
Spider-Man: New World

After escaping dark dimension Our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man finds himself in a different version of himself in another universe. Spider-Man: "Holy Sh*t Aunt May is hot" (A\N: The above art work belongs to Patrick Brown on DeviantArt) (A\N: All the depicted characters belongs to Marvel expect OC characters )

kal_wayne · Phim ảnh
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7 Chs

A Familiar Face

[A/N: Sorry for the delay, but due to exams and academic pressure I was not able to write new chapters. But now I am free so expect at least one new chapter every week. Also, I am new at writing this, so please if you find any mistake, or have any ideas please share it with me through the comments. A feedback would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your patience]

As Peter was riding the bus to Queens, suddenly his phone rang, and he saw the name, and his eyes were widened with shock, "Uncle Ben?"

Peter was shocked to see the name on the mobile screen.

Peter remembered the fateful day when his selfishness caused the death of his Uncle.

As Peter recalled this, his eyes filled with tears, and regret.

'Damn these teenager hormones.'

'I need to control myself in front of him, I don't need another outburst like with Gwen today at school.' Peter said to himself.

Peter was uneasy while riding the bus as he was both excited and nervous to see Uncle Ben.

Just as the bus reached his stop, he jumped from his seat, exited the bus, and ran towards his house.

As he entered his house, Peter could hear the voices of Aunt May and Uncle Ben from the kitchen.

Peter overhears the conversation between his aunt and uncle.

"I am concerned about Peter," he heard May talking to Ben, "Do you think he is mixing with those kinds of crowds, or is he under any kind of bad influence."

"I don't think our boy hangs out with those kinds of kids. He is a very... how would I say very simple boy?" Uncle Ben replied.

Peter- 😑 was left speechless after he heard what Ben said about this universe, Peter.

May rebuffs Ben, "Don't talk that way about him. He is a very sweet, sensitive, and fragile little boy."

Peter- 😑

"May your Mama Bear instinct are speaking," Ben replied, "Boys nowadays need to man up a little otherwise how would you expect him to stand up for himself or even find a girl. Look how he lost that beautiful girl MJ because of that he has become an edgy emo kid."

"Well, you are right about that," said May "And I don't want my boy to end up alone."

Peter- 😑 'This is unbearable and embarrassing. I need to improve my impression around here.'

"Speaking of ending up alone, how about we gave him a little cousin to keep him company. Plus, he will learn to become responsible." Ben said in a smooth voice.

"Ben," May blushes a little.

'Okay, this has gone too far. I need to intervene, or they will start their lovemaking session in the kitchen and I am hungry,' Peter said to himself and opened the main door of the house.

As he entered the kitchen, he saw Uncle Ben and May kissing each other.

*Cough Cough*

Hearing this, May quickly stepped away from Ben and saw Peter standing at the end of the kitchen.

"Peter my boy, why are you so late?" Ben quickly turned towards Peter "You know how your Aunt gets worried about you."

Peter saw Uncle Ben, he admitted that this universe's Uncle Ben looks great.

[A/N: I am not good at describing the facial features of a character. So I have uploaded this image. This is how I imagine Uncle Ben of this universe would look like.]

Peter just dazed and stared at Uncle Ben for a few moments.

"Earth to Peter, Earth to Peter. Where did you wander off to boy?" Uncle Ben asked Peter.

"Oh nothing Uncle Ben, I was at the library researching with Ned," Peter replied.

"Wasn't Ned going to a conference today?" May questioned, "Peter, are you lying to us?"

'Damn it' "Okay, you got me, I was at the library not with Ned but with a girl. We are just doing a group project and we are just friends. Please don't tease me okay," Peter said in a pleading voice.

Hearing this, a coy smile came on May's face, "Oh a girl, Who is she? What is her name?"

Peter saw Uncle Ben giving him a thumbs up and winking at him.

"It's good to see that you are finally getting over your old crush," May said, in a very enthusiastic voice.

"Her name is Gwen and we are just friends. Can we please just drop it now," Peter said in an embarrassing tone.

"Okay, okay end of the discussion," Uncle Ben interrupted May before she could continue teasing him.

"May, honey, I have to go pick up some parcels from work. It may take me a while," Ben said turning towards May, "You two finish dinner without me."

Saying this, Ben kisses May and ruffled Peter's hair, and goes out of the house.

Just as Ben leaves the house, Peter gets a strange gut feeling that something bad is about to happen.

Suddenly he remembered how Uncle Ben died in his universe.

'I need to follow him just to be safe. Can't let that tragedy happen again.' Peter said to himself.

Peter turned toward May and said, "May, I have to go to the library. I forgot my notes which are due tomorrow. I will be back soon," Saying this, Peter kisses May on the cheek and rushes outside before May could say anything.

To be continued...

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