
Spirit Cultivation

Liu Xuefeng was a normal boy who had it all planned: get to the same university as his best friend Tianshi and win her love, spending the rest of his life with her. Too bad, even though she liked him too, her rich parents opposed their relationship. The school trip to the mountains was supposed to deepen their relationship, but... An accident broke them apart. He saved her from falling down the cliff but ended up falling to his death himself and ended up reincarnating into a Cultivation World, full of dangers and mysteries. He didn't know though that Tianshi died as well and followed after him, entering the same world. Will the two meet again and share their love without any restrictions? Or will he succumb to the world's temptations, thinking he will never meet her again? .......................... This is my first book ever written so please excuse the poor writing. I'm slowly editing it but it takes time. Once you reach later chapters, the quality gets much better. Book 2 of SC called Against Heaven's Will is the continuation of this book so make sure to check it out after you finish this one. Support Author -> Patreon.com/Piokilek Author's Insta -> instagram.com/piokilek Discord channel -> discord.gg/mFmYwyT

Piokilek · Huyền huyễn
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546 Chs

Spirit Awakening Ceremony - Part 2

After confirming everyone's presence, Elder Ming proceeded to outline the rules for the Spirit Awakening Ceremony.

"As there are a sizable number of participants this time, you've been grouped into batches of ten, with the youngest going first. When I call your name, take your place on the stage and sit down. A servant will provide you with a bottle containing a drop of Spirit Awakening Liquid. Drink it, close your eyes, and focus on awakening your spirit. Even if you're unable to sense it, the Spirit Awakening Liquid will facilitate the awakening. Once you can feel your spirit, stand up and approach the platform with the transparent crystal. Place your hand upon it so we can assess your talent."

Elder Ming surveyed the attendees and inquired, "Are the instructions clear?"

Nods of understanding rippled through the crowd. Elder Ming's protocols were well-known within the clan, save for Xuefeng, who listened attentively. During their prior meeting, Elder Ming had omitted any explanation of the ceremony but it didn't appear overly challenging.

Xuefeng would be the last to participate due to his age so he had the chance to observe the process of awakening before it was his turn.

As Elder Ming called the names of the first group of children, they settled into their designated spots on stage. The servants distributed the Spirit Awakening Liquid in small vials and the children followed the instructions, swallowing the elixir.

The hall went silent as the participants focused their minds, attempting to feel their spirits. All ten of their faces reddened from the liquid's effects and their foreheads glistened with beads of sweat. Time dragged by at a snail's pace, but eventually, the first child stood up.

"It's a Talent Measuring Crystal..." Liu Mei whispered to Xuefeng as the crystal lit up. "It's used to measure talent by helping you transform Spirit Essence into Qi. This way, even beginners like us can be tested without needing our QI. The crystal will gradually change colors depending on your talent."

Xuefeng raised his eyebrows at her detailed description and continued watching. After the crystal absorbed the boy's Spirit Qi, it slowly began to change colors, transitioning from red to orange, and finally settling on dark green.

The whole hall clapped for the little boy and even Liu Xiaobei nodded in approval. "Dark Green talent right off the bat. Not a bad start, if you ask me."

Zhen Ping only smirked at the assessment, as if the results meant nothing to him, but his arrogance faltered when he caught his sister's gaze. She was someone with the best talent in their family which prevented him from bragging about his own achievements.

"That was a great result," Elder Ming praised the boy on the stage with a pat on the head and pointed to the open area. "You can now stand on the side and wait for the rest. Everyone will proceed to the Spirit Treasury once they are done awakening."

"Yes!" The child bowed eagerly, with delight evident on his face. A Dark Green talent was enough to promise him a bright future within the clan, with high chances of becoming an Elder.

It didn't take long for another child to awaken and the process repeated. To everyone's surprise, he too possessed a Dark Green talent which launched a wave of cheering from the excited families.

"Not bad at all! It seems like a bright future ahead of my Liu Clan," Liu Xiaobei exclaimed with a hearty laugh.

"Indeed, not bad. Your Liu Clan has always produced talented young cultivators, so it's hardly surprising," Emperor Zhen added politely. "However, I am more intrigued by your son's performance. To keep pace with the others, he will need at least a purple or black talent. I wonder how confident you are of his results."

"We will leave that to fate," Liu Xiaobei replied with a nonchalant shrug.

It took ten minutes for all members of the first batch to awaken and test their talents, leading to great starting results. Four kids ended up with a dark green talent, five lit up with light green, and only one unlucky child left disappointed with the red talent. Although the individuals with red talent had a hard time with cultivation, they would still prove valuable to the clan.

"Alright, let's proceed with another batch," Elder Ming announced, calling over another ten kids.

For another half an hour, a total of four batches were done assessing, leaving only eleven participants left. The results were quite underwhelming compared to initial excitement as only one person managed to obtain a light blue talent.

Finally, it was time for the fifth batch. As Elder Ming called out her name, Liu Mei tightened her grip around Xuefeng's hand. Sensing the tension, he offered her reassurance with a warm hug.

"You can do it, I believe in you. Go to the stage and return with nothing less than a Purple talent," Xuefeng challenged her.

"Okay!" Liu Mei affirmed happily and she joined the others. Though she was the shortest of all the kids, she was actually the eldest of her group, nearing thirteen years of age.

Left alone on one side of the stage, Xuefeng noticed curious gazes from everyone in the hall, particularly from the ladies accompanying various clan leaders. They seemed to be judging him based on his attire and looks, causing a subtle discomfort inside him.

'They are all waiting to see my talent just as Wuying said... This is so troublesome,' Xuefeng thought with a sigh. 'As much as I don't want the trouble, I can't help but show off to wipe the smirk off their faces.'

As the last batch underwent evaluation, it seemed no one emerged with the higher talent. All hope was left with the final child who still remained in her seat, completely unmoving. Minutes passed as Liu Mei showed no signs of waking up, to the point even Elder Ming furrowed his brows.

Suddenly, an exclamation erupted from the audience: "Purple clouds!"

Xuefeng looked up abruptly and was astonished to see clouds of purple hue descend from a round opening in the ceiling. The clouds seemed to gather above the Liu Clan's territory, creating a breathtaking scenery.

Reacting to the shout, other guests rose from their seats to get a glimpse at the action and even Liu Xiaobei stood up, rushing towards the stage.

As the Purple clouds approached within a hundred meters of the Liu Clan, Liu Mei's eyes finally snapped open. Her pupils now bore a similar purple hue and she gazed at the sky, subconsciously aware it was her doing.

The purple clouds soon funneled through the small opening into the hall, forming a vortex above her head that allowed her to draw the clouds into her body. She didn't hesitate to start absorbing them all.

Outside the clan's territory, the gathered crowd also erupted in excitement. A Spirit Awakening Phenomenon had not been witnessed in ages, so it was the first time for many.

"Is this the doing of the Liu Clan's Young Master?" Someone questioned in amazement only to be scolded by his friend.

"Who cares who caused it? Don't waste such an opportunity and start cultivating! During a Heavenly Phenomenon like this, the Spirit Essence from kilometers around the city will gather in one place, allowing anyone to break through their bottleneck!"

Anyone who heard him momentarily sat down on the ground and began sensing the Spirit Essence gathered in the air. They were shocked to discover a boundless amount of energy surrounding them, enough for everyone to fill their dantian to the brim and beyond.

The street cultivation session commenced!

Status: Edited

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