
Juggalo City

I don't own star wars

"You know… you guys could've mentioned that Kal had a hole in his leg." Lala noted, a little indignant but somewhat amused as Nerri changed the bandage around my leg. "That's kind of important you know."

"…I sort of forgot about it." I replied, it had apparently opened during our little romp through the forest, and we were about to head to Juggalo town after taking a day to rest when Nerri realized the bandage was red.

"Is this going to be a problem?" she asked, she sounded concerned, but I had a feeling it wasn't for me.

"I know your sturdy Kal but it is a hole in the leg." Lala replied frowning, "…I mean. Worst case scenario we bunker down here until you heal."

"If that's the plan then you are all helping me with my chores." Nerri said quickly, "Just because you are guests in my home doesn't mean I'm your servant."

"That's fair." Lala replied with a rather accepting shrug as Oriana growled quietly next to me. Letting me use her lap as a pillow as Nerri wrapped a fresh bandage around my weeping wound.

"Hey! Focus!" Oriana said sourly, her body dressed back up in the metal bikini, we had planned to go to town after all so she was going to play the part of a slave girl. "What do we do?" she asked rather flatly as Lala scratched her chin in thought.

"…Get some Kolto patches?" she noted unhelpfully as Nerri shook her head.

"Closet supply of those is in town."

"Yeah but he'd heal quicker with one of those." Lala noted but I sat up, lifting my head from Oriana's soft lap pillow.

"I'll be fine." I said, getting to my feet as the pain made itself known but quickly lessened. "It's not the first time I've beaten someone unconscious while wounded."

"Are you sure?" Oriana asked as I stood up, flinching slightly as my leg twinged.

"It'll be fine." I replied as Lala watched me hesitantly and shrugged.

"Okay then. Town bound we go." Collecting our gear and whatever supplies we needed we once again stepped onto the elevator and went to the forest floor. Nerri in the lead as she led us through the jungle. Oriana hung back with me as Lala looked like she was following a tour guide.

"Sure, your leg will be fine?" she whispered.

"Fine enough." I replied, "It's literally not the worst wound I've ever suffered." I then tapped a spot on the armor, a stab wound just about my waistline from a zabrak with a vibro-knife. "That would be this one. It actually put me out for a while…"

"…So… do you really think it will be this easy?" she whispered, keeping her eyes on Lala as I thought about it.

"…No. I think it'll be a long job. There's no way 'Crazy Candi' is going to just give us a ship after I beat up a few guys." I sighed, "…I just have a feeling that we need to… get this started, you know what I mean?"

She frowned, "…I do but that doesn't make it better." Her curtain skirt got caught on a low hanging stick and she cursed. "Stupid thing!" she yanked it, tearing the cloth close to the bottom. "Eep!" I lifted her into a bridal carry, easily walking on as she wrapped her arms around my neck reflexively. "This is really not-" she began a slight red tinge to her blue cheeks.

"Aw. Jealous!" Lala crooned teasingly, twirling around and walking backward. "Hey Kal, baby when's my turn?"

"…Hmph." Oriana, smugly; and I have no other word for it, cuddled closer to me as I carried her. Smirking proudly at Lala.

"Stop calling me Kal, baby and I'll consider it." I noted continuing on. The extra weight on my leg was somewhat uncomfortable, but it was good for me in a way. Getting used to the pain… it was something my friend Boomer used to tell me. KATE always said it was bullshit but she was a sniper, not exactly used to being in the thick of combat.

It was sometime walking through the jungle, passing a graveyard of stripped and broken ships, along with a few long dead corpses mixed in with the trees. When Nerri stopped, pointing ahead.

"I won't go passed the treeline. But Juggalo Town is just ahead…"

Lala nodded and walked past, her, "Alright then. You can stay here or head back to your home."

Nerri glared at her but I caught eyes with her, "Thanks." I said as she nodded slowly but glared at me now.

"…I hope you don't let me down." She said quietly, stepping past me and heading back into the jungle.

Once she was gone Oriana hopped out of my arms, leaning on me as she caught her balance. "Well. We left all our stuff at her place. So, going back for her would be beneficial." She said a little humorously.

