
Squad 13!

The Word Protection Agency has 400 Squads across many countries. One of the squads, is an English squad called Squad 13, and every single member of it is absolutely useless in all respects. With an impressive 0% success rate on all missions, they are notorious for being a bunch of idiots who can't seem to make a single mission go well. They'd be fired by now if one of the members didn't have an insanely rich father who funded all of their missions and was a long time friend of the World Protection Agency's Leader. They may be useless in all respects, but they're popular amongst the citizens. Why, because it's hilarious to watch someone fail miserably, over and over and over and over and over again...

alaagon · Thành thị
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51 Chs

Character Breakdown: Major

Name: Major

Age: 19

Height: 5'11 and proud

Weight: Unknown

Unique Trick(s): NaRoBu


Major once tried to fight a horse when he was 10, he lost.

Major is really good friends with Aureli's dad and the two often hang out at Bubble Bars. He is yet to pay for a drink though.

Major has not once pretended to be 6'0

He is shoe size UK 10

Major likes to watch all sports and is very patriotic.

Major still holds the Javelin world record and nobody knows how. He threw the Javelin 2561 metres.

Major first met Jelly when the two tag-teamed a kangaroo. They lost.

Major was nearly eaten by a giant goose. That's how he met Aureli.

Major boasted about being the god of chess and lost every game in the tournament. That's how he and Nox met.

Major's appearance.