
Spider-Man of MHA si (dropped for now

azuku120 · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

year 2

Azuku was making his way home from patrol hopping to sleep a bit earlier so he can go out as Spider -man later lost in thought as how much has changed since I got my powers.

Thier was a lot of buzz going about that a viggilnte was showing up the pro hero's mostly d-b rank heroes and haven't really given a reason for the top hero's to come after me mostly because I've mostly moved throughout the night instead of day but I've have sto crime.during the days aswell when. I feel I am really needed but thorout my fist year a gained a sort good relationship with the civilians Ive even erreaned the nickname the freaindly neighbour hood spider -man

Now the laws against vigilante have chan after the war with the lov since well I figured may aswell kn the lead of this world if one vigalinte where to gain a reputation they send in the top pros to basically keep a document on them. And of Thiers a slight risk of them killing someone but say a really popular vigalinte got captured since we have a need for pro hero's more nowadays most go through training to become a pro if they have atleas five defreint pro hero's vouching for them wich in that self is pretty rare to happen

I arrived at my home checked to see if my mother wa at work and decided to suit up

Think (spectacular spider -man but instead of a black spider symbol it's dark green and white and red gloves with a black web pattern across them .

Police radio all units we are in pursuit of a runaway a vehicle pro hero red riot is on the scene

Spider -man darts in the direction to the Sirens and dashing forward he lands on the runway car

Thug crap get him and he starts shooting at the red and blue customed hero

Spider -man jumps clinging to the side as he pulls the crimal out and webs him to the lamp post

Alrighty please work he says he jump Infront of the vehicle planting both feet firmly into the ground and slowly he manages to put the car to a stop and he quickly knows our the thugs and leaving them in webbing

Red riot stop right Thier spider man I am gonna have to take you in for your viglatenteism he says he approachs spider man

Spider man) sorry I am a bit busy at the moment but tell you il let you take these guys and go see. You later he says rushing away and in the distance you all you hear a whoop of joy from some civilians that don't mind the viglanlte life style as he swings by ducking through buildings and running across rooftops to gain height he lands on the rooftop

Ring ring looking at his phone he sees it ringing he answered hey mum hows hero work going today I. Am just on my way home now

Urackaka well my day was good but I'd appreciate it if u get get home soon I know your dad's still alive I feel it in my gut bit the rest of class 1A are going be here for a party since it's his birthday today and we like to celebrate his memory even if we still haven't found him yet

Azuku) yeah il be Thier soon he says hanging up and he slowly mutters where are you dad he says before swinging away

Midoraya household we see azuku midoraya walking in the to see a bun of pro hero's partying he noticed the number one hero Dynamight talking to his mother the no3uravity hey mum I am home he says making sure his spider suit well hidden

Welcome home she says go chat with some of your aunts and uncles okay

Azuku) okay I will let me just go put some stuff in my room il be fast he says rushing up the stairs and into his room going into the middle bit of his floor he pulls it off before pulling out new web cardigies from the box that was Thier he mutters to himself make somemore web gadgets in the future he locks his room door before going downstairs

AN this is it for this chapter to be fair after this it might be just a big time skip to the bit where he gets sent back into time I planned to do it year by year to about year 5 but I can't really come up with a good baseline for most the original stuff in here since right now all of class 1 A are pro hero's

hey to anyone that still reads this I am working on the next chapter I am just tryna figure out a reasonable explanation to send him to the past of already thought of a semi decent way for him to obtain one for all but it's gonna work of the premises that the quirk had some form of sentince also thinking of way for dioluge to go I really want to try and make this enjoyable for everyone

azuku120creators' thoughts