not refuse Jabba the hutt if he requests to see you… not just because he'd kill you, but because it's bad for business.

So, obvious rules for dealing with Jabba; first and foremost don't take your sexy twi'lek girl (or any sexy girl for that matter) when you go. I didn't the first or second time because I'm not fucking stupid and I love my sexy twi'lek girl… (or… any sexy girl for that matter, you get the point). Because if he takes a liking to your girl and wants to buy her saying 'no' in the middle of his fortress surround by guards and thugs is… problematic.

Rule two; don't fuck with Boba Fett. Seems like something obvious but everyone in the empire and the rebellion knows that you DO NOT FUCK WITH BOBA FETT. He is without a doubt an unkillable monster but is friendly enough if you aren't an asshole…

Rule three: A bit minor but if possible communicate via holo-com if your host has a habit of dropping people to hungry beasts… this is an obvious rule if you believe anything about Jabba.

Rule four: don't screw him over and he'll treat you well enough. This sort of ropes into, 'don't fuck with hutts'. But you might be able to get away with it if the hutt you work for likes you well enough. Jabba don't care how much he likes you; you take his money or his women without permission and he will send hordes of thugs after you until they get lucky or he gets pissed off enough to send Boba… see Rule two.

Rule five: And the reason for this particular tale, if Jabba gives you a 'present' you accept no matter how much you might not really want it.

So... I had been at my new calling for… maybe a little over a galactic year? I built up a good reputation for me and my crew. Nothing fancy, nothing big. But rumors and stories about me had begun to circulate. The big and obvious one that people were smart enough not to mock me about was that I had a thing for alien girls… that go out because Yura liked to talk/brag to her girlfriends in Torga's cantinas so… the knowledge moved quickly. Along with a line of girls that Yura said wanted to meet me...

It had also been my second summon to Jabba's palace, the first time he had offered me a job taking out some tuskan raiders who had been raiding his skiffs and was a bit beneath his top dog Boba. Who the fuck was I to judge, see Rule two… I did it quickly and efficiently and was paid well, again don't screw him over and he'll treat you well enough, Rule four…

But then the knowledge that I had a thing for alien girls reached his... ears? Whatever, he thought it was fucking funny. So the second time was some moisture farmers giving him some protection trouble. It had been a lean year and cultivating informants was always a good idea so I 'convinced' them to give over some money… I paid for them in case it wasn't obvious, and implied to Jabba that I bashed a few heads in. He offered me payment, but in a different currency… a night with one of his 'exotic' harem girls… I think honestly he knew what I did and he was just being Jabba the Fuck…

Jabba had of course rooms for his guests for that sort of thing… if you could call them that. I'd call them fuck chambers because that's what they were… there with chains hanging from the wall when the girls weren't cooperative, there were all kinds of drugs under the bed in used needles and syringes that I just didn't care to test to find out. And of course, there were hidden cameras in the corners off the room… I bet he thought I wouldn't notice them… perverted fuck liked to watch if his dancers were anything to go by…

Rule five. You don't refuse a gift from Jabba… and when the door to my room opened and my 'girl' for the night was shoved in I was… somewhat… disappointed… I could hear Jabba's deep laugh even in this part of the palace…

He had given me a fucking rodian girl… and it looked like to be the one from the band… she blinked her massive bug eyes around the room as she attempted to cover her hardly described clothing she had been given… some sort of mesh you'd see in the redlight district of Coruscant, it looked just a little silly on her. I imagine she never thought she'd be pimped out, especially for a human but… in the end Rule Four…

I let my eyes wander annoyed up to the cameras… coming quickly to the realization that I had been tricked, no money and paid with a girl that Jabba thought I simply wouldn't touch. It was a win win for him, he didn't have to pay me and if I went through with it he could sell the tapes on the net to the weirdos…

I was angry, and I was insulted, and worst of all I was fucking horny. And rodian girls, while certainly not on my top five list of favorite aliens, had a particular use that everyone could enjoy. I felt a little sorry for her, but unfortunately my arousal outweighed my code just slightly, I wasn't going to throw her on the bed an plow her, I could go to Yura for that and thoroughly enjoy it. But I was going to get a little pleasure none the less…

Making my displeasure known I sat on the bed and stared at her, grunting angrily. "Come." I commanded throwing the pillow onto the hard and unforgiving floor. "Kneel…" She fidgeted at the door, not sure what to do, unsure of what I was going to do. And I was getting impatient… I was determined to enjoy myself… "COME." I repeated more firmly and gesturing to the pillow, "You understand basic don't you?"

