
SSS-Rank Hero retiring to Start his Villain Arc

Leon was a young man, who was reincarnated into a fantasy world. he was chosen as a hero and he was considered as a SSS rank hero. he faced many villains of that world. killed and ended the wars with his power alone. finally, he had defeated the Demon-king. unlike any other hero, who celebrates his victory. Leon didn't had that emotion of joy. he had lost everything, companions to loyal helpers. because of who? the demon king because that could be the case, right? no... but because of all the corrupted kings, queens and holy people. no demon king or any other villain of this world had killed them. they were just broken people to begin with, shown as villains by the real bad guys who were playing the role of good guys to have all the power. tek... "Now, I will show them what real villain is like" Since chapters will be released every Wednesday and Thursday. Until then, you can read the other novels I am writing. I Level up the weakest solo leveler. discord: https://discord.gg/FWVX6T4B

iMaM786 · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

The Man of Darkness


Leon falls to the ground after the dragon moves his head away from the wall.

Leon was on the ground face down, his eyes were closed, barely breathing.

He didn't feel like moving anymore.

The dragon looked at the motionless body of Leon, he moved his front leg towards Leon to check on him.

The leg was close enough when a smile appeared on Leon's face as he opened his eyes which were glowing bright.


Leon swung his sword up at the leg of the dragon which was coming at him. The sword was unable to harm the leg.

Leon distanced himself from the dragon, who didn't charge but just moved his leg back.

It seems to me that his senses aren't working properly right now.

It's a good thing, meaning just by the act of mine I can say for certain he can't find my presence if I hid myself from him.

"Hey, dragon, since you have given me a bow it would be fair if I also give you a bow too right?"

Leon was smiling, his smile was widened as his teeth were visible.

His scale is the problem here, I can't break it with the Dragon Slayer.

[Time left: 4 minutes 12 seconds]

I'm also running out of time, so I can't play around anymore. He's an S+ rank monster, I can't see the strength or any other state except the level.

But I can say for sure he have durability at S rank or S+ rank.

Most certainly S+ rank because Dragon Slayer being an S-rank weapon can't break the scales of it. It's enough to prove to me everything that I need to know.

Things are different, the final stage changed after that hidden stage and that dragon contractor monster.

Now, this dragon has such durability unlike before.

What part am I missing right now?


The dragon roared, as he opened his mouth, his mouth was getting bright from the inside. His wings were shining bright.

The sound of something getting charged inside his mouth was coming.

Huk… Huk… Huk…

Leon, seeing this, knew what was gonna happen next. It was unexpected for him since the system had told him there was no ability except invisibility the dragon could use.

[Hidden ability unlocked for the dragon]

[Protect yourself if you can]

[Dragon breath of doom is prepared]

Instead of being anxious about the situation or the unexpected. Leon smiled at the dragon who had charged his breath and was aiming at him.

"I'm delighted by this, the more unexpected the more experience you get. I really feel the old pain again"


The dragon blasted the breath at Leon, it was like a laser beam. But it was big in size.


The laser struck at the place where Leon was standing. The dragon moved his mouth up, the laser beam moved along making a linear line on the ground until it reached the wall and vanished.

The whole place where the laser hit was hot, its temperature was unbearable for anyone to come near that place.

It was not important what was more important was Leon not being present there.

It looked like the laser had him. He must have melted down by the hotness of it.

The dragon closed his mouth and examined the place where he had struck his laser beam at.

Since the battle was over now, the dragon felt calm that the enemy had been eliminated.

"Looking for me?"


A voice came from behind, the dragon turned his neck around to see the human being alive.

When he looked at that human, he felt something terrifying. Somewhat he was stunned by it.

Behind him, Leon was flying in the air. He had 2 dragon wings while his eyes were now like a dragon. It wasn't only that but he had dragon teeth and sharp black nails.

The dragon was stunned by this but that was not the reason he was terrified.

The massive and destructive aura that he was feeling from Leon.

"Dragon slayer wasn't just S rank weapon, but rather a true breed of power that rarely comes in the world like this"

He moved his hand forward and made a tight fist with a smile.

[Time left: 1 minute 02 seconds]

Time really goes fast. Now then shall we end this whole thing quickly before I get that painful experience with my C rank.


Leon disappeared from the site of the dragon suddenly.

The dragon felt terrified by the new presence but this didn't bother him to leave the task to kill his enemy.

After all, dragons are destructive creatures. Fear is what they spread, not get feared by someone.


Suddenly one of the crystals which was revolving around the dragon's neck shattered into pieces.

