

She has become an obsession. I watch her every day. I know her routine while maintaining my own. She is in my every thought. I will go out of my way to see her. She just doesn't know who I am. I have never met her in person. One day she will know who I am. Because unlike her husband I will sacrifice the world for her.

Crissy_Downey · Kinh dị ma quái
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6 Chs

Day 6

I am running late this morning. I couldn't sleep. I watched as she slowly stood after all the kids went to bed. Her ass hole of a husband smacking her ass knowing damn well she is in pain. Again he doesn't seem to care that he caused her pain.

As I go over my lines I watch as she places an ice pack on her swing and sits slowly. She flenches with every move she makes. She sips her coffee and types away on her computer. I want to speak to her but I know better. Something tells me that if her husband found out she would be in trouble. I watched the camera back before he started fucking her.

What I thought was him unable to keep his hands off her was him on the search for her phone. She gives it to him then he demands she get in the house and strip. It is almost as if he is trying to manipulate her to stay.

"She will never leave." I jump at the words of a woman walking by.

"Pardon me?"

"Millie, she won't leave him. She is a ride-or-die. She will stay no matter how badly she is treated."

"How do you know?"

"She is my daughter. Before they set up this for all of you I would come to this park every day because the trees would shield me from her view. He has taken her away from all of us."

"I am sorry to hear that."

"I wish she wasn't like me. I learned the hard way you can't please them all. He is a pussy who beats her if she even smiles wrong. If she isn't singing and dancing while cooking he waits till the kids are at school and rapes and beats her. I am pretty sure she is so used to it by now she enjoys it to an extent."

"That is devastating."

"It is. Too bad a dashing man can't take her away." the woman says and winks at me.

"I am no hero."

"She is married to a so-called hero. She needs a villain. One who will sacrifice the world for her."

"I do not understand?" I say She smiles and starts walking.

"Figure it out kid," she says and then she is gone.

My heart breaks yet beats at 100 bpm as I repeat her name in my head. Millie. One thing is for certain I am going to make her mine. I just have to figure out how.

Money I have. People to do as I demand I have. but love. I have never had that.

Would I be an improvement though?

I work constantly, I travel the world.

She would have everything she wanted. I just wouldn't be available all the time.

Fuck though If I got her could I retire?

I am a millionaire. Money isn't an issue. But I am just now taking off. I have eight more projects lined up after this.

Fuck it, for her, I would give it all up.


For days I have felt as if I am being watched. I know that the movie that is filming in town set the actors up in the park across the street. The trees block me from being able to see the trailers but it's still less than twenty yards away. I see a man sit out in front of his trailer daily.

Maybe he is watching me? Then again I saw my mother walk by. Maybe it is her. Or am I dreaming of a man to take me away? To rescue my children and me from this hell. That is what I need. I need a man who isn't afraid the the reach my sheriff of a husband has. No one will do a fucking thing.

No matter how many times he has sent me to the hospital. No one dares to ask the questions. Tate will literally suck a dick if it will get him off the hook for some of the sadistic shit he has done. I shiver hard and stand to go inside. Maybe the ice is getting to me.

Or it's the blue eyes I saw staring at me the other day. Either way I need to get this house clean or I won't be able to sit for a fucking month again.