
Spider-Verse: The Superior Velocity (AU)

[ The Flash x Spiderman (MCU) Fanfic ] Barry Parker, a young cheerful boy living with his loving parents until one faithful day... Disaster struck!! His mother, Nora Parker died and his father, Henry Parker was blamed for her death. With no parents there for him, he was left all alone with no relatives wanting him when two family members from his father's side, Uncle Ben and Aunt May decided to take care of him. And this was where his story started... Bitten by a radioactive spider, gaining superhuman strengths and other abilities. But he wasn't just any normal Spiderman... He was a Spiderman who could move fast like a flash... no, he was the Superior Velocity. A/N: The story is slow-paced, so be warned. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they belong to their respective creators. And to warn the readers, I have very little knowledge of Marvel comics and whatnot. Everything I know comes from the Movies (MCU). So, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes regarding the plot and characters. ===============================

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20 Chs

Chapter 19: Ouch!

From an unassuming corner, Barry observed Edward's departure from his office, noting the purposeful stride as he made his way towards what he presumed to be his boss's office.

However, to Edward's dismay, he would soon discover that the path he was so confidently following was merely a fabrication spun by Barry, designed to divert his attention and keep him deceived.

'Good thing he fell for it...'

Barry chuckled to himself, his hand mimicking the action of wiping non-existent sweat from his forehead as he extracted something from his pocket and gazed down upon it with a mixture of amusement and cunning contemplation.

In his grasp lay an ID card, acquired through a swift snatch from Edward during the very convincing performance staged moments ago.

Even Barry couldn't suppress a smirk as he reflected on his earlier performance. Despite lacking any formal training or experience in acting, he couldn't deny the satisfaction of a job well done.

'Should I try getting into acting?'

With a smug grin lingering for a moment, Barry's expression soon shifted to one of seriousness as he shook his head, realizing it was time to cease the charade and get down to business.

'Right, focus on the mission'

Barry administered a sharp slap to his cheeks as a jolt of physical sensation roused him from any lingering distractions, serving as a reminder of the pressing mission he still had to accomplish.

With a determined nod, Barry proceeded toward the main elevator and stepped inside, selecting the ground floor as he went down. 

After a moment of waiting, the doors parted and a familiar young man suddenly emerged, catching Barry off guard and causing him to startle.


As the figure materialized before him, Barry recognized him immediately, it was Harry Osborn, the CEO's son.

Though their relationship fell short of true friendship, nonetheless, their familiarity prompted a polite exchange of greetings whenever their paths crossed.

Barry held a favorable impression of Harry, owing to his past interventions whenever Woodward began to overstep boundaries.

Harry's willingness to intervene in such situations had earned him Barry's respect and gratitude.

And recalling the school rumors about Harry's strained relationship with his father, Barry found it unexpected to encounter him standing here. 

It was perplexing, as Harry hadn't been spotted during Barry's earlier reconnaissance of the building.

This contradiction piqued Barry's curiosity, silently prompting him to wonder about the nature of Harry's sudden appearance.

'I guess that rumor wasn't true'

In a swift moment, Barry composed himself, lowering his head slightly in an attempt to obscure his features from Harry's view as he moved with cautious discretion, attempting to slip past him unnoticed, but his efforts were thwarted when a hand suddenly clasped his shoulder, halting his escape.


As Harry's grip brought him to a halt, Barry felt a surge of nervousness coursing through him. 

Slowly, he turned to meet Harry's gaze with his head still angled downward, partly concealing his face in a hopeful bid to evade recognition.




"Do I know you?"


Though panic surged within him, Barry maintained a facade of calmness, ensuring his outward demeanor betrayed no hint of the turmoil raging within. 

With practiced nonchalance, he shook his head in denial at Harry's inquiry, concealing any trace of nervousness beneath a veneer of composure.

"I... don't think so?"


Barry's heart skipped a beat as Harry's narrowed gaze bore into him, sending a shiver of nervousness down his spine. 

However, relief flooded through him when Harry quickly reverted to a neutral expression, shrugging his shoulders in apparent indifference. 

Though the moment passed, Barry couldn't shake the lingering unease that lingered in the wake of Harry's scrutiny.

"Oh, sorry about that. I thought you were someone else just now"

"It's fine. I get that a lot"

Maintaining a facade of ease, Barry flashed a casual smile and nonchalantly waved his hand, projecting an image of unaffected confidence despite the tension of the encounter.