[You have destroyed 1 crystal out of 5 crystals]

[4 remaining]

Dragon was unable to see where Leon was attacking from, wherever he moved his eyes nothing except the space of rocks was seen.

Crinkle… crinkle… crankle…

[1 remaining]

The dragon felt anxious as he roared loudly.


The crystals seem to be somewhat important to the dragon, they play an important role in maintaining the dragon's life force.

"It's pointless to keep roaring like this when you know you're about to die dragon"

"It was truly amazing meeting you a second time but it seems it would be an unfair match this time"

Leon appeared before him as he was flying.

"What's the matter? Already scared"

Before the dragon could take any further action, Leon moved his sword up as he was about to give his last strike at the dragon's remaining crystal.

But then the system popped up with a message.

[Times up]

[Your state's will now go back to C rank]

Leon, unable to understand how time passed so quickly, "What do you mean don't I have time left?" he believed that there must have been at least 15 seconds remaining.

[State changed]


Leon felt a burden on his whole body, something his current body was unable to handle. It was the burden of the power he was using.

His dragon wings were shrinking. His eyes and teeth were becoming normal again.


The dragon, seeing the opportunity, struck Leone with his leg.


Leon falls back onto the ground. Once crashed, his grip on the sword loses as he releases the sword which slides away from him.

Thud… thud… thud…

The dragon stepped further as he moved closer to Leon. Who had a struggling and a painful expression on his face.

"Holy—my body feels heavy"

He somehow struggled but was able to get up from the ground.


The dragon took another step as he now was standing next to Leon, staring down at him.

The dragon opened his mouth as it once again got brighter.

Huk… huk… huk…

His aim was ready at Leon.


Leon took a sigh as he looked up on top of the dungeon and closed his eyes. He said in his mind.

It seems like this is the end for him, I should have said proper goodbye to my father before coming here.

Right… I still have him, who's gonna take care of him and take revenge.

Most importantly why am I giving up so easily, pathetic I need to get hold of myself.

He opened his arm, the dagger materialised in his hand.

He grabbed onto its handle, moving his hand back as he prepared himself as fast as he could, he positioned himself as he was about to throw the dagger at the dragon.


"It's all or nothing"

The dagger with incredible speed was thrown as it appeared next to the crystal on the neck.


It was shattered, the last remaining crystal which was revolving the dragon neck.

[You have completely destroyed all 5 crystals]

[You have defeated the black crystal dragon]

The dragon stood motionless while his mouth was opened but the brightness inside the mouth was fading away.


The monster then collapses to the ground. Vibrating the ground for once.

Pew… "that was close"

Leon stretched his body, as he did so he felt the pain like light striking his whole body.


"D*mm it, I should have known this would have happened I would have been more careful"

He spoke, while changing his gaze at the dragon who was lying on the ground dead.

Leon looked at the monster with his expressionless face.

It's good that I won against him, when he was weak. If it was the one before, I would have died instead of standing here.

I still need questions to my answers of what happened to this dungeon before and after.

It can be holy palace but it wouldn't make sense since they also wanted to get rid of this dragon.

Someone else… That's the only answer I can get. Someone else could have removed the seal of the dragon. But then what about the hidden stage? How did it appear like that?

Everything is puzzling me. The more I want to know the more my head is hurts.

While he was in his own thoughts and spaced out, the dragon began to vanish like dust.

"At least this is normal"

That was the only thing he had to say.

[Since you have completed the quest]

[It's time for the reward to be given]

[Please walk towards the throne]

"My body really hurts but I guess I have no choice but to do that"


Leon slowly took steps, moving where the throne was at. He was struggling due to the burdened body and pain.

After some time, he reached next to the throne and sat on it, relaxing himself.

"Finally some good rest" he looked at the system, with a question he asked "what's next for me?"

System popped up with a option, on it, there was written [insert the key]

The black key…

The black key appeared in the air, Leon grabbed it and proceeded on by inserting it in the option.

[Congratulations you have unlocked the man with darkness, light and redness power]

[You will be granted the darkness of the man of darkness, light and redness]

"Who's this man of darkness, light and redness?"

A sudden question but the system didn't reply but rather continued what it was doing.

[System upgrade starting]


System screen was turning completely into purple and black with white text.

Everything was removed except for the rank of Leon.

[Rank : C]

The rank begins to change.







[Congratulations! You're now a SSS-Ranker.]

[You have unlocked your system of Darkness]

[You will now gain the ability of shadows and dark]

[Your abilities will be now set to SSS]

Looking at this, there was one thing Leon said with a smile showing his teeth.

"Shall we start the plan than"