"…I don't leave people behind." I said coldly, and she froze and glanced at me apologetically.

"…I'm sorry Kal I didn't mean it."

"It's fine." I noted abruptly, not sure if I meant it either.

"Hey! Guys come on! Don't let the big guns fool you she only leaves them on at night!" we passed the tree line to spot several very large turrets mounted on guns.

"…Those are pretty big guns." I noted absently as Oriana seemed hesitant. But Lala was completely unimpressed by what seemed to be star destroyer turrets on the walls. Waving at us with a smile.

"Come on hurry up!" she cheered approaching us, grabbing our hands, and leading us on.

We reached a large gate, big enough for an AT-ST to walk through, only for her to open a much smaller door in the wall. Upon entering we were met by a gamorrean and a rodian, both holding blasters on us. "Put them down boys." Lala said, putting a little sashay in her steps, and a lot of pheromones in the air. "We're here for business." She pushed their guns down as they stared at her ass, passing between them as Oriana and eye followed.

Juggalo town was a mixture of old concrete buildings and newer durasteel ones built on, against, or over. Half dressed groups of women watched us walk by, sizing us up to see if we might be interested in paying for their time, heavily armed thugs watched us walk by as well, sizing us up to see if we were worth robbing. Taverns and bars echoed with laughter, yelling, music and occasionally blaster fire. We passed through a market, heavily guarded with armored men, clearly there to make sure that the gruffer clientele didn't do something stupid.

Speaking off, an obviously dead weequay was suddenly tossed out of a third story building like trash, a blaster bolt in his armor as almost immediately people were stripping his corpse for valuables, until a large worker droid approached, picked up the body, and began walking towards the town walls.

"Fun place." Oriana mumbled under her breath as a drunken human man, his arms slung over a couple of scantily dressed twi'leks laughed happily as they dragged him into a nearby building, tossing his pants outside before slamming the door shut.

"Yeah…" Lala sighed fondly, glancing around as we approached the highlight of the town. The arena. "…Keep your hands on your wallet and eyes straight ahead." We passed through the large open doorway and through a rather casual looking lounge, with pillows, and carpets, even a few potted plants, before turning immediately to the right and into a collection of twists and turns that Lala seemed to know by heart.

"Now. When we meet her." she said with a low whisper, "Follow my lead. But let me do the talking." She said conversationally as a weequay stepped out of a nearby room. Zipping up his pants as soft sobs echoed inside before he slammed the door shut. We stood patiently in front of what was obviously an elevator. Different from the rest of the coliseum as it was made of ancient rock and concrete and the elevator looked moderately new.

"Nice ass." The weequay said rather obnoxiously, glancing at Oriana's barely contained posterior. I crossed my arms as Oriana ignored him. "You a new girl?" he said with a smirk, Oriana recoiled at his breath as he gazed down at Oriana's breasts, because they ALL do that. Oriana snorted, not looking at him, like a crazed vagrant yelling at a traffic light. "Bitch I am talking to yo-" He touched her arm…

That was a mistake.

She smacked his hand away quickly but not as fast as my gauntlet covered fist colliding with his nose. There was a satisfying crunch of his nose beneath my knuckles as the force of my punch and my sheer strength crashed the back of his head against the concrete wall behind him. It cracked beneath the impact as he crumpled to the floor like a rag doll. Unmoving. I snorted as Lala squealed delightedly. "That's what I'm talking abo-!"

"Holy fuck." Someone breathed, I turned to spy half a dozen thuggish looking sentients, glancing at the very possibly dead weequay on the floor, his head bleeding before they turned their attention to the spider web now formed in the concrete wall from the combination of my blow and his head.

I glared at them, before going further; by wrapping and arm around a blushing, and positively delighted-looking, Oriana. "Mine." I said with an angry, low, shistavanen growl, "Do not TOUCH."

They all, promptly, took a cautious step away from us as the elevator dinged and we stepped inside letting the doors shut ominously behind us.

"That's my boy!" Lala squealed adorably, skipping in place as she stood on her tip toes and kissed my cheek. I merely continued to glare, trying to stay in character... She then glanced rather humorously at Oriana who was practically fawning over me as I held her close. "…Nobody's watching now." She said silkily.

