
Desert Storm

Alright guys, I'll be posting chapters and not spamming.

Full story at:




Same time.

Peter Parker.

Dr Doom walked past the armed Shield Special Forces, completely oblivious to the soldiers.

Phil and I followed him and stood beside him. If the guards minded, they stayed out of it, at least until they got the go-ahead from Doom, I guess.

- Consultant, then? - Colson's interested. - Since when do rulers of countries become scientific advisors?

- It's simple, Agent Colson, I'm a scientist, and extraordinary events like this get Doom's attention," the Latverian said.

It seems that only in the case of this guy, talking about himself in the third person doesn't sound stupid.

We approached the crater and walked down it

The Latverian dictator raised his wrist and activated the holographic screens in his gloves, beginning to type something into them.

- It's interesting, my scanners don't detect anything abnormal, except for a huge concentration of energy, but, with all this, I can say with certainty, - Victor sat down on his knee and began to examine the hammer, - this thing is clearly not from our world.

I don't like that interest in the von Baron's voice. As much as I respect Mr Kneel Before Doom, I must remember that he's a supervillain, and I don't want to give him the opportunity to get hold of Mjolnir.

Victor's machinations must be carefully monitored.

Why don't I want to treat him like any other villain I know of?

- What makes you think this thing isn't from our world? - Phil asked.

- Do you believe in magic, Agent Colson? - Doom wondered, asking a counter-question.

- I've always liked magicians at birthday parties," Phil replied humorously.

I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

- So you don't believe in the real secret mystical arts? - Doom looked at us and asked.

- Alas, no," Colson said.

- Just because you can't understand or explain something doesn't mean you should be narrow-minded and deny its existence," I replied, folding my hands behind my back. - I believe in magic.

Phil squints at me suspiciously, and Von Doom raises an interested look in his brown eyes, which are almost completely hidden by the metal of his mask.

- A commendable opinion, young man.

- You asked about magic because of the Runes on the object, didn't you, Your Majesty? - courtesy is everything.

- Please, just Dr Doom, or Lord Doom, as you prefer," Victor said expectantly, waving off the officiousness.

- I understand you, Doctor, - I nod.

- And getting back to the question," Doom looked at Mjolnir again, "you're right, Spider-Man, this weapon is enchanted with powerful Runes, and how powerful is yet to be determined," the Latverian pulled his hand to the hilt.

- I don't think that's a good idea," Phil mumbled at Doom's action.

- Come on, Agent Colson, do you really think Doom is going to believe that no one before him has ever tried to move or lift this artefact? Don't be a fool.

Phil pressed his lips together, but he didn't say anything.

I was just observing. Doom can't be dignified, right?

The Ruler of Latveria gripped the hilt tightly and pulled the hammer towards him. Small greenish lightning bolts travelled from his glove.

And yeeeeeee nothing happened.

Viktor continued to pull and even panted with a grunt, but Mjolnir was adamant.

At this point, the Latverian looked quite amused.

- Well, this is a powerful spell," Doom said with true royal majesty as he stopped pulling on his hammer. - Show Doom exactly what your so-called experts have discovered," Victor said, heading toward the coordination centre.

Phil and I looked at each other and followed.

Von Doom walked inside without sadness, immediately attracting the attention of the agents in the tent. Without wasting any time, the Latverian dictator went to the men in white coats. Poor scientists.

- Sir, do you have a moment," Sitwell said, squinting at Doom.

- Sure, Jasper," Colson sighed, "what's up?

- We sent a unit after a strange violent patient, but he's gone missing from the hospital, eyewitnesses say the scientists on Dr Selvig's team may be responsible.

- Understood, send a unit after them, but be polite," Situel nodded, "Anything else?

- Orders from the Director, Agent Barton is on his way.

- Why was the archer invited to the party? - I ask you a question. - One big gun wasn't enough?

- Perhaps everyone was excited by the arrival of our dear ruler? - Colson suggested.