With a nod and a reciprocal smile, Harry acknowledged Barry's gesture before turning away and departing for another destination. 

And Barry soon after released a quiet sigh of relief as the tension dissipated with Harry's departure.

Grateful for the reprieve, he continued on his way but his mind still racing with thoughts of the encounter.

"That was close"

Without hesitation, Barry hastened towards the basement elevator, and upon reaching it, he noticed a small screen tablet positioned beside the doors, catching his attention immediately.

Fully aware of the tablet's purpose, Barry deftly retrieved the level-3 ID pass from his lab pocket. 

He swiftly scanned the ID on the small screen tablet, initiating the authorization process to gain access to the restricted basement area.


In a matter of seconds, the small screen tablet illuminated in a reassuring green hue, signaling successful authorization. 

With a confident stride, Barry stepped into the waiting elevator, swiftly pressing the button for the third underground level before the doors closed behind him.

After a while, the elevator doors parted and Barry was greeted by the sight of a lengthy underground hallway stretching out before him. 

Adorning on one side of the wall in bold, oversized letters was the designation "B3" which confirmed his arrival at the intended destination.

Navigating through the not-so-creepy corridor, Barry's path was flanked by a series of doors lining the walls, each marked with room numbers on their frames. 

Scanning the row of doors, Barry's eyes soon landed on the one he sought. 

Retrieving the key from his pocket, he approached the designated door with measured steps, and with deliberate care, he inserted the key into the lock, feeling a satisfying click as it turned.

"It worked!"

A surge of relief and excitement flooded through Barry as he pumped his fist in triumph. 

The fleeting moment of apprehension about the key's functionality dissolved into elation as the door yielded to his efforts. 

It became evident that his concerns were unfounded, and his meticulous planning had paid off, propelling him one step closer to achieving his goal.

Taking a moment to compose himself, Barry expelled a slow breath, steadying his nerves before proceeding, and with cautious deliberation as he eased the door open and the hinges protesting softly in the stillness. 

Maintaining a heightened sense of vigilance, he slowly stepped inside, his senses keenly attuned to any potential threats or obstacles that might lie within.


Disappointment washed over Barry as he surveyed the desolate laboratory, its emptiness, and the dimly lit surroundings casting a pall of gloom over his hopes. 

Squinting his eyes against the darkness, he strained to discern any signs of activity or clues that might salvage the situation.

"That's it...?"

Barry's frown deepened at the stark emptiness of the laboratory, devoid of any semblance of the equipment or materials he had anticipated. 

The solitary presence of a sink and a small vent on the ceiling offered little solace, amplifying the sense of desolation that pervaded the room.

And Barry's anticipation had soared, hopeful of uncovering a vital clue amidst the silent expanse of the laboratory. 

Yet, with each futile attempt to unearth the hidden truths, his optimism wilted beneath the weight of repeated letdowns.

The relentless cycle of disappointment gnawed at his resolve, leaving him on the precipice of questioning the very purpose that had spurred him to persist.


As Barry wandered the room, lost in his lamentations and grappling with his disappointment, a small but vibrant creature stealthily infiltrated the laboratory.

From the ceiling vents, a red and yellow striped spider emerged, its delicate legs deftly navigating the strands of its web as it descended gracefully into the dimly lit space below.

In a serendipitous moment, Barry's steps halted just as the spider completed its descent, landing with a soft thud upon his shoulders. 

Unbeknownst to Barry, the arachnid stealthily traversed his back, its delicate legs skimming across his clothes as it made its way toward his outstretched forearm.


Lost in his thoughts, Barry was abruptly drawn back to the present moment as he sensed a subtle movement on his forearm. 

Glancing downward, his gaze fell upon the peculiar sight of a spider adorned in striking red and yellow stripes as he arched his eyebrow in bemusement, observing the arachnid with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

"Isn't this?"

As Barry observed the spider, a sense of familiarity stirred within him, prompting a moment of contemplation. 

His brow furrowed in thought as his mind raced to grasp the memory when suddenly, his eyes lit up with recognition. 

However, before he could voice its identity, a sudden jolt of pain shot through him as the spider had unwittingly sank its fangs into his skin, cutting short his moment of revelation.


The schedule for the upload will be changed due to me, being busy at school. So, it'll be 2-3 chapters per week with no fixed date.

ChronosXxcreators' thoughts