"…Yes…" she replied meekly, and a little disgusted before kneeling onto the pillow and placing her hands on my thighs. It took me a few seconds… but I pulled myself out of pants and let my flaccid, not quite hardened dick in front of her face.

I got to admit, when her eyes bulged just a little more at the sight I was a little… proud? Maybe satisfied that she hadn't seen a dick my size. But then again I had heard that rodian males weren't as 'large' as humans… more like dogs I think I heard. 

Regardless the very idea that she had never experienced my length, as average as it was, suddenly pumped my blood a little harder as she elicited a gasp of wonderous surpise as it jumped up to her eyes. "Oh!" she yelped in shook and one hesitating hand, her fascination outpacing her fear and nerves, moved forwad and momentarily gently touched me… I got to admit, with the suction cups on her fingers it felt like five tiny mouths were gently sucking on me… it was kinda a hot thought… "...it's so big…" she whispered amazed, more to herself than to stroke my ego, although she was still stroking me…

But if I wanted a handjob I would do it myself… there were just some things you could only do with another sentient and some were better at it than others as I quickly learned…

I let her indulged with her fascination for a moment longer, squirming ever so slightly as she unknowingly stroked my dick as if she was hypnotized. I decided i had had enough foreplay…

"Suck." I commanded bluntly, staring down at her.

"What?" she replied suddenly looking up at me as if just realizing I was attached to my dick…

I was also losing patience, I'm not proud…

I grabbed her orange mohawk, it was a rarity for rodians to have hair and seemed like a shame to grab it but it allowed easy access and got my point across. She flinched in pain as I yanked her forwards towards my dick, rubbing it against her surprisingly soft skin of her face.

"If you make me repeat myself…" I began glaring at her, "…This night will get worse. So what did I fucking say?"

Her eyes quivered in fear, and silently she pulled her head back and opened her snout mouth as wide as it would go at the head of my dick. I throbbed with anticipation as I felt her hot and nervous breath. "…Suck…" she repeated obediently and thrust forwards…

I think rodian mouths are flexible to some extent… because I was bigger than her mouth and she felt amazingly fucking tight. Like shoving your dick into a vacuum stuck on high, her mouth was like an air lock…

She couldn't really go down very far, unlike Yura who had turned deepthroating into an art form. And she tried to stroke my length to hasten my relief with her hand which did in fact feel amazing. Again, like five tiny mouths. But I wasn't having that, if she had to use her hands during a blowjob she wasn't doing it right…

I pulled it away, holding it in my on hands as she stared up at me confused. She stopped sucking to do so and I let my displeasure show on my face as I placed my other hand on her head, "SUCK…" I said angrily, deliberately slow as if calling her stupid at the same time. Hearing the fury in my voice she desperately hastened her ministrations. Trying to go as deep as she could as fast as she could, making horrible/wonderfully gagging sounds as she did, whimpering desperately as her tongue worked overtime to pull my load from my balls… with each desperate thrust I could almost imagine her terrified apologies, her fear of Jabba and my own dissatisfaction clearly driving her forward.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I stroked her quickly thrusting head as gently as I could, trying to get across that she was, regardless of her nerves, doing an excellent job. Don't tell Yura this… in fact don't tell any of the girls this. But if you want a quality blowjob; surprisingly Rodians are apparently the way to go…

"Cumming…" I said suddenly, feeling my rapidly growing release and gripping the back of her head. I thrust forwards as she whimpered in surprise and just a little pain as I went deeper than she was willing to go… "Fuck…" I let out, quiet satisfied at her job, "…Fuck you feel so good…" she quivered slightly as her eyes watered, staring pitifully at me. Even deep in the pleasure of my own lust I noticed that her pussy was dripping onto the pillow I set down for her comfort. But I don't think she was aroused at giving me a blowjob, I think she was turned on by the compliment…

She began to cough as her mouth quickly filled with my load and I slowly pulled away… her vacuum packed lips slowly being pulled with it as if (although I knew for a fact it was just her biology.) she didn't want to let my dick out of her mouth… That thought was just fucking arousing. Just before I pulled entirely out of her, leaving just the tip in her mouth, I stared coolly down at her.