- I suppose so," I said, looking at Doom with a slight strain.

The next few hours passed in a fairly monotonous wait: the scientists tried to make sense of the instrument readings and measured Mjolnir energy signatures, and at the same time not to faint from the pressurising presence of the Ruler of Latveria, who was doing exactly the same thing, borrowing data but using only his own techniques.

Latverian science is the best in the world, right?

I, on the other hand, was bored enough. I knew what the object in front of me was, there were no assignments from Colson, so I agonised over whether or not to try and lift Mjolnir.

Eventually I got bored and walked out into the corridors that had been raised by the technicians and fenced off with plastic sheeting, and headed towards the funnel.

When I found myself in front of Mjolnir, I grabbed the hilt nervously.

Well, it's been there, hasn't it?

I exhaled and pulled the hammer towards me.

Putting all my strength into it, and then some more, and then some more.

"Did it move? I think it moved," I ask the symbiote, pushing.

"Still in the same position, Bearer," the Clintarian screws me up.

"Maybe you could help?"

"I'm not sure it would do any good, Peter."


I let go of the hilt, exhaling. Well, that's a shame.

But it's worth a try.

Disappointed, I stagger to the exit and return to the coordinator's tent.

- I saw that brave attempt on the cameras, Spider," Victor said to me, "even if it was foolish to try, since the hammer even withstood Doom.

Okay, that attitude is a little annoying.

- It's worth a try, right?

- Maybe," Doom nodded and stepped back.

I sit back in my chair and ponder why it didn't work.

What's the criteria for "worthiness"? Purity of heart, I don't mean any harm; selflessness, I save people almost every day, but maybe that's not enough. Maybe I'm too selfish? Martial prowess, for what it's worth, but I certainly can't complain about my love of battling my enemies. Intention to kill an enemy in battle if necessary, I killed a Jackal, but maybe that's the point? Maybe, despite my assurances, the hammer sees that deep inside I continue to blame myself for the life taken, even though I believe it was the right choice, the choice of a warrior?

Or maybe I think I myself am unworthy?

My train of thought is interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

- What's so heavy, Spider? - Hawkeye asked, flashing a snow-white smile.

- Clint," I hugged the archer in a friendly manner, "it's good to see you, old man. How long have you been travelling?

- Just back from Quinjet.

- How's Laura and the kids?

- They're fine, thanks for asking," Barton took off his quiver, "by the way, Coop really appreciates the autograph. Are you coming to his birthday party?

- How could I miss it?

Suddenly, the alarm goes off.

- We have an intruder," announces one of Shield's information specialists.

Clint and I get up and approach Colson.

- Put the picture up on the screen," Phil commands.

The live feed from the cameras lights up on the display.

In the corridors, Shield agents are being knocked out with true professionalism by a tall, sturdy, blond, Nordic-looking man.

- Barton, upstairs," Colson commands.

- Copy that," Clint grabs his quiver and runs out of the room.

- Spider, you're Plan A, Falcon Eye's backup," the man turns to me, "can you knock him out?

- Maybe I won't have to, Phil," I turn and walk out of the tent, heading towards the crater.

With each step I notice that a storm is brewing outside. It looks like the Thunder God is angry.

I reach the site of Mjolnir's fall and look at the passageway.

"If anything, be ready, Raj."

"Are you nervous about that bloke, Bearer?"

"No need to be arrogant by underestimating your opponent, partner. Besides, he's no ordinary bloke, he's an ace, a member of an alien race that thinks they're gods, and believe me, they have reason to be."

A couple of minutes later I hear the sounds of a struggle.

And then a man in work boots, regular jeans and a thin grey T-shirt appeared from around the corner, a truly warrior-like ferocity on his face. He must have been on a rampage as he pounded the agents.

As soon as Odinson saw me, surprise flashed in his eyes.

- I guess I'll have to apologise to my colleagues," I said, "I had a chance to disarm you before