Oriana glanced up at me… and leaned into it. Resting her beautiful head on my shoulder before smiling confidently at Lala. "…I think I'll sell it a bit more."

"…Nice job Kal." Lala said with a wink, standing closely to my other side and wrapping an arm around mine. "Act like that around Crazy Candi and she'll be putty in our hands.

We exited to a rather open area filled with guard droids and a handful of thuggish men lounging on pillows and couches being fawned over by women of many races, some of them even managed playful smiles. We passed through confidently, like we planned to be here as a few glanced at us but held no long interest.

We came to a pair of double doors with a rather, crude and lewd carving of a large breasted woman blowing us a kiss, wearing some sort of sexy ringmaster costume with a jaunty bowler hat. "This is Crazy Candi. Now remember. Let me do the talking." She said firmly, but just before she pushed on the door a burly weequay, surprisingly bigger than me, wearing scratched up armor shoved between us pushing the door open.

A blonde woman, absolutely identical to the door carving but much more colorful and with what seemed to be clown makeup on her face, sat lounging at a desk with her high-heeled boots resting on the table as a pair of women, one was a Rattataki with a very large and very fake pair of breasts, and the other was an orange tinged togruta with a equally big… possibly fake, rear end. They stood meekly behind her like a pair of guard dogs… if those guard dogs were scantily clad and wearing clown makeup like some sort of fetishist's holo-girl vid.

"We got a problem…" the burly weequay said as Crazy Candi sighed at her desk before replying rather dismissively.

"We SHOULDN'T have a problem…" she said sarcastically, a prominent frown on her clown like features. "Well what is it?" she asked while he fidgeted.

"…A couple of our idiots picked a fight with one of Torga's mandalorians in town…" the weequay replied.

She glanced absently at him before rolling back in the chair and groaning like a child being told they had to wait a little longer. "…And I assume they've already been dealt with?" she replied flatly, giving him her full, but rather bored, attention.

"…Yeah she gutted them right there in the bar as easily as a gungan catches fish. But Torga's not to happy." He replied as Crazy Candi groaned angrily.

"Fine." She spat bitterly, collapsing in her chair as she seemed to think quickly for a moment. "…Go down to the slave holding cells, find the curviest, sexiest, 'fuck babies into me' slave girl you can find. Make her take a bath, apply some cheap perfume, pretty her up, and dress her nice. Then tie a pretty pink bow around her tits and send her to Torga with my compliments." She smiled cheerily and stared at him after a moment, waving her hand as if shooing him away. "Well? Get going!"

"But-" he began but Crazy Candi pulled out a blaster pistol from her desk as the two scantily clad clown girls behind her took a cautionary step away looking nervous as she aimed the pistol at the now clearly nervous weequay.

"No butts. Unless the slave girl's got an ass like Booty." She said jerking a thumb over her shoulder at the togruta clown girl with the large posterior, she wiggled nervously at being mentioned. "Do what I say, or I'll find someone else who will."

"Yes ma'am" he said quickly, walking surprisingly fast out of her office and passing us.

Crazy Candi watched him go and oddly, her eyes narrowed as she let the blaster spin deftly on her finger. The clown girls fidgeted nervously, trying to debate whether ducking would anger the Master of Juggalo II.

"…Is that Tracey Lacey Lacine? Cause if it is, she better get her PRETTY PINK ASS IN HERE!!" a broad smile stretched across her face as Oriana twitched and froze on the spot, blinking suddenly at Lala as Lala grinned and stepped into the room. "Sexy!! Come here give me a kiss!" she stood up, and strutted around the table as they gave each other kisses on each other's cheeks. "MMn" Candi ran her hands up Lala's curvaceous body starting up her hip and under her short jacket, "If I knew you were coming to see me, I would've rolled out the carpet."

"I wanted to surprise you." Lala cooed waving us both in as I stepped into Candi's much more brightly lit room with Oriana on my arm. "I was coming to show off my new fighter! Check him out…" she purred stepping aside as Crazy Candi's surprisingly bright blue eyes leveled on me.