"Swallow…" I commanded firmly, staring into her eyes. They widened slightly and quivered in surprise as her throat seemed to twitch. This is how all blowjobs, in my opinion, should end. With a few rare exceptions… if I wanted my cum everywhere, again I would have done it myself…

She whimpered… I knew she didn't want too. Honestly I didn't really want her too… I wanted the night to be over probably as much as she did. If I was going to be used for Jabba's sick fetishes however I was going to enjoy myself. I yanked my dick away and pulled her head back by the hair, pulling a painful groan from her as she tried to contain my seed in her mouth and deal with the sudden pain. "What did I say?!" I shouted at her, my dick already hardening again.

"Swa…llow…!" she groaned out, her pussy flowing natural lubricant onto the pillow as her throat quivered, my seed slowly dripping down her mouth as I let go of her head letting her thrust forward. Apparently it had gone down just a little wrong and she began spluttering, spitting drops of my seed onto the floor as she half-cough, half-gagged…

Force damn it something broke in me that night… I was suddenly on my feet and I slapped her. Not too hard, not too soft. More to enforce my dominance of the situation over her… she yelped and fell to the side, whimpering and shaking not just in fear but a little pleasure as I grabbed her hair and pulled her back upright. Her arms held limply at her side as she stared up at me.

"What did I say?" I repeated and obediently she opened her mouth to give me a garbled reply.

"Swallow!" she repeated stretching her mouth as wide as it would go to show me that she had indeed swallowed most of my load.

"This time swallow it all!" I shouted slamming my rapidly hardening dick into her mouth.

I think something broke in her too… her hands were now on my ass, pulling me as deep as her biology would allow as I thrust into her vacuum of a mouth. I was using it like it was her pussy and while I was certain not proud of myself it certainly felt fucking great…

She was moaning around my dick, each thrust seeming felt as good for her as it did for me… I wrapped my arms tightly around her head as I continued to thrust and she continued to pull… Some part of me, in the back of my mind as I slapped the back of hers thought that… maybe she actually wanted this as much as I did. I noticed a distinct lack of rodians in Jabba's chambers… and even if there was a selection of them they wouldn't exactly be decent guys… maybe she was just as frustrated too…

My release was quickly approaching… faster this time. "Fuck!" I roared and to my delight she pulled me a close as I could go as load after load of cum short once again into her mouth. She moaned in ecstasy, I felt her tongue gently caresses me as my semen quickly filled her mouth. I stroked her head lightly, as if to say 'good job'… and it caused my dick to twitch lightly but I think she actually purred, or at least some rodian equivalent of it…

"Good girl…" I said satisfied as I pulled away, she stared up at me… she suddenly wasn't as unappealing as I thought, she might have been just a little cute. Her mouth open and she happily said one word.

"Swallow." Closing her mouth she gulped once, and opened it again sticking out her tongue which slowly moved around her lips seductively.

Fuck… you really can't judge a holocron by its color…

"Very good girl…" I said, caressing her head gently. Her eyes closed blissfully as she leaned into it, her hands wrapping around my forearm trying to get as much physical contact as she could. But the night had to end at some point and I had to draw the line somewhere…

"Thank you…" I said finally, putting myself away and pulling her carefully too her feet. She looked a little confused at first… but I think in the end she understood. "You did a good job, you can leave…" I said, getting ready to go myself…

"Do you want to…" she stared at the bed, a little nervously, "…don't you want me on the bed?"

I smiled at her, I had had my fill and honestly I didn't want to give Jabba any more material. "No. Thank you…" I gently kissed her cheek, she giggled and fidgeted slightly as I made my way to the door, "…Next time…" I said before leaving…

There wouldn't really be one… at least not one forced by Jabba… remember my Rules? Well some guy broke them before I could go back and now the fat slug is presumed dead. Man what a time that was, all of tattoonie in the middle of a power vacuum… I eventually saw Greeta again of course, she was in a popular band after all and was promoted to lead singer as the original crashed and burned, they had managed to survive the encounter on Jabba's barge. And our next meeting was just as… lucrative…

So moral of the story? Rodian's give great head.

End of Interval 1


Upto 10+ Advance chapters: 
