

She has become an obsession. I watch her every day. I know her routine while maintaining my own. She is in my every thought. I will go out of my way to see her. She just doesn't know who I am. I have never met her in person. One day she will know who I am. Because unlike her husband I will sacrifice the world for her.

Crissy_Downey · Horror
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6 Chs

Day 8

I was in meetings all fucking day long yesterday. Her day according to my camera's it was a normal day except her children left with someone. Now she is sitting on her porch after being gone most of the morning. Watching her is peaceful for me. Like she is my calm place.

I watch as she reads this morning. When she walked out she still seemed a bit stiff, she sat down slowly but it wasn't as bad.

What I am excited about is the listening device I ordered came in. Her husband pulls up to the front of the house and parks on the side of the road. This is new and peaks my interest. I put on my headphones to see if I can hear anything.

"Is something wrong Tate?" she sounds nervous.

"What happened this morning?" his voice deeper and more demanding than I expected.

"Look Tate, he kept following me around the store. I told him to fuck off. When he grabbed my ass I lost my temper." she stands as she explains. He slowly reaches for her face. She doesn't flench like I expect. She leans into his touch. This shocks me. What the fuck are they into?

"I know, are you okay?" she nods "Good, you need to be rewarded for your good behavior," he says and pushes her towards the house. She willingly moves towards the door. I watch as they walk towards their bedroom. Sadly they have the curtains closed.

I watch intently for over an hour. On the second hour, her husband leaves the house for a few minutes and comes back with food. Another hour later they make their way to the couch. She seems happy.

"How is it going?" the same woman who claimed to be her mother says walking up and sitting next to me.

"She looks happy at the moment." she nods.

"Her kids went with his parents for the weekend. He does this after they have had a fight. His way of making it up to her."

"If you say so," I mumble not liking this woman very much.

"I can help you," she says.

"Help me how?"

"I am only allowed to visit the first day of the month. His rules. I can put a camera in the house. I narrow my eyes at her. I don't think I can trust this woman.

"I will pass," I say. She shrugs and stands walking off in the opposite direction of the day before.

I watch for a few more hours before I give up and decide to go to the store. I need food. I have not been eating as I should and I can tell. I need to get my focus back. How am I supposed to be any kind of man to her when I finally get her? After today I decided I will stop at nothing until she is mine.

I drive to the store. I browse forever trying to find something. I do enjoy the peacefulness of no one bothering me. I turn down the next aisle and there she is. I freeze for some fucking reason I am nervous. I have never been nervous. My entire life women flock to me.

"Sorry, I will move." She says moving over.

"No worries I am just browsing." she looks up at me and narrows her eyes then shakes her head. She scoots past me. Her scent is intoxicating. I watch after her. So fucking close. This doesn't help my obsession one bit. I need her even more now. Now driving the need to get rid of her husband even more.

I will make her mine and I will burn the fucking world to make it happen.