"MMn…" her eyes looked me up and down, "…Kinda… shiny?"

"I wanted to make him look nice. He's much better with it off." Lala cooed.

"Most are…" Candi replied as her eyes lingered on Oriana. "Ooh…" he eyes went to Oriana's chest quickly and back to her face. "…I love the color." She licked her lips but Lala quickly intervened.

"I wouldn't… he's pretty possessive. By the way, he left a mess downstairs." She added casually.

"…What kind of mess?" Candi said, looking interested.

"Well… he wrecked your wall a little…" Lala said, sitting on the edge of Candi's desk, "…And a guy. But I'm fairly sure he's dead so you probably don't care. He got a little handsy with my boy's favorite toy."

"Well I do like his taste…" she undressed Oriana with her eyes as she fawned on me, "So. What do you want?" she said teasingly, tapping Lala on the chin.

"Well. Funny story. As I said I was coming to see you when we had a tad bit of a malfunction on our ship. Crashed in the jungle."

"Ha. Ha." Candi said sarcastically, looking at least amused with how this was going.

"BUT…" Lala continued, "It works out. See. I'm looking to get my guy in few fights, get his name out, break a few faces inside the ring…" right then and there the burly weequay returned, somewhat out of breath.

"Oh you better have my present ready for Torga." Candi said sternly but he waved a hand.

"Y-yeah boss it's covered." He sucked in air. "Some guy beat the shit out of Muldune. And by 'beat the shit' I mean he broke his fucking-" he glanced at me, looked me up and down and added curiously, "…Well. His head… and the wall." he said slowly.

Candi glanced at Lala, "…Muldune might be a bit of an ass but he was a pretty good brawler…"

"Was. Boss. He was a bit of an ass…" the burly weequay said hesitantly, his hand resting on the hilt of his blaster pistol. "…Want me to take them downstairs?"

"Fuck no. Get back to work. And I want to see who you picked out." She added as he walked backward out of the room. "…Got to see if he has SOME taste…" she added turning back to Lala. "So. You beat up one of my gladiators. Continue."

"So. I need a ship. Doesn't have to be big but, you know. Maybe something that could take four or five people off planet?"

"…And why don't you call-who are you working for now? Tulba? Babayaga?" she snapped her fingers, trying to remember.

"Well I can't really go ask my boss for a ship, now can I?" Lala said, wrapping and arm around Candi's waist and leading her toward the corner of the room. "So. My guy does a big fight for you. And if he wins, maybe you let me take my pick in your hanger? Huh? We both know all that scrap in there is taking up space…"

Candi looked legitimately thoughtful about it. "…I suppose I can sweeten my next grand prize. The Melee is coming up after all…"

Lala's confident smile faded slightly, but nobody but me really noticed it. "The melee? I thought that was months ago?"

Candi waved a hand, "I had to call it off… turns out people don't like it when a nexu jumps into the stands and eats a couple of people. Anyway the Melee is tomorrow." Lala's smile twitched again. "…Hmm. Tell you what sexy." She stroked Lala smooth stomach with a free hand while twirling Lala's purple hair around her finger. "You enter your shiny toy over there… if he wins. I'll let you pick out something small to get you off this rock… but if he loses…" She let her eyes wander to Oriana and she licked her lips again. "Well… there's a good chance he won't have a use for his blue beauty there…"

Lala hesitated, longer than I expected her too, finally she managed out a rather flat. "Deal."

Candi smiled and skipped over to her desk, pulling out a datapad and a writing tool. "Wonderful sugar! Now. What's his name?"

"Kal." Lala said immediately, then shook her head before I corrected.


Candi's eyes narrowed and she glanced at me. There was an odd look there, but she quickly wrote down Kallus on the device. "Kallus huh… I used to have a champion by that name. A shistivanen dog."

…Considering I didn't rip her throat open I think I handled that insult surprisingly well.

"Well no matter. Might want to consider a ring name one day, but it'll be fine for now." She tapped Lala's chin and, leaning forward gave her a deep, tongue-delving kiss before pulling away. "Now you rest up sugar, don't wear him out too much. If he doesn't put on a good show you don't get to go."

She sat at the desk, "…You staying somewhere in town?"

"Well-" Lala began but Candi silenced her with a wave.

"Of course not. Fifth floor, second door from the elevator I insist. I'll have somebody come and get your boy…" Lala grabbed my arm, leading me out as Candi added, rather mockingly, "…Play with your toy while you still can…" she said as the words echoed around the room to laughter. The elevator arrived and the burly weequay stepped out, ragging along a tattooed, rather curvaceous looking and irritated Rattataki dressed up like a stripper dragged towards Candi's office. We entered the elevator and went up.

"…That went well." I noted as we reached the fifth floor. Lala sighed but nodded.

"…Surprisingly… I thought I would have to sleep with her to get that sort of deal. She must be desperate for fighters."

"What's the Melee?" I asked as she blew a slight raspberry with her lips.

"A free for all, last man or woman standing wins." We entered the room, finding one large soft bed and not much else, a nice view of the empty arena however, the circular and massive dirt floor of the arena was surrounded by empty cages. "…Dead or alive." She added as I frowned.

"…Alright." I said, it didn't have to be a fight to the death. But it obviously was okay if it was.

"You really just have to survive." Lala said, sitting on the edge of the bed as her eyes wandered to Oriana. "…You've been uncharacteristically quiet."

"Huh?" Oriana looked up, blinking rather surprised at Lala before waving away the statement, "Oh. Sorry I was just thinking about something…" she paused for a minute before adding, watching Lala. "…Do you think you can get a kolto patch or two for Kal's leg?"

Lala suddenly looked surprised. "Oh. Right might as well. Yeah. Wait here and I'll steal one from Candi's hospital. Should be pretty easy if that weirdo still works there." She winked at us, "…Don't do anything without me now." She said as the door slid shut behind her.

"…Is something wrong?" I asked as Oriana stared at the door, as if concerned it would suddenly open again and reveal Lala.

"…Is her last name really Lacine?"

"So she says." I replied, taking off the shiny, but raggedy armor. "Why?"

"…No real reason… I just think I've heard it before…."

I shrugged, "Maybe she comes from a famous criminal family? Or maybe you've come across it in reports."

But Oriana crossed her arms, looking annoyed. "…No. That's not quite right but… I can't remember." She rubbed her head. "…Maybe the crash did more damage to me than I thought."

"…Hmmm." I said, lying on the bed as I closed my eyes, surprisingly comfortable. "I'm sure it'll come to you."

"Uh huh… mister. 'Mine, Don't Touch'." She said playfully "So. How are we going to handle the one bed?" as my eyes sealed closed and I drifted off to sleep without thinking.

End of Chapter


I leaned over Kal as I watched him sleep, frowning slightly as I pouted. "Really? Just like that?" I whispered carefully to wake him. "…Well. I guess you need it…" I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his forehead, running a hand through his black hair, noticing the slow return of his natural Firemane/Kane red locks…

…Good. I like him better as a red head.

"I got him some!" that pink kidnapping bitch shouted as I turned to her and hissed for silence. Her tone immediately dropped as she opened up the box and pulled out a few. "Oh… right." She said, in a surprisingly casual whisper. "Okay. Take his pants off." She said as I glared at her, but she smiled. "…Hey. I know you want to." She said sultrily, I wanted to smack her in the mouth, rolling up his pant leg to reveal his bandage. "Spoil sport."

"Not everyone wants to just have sex all the time." I noted as she carefully applied the patch to his exposed wound.

"…Don't think I don't notice the way you to act around each other. Want my advice?"

"Obviously, I don't." I said abruptly, but she shrugged and sighed rather lazily, applying a patch to the other side.

"…Kal, baby might die tomorrow…" She said casually, standing up and stretching while making her way to the door again her legs stepping across the floor like a ballerina. "Somebody should bundle up her courage and maybe. Just maybe. Do something she'll never regret if that's the case." Then surprisingly blunt added, "Mainly so I can have a turn… now I think I'll have a drink… a long drink."

She shut the door behind her, leaving me alone with a dozing Kal… I lay my head beside him and closed my eyes… her words echoed in my head as his soft breathing lulled me to sleep.

End of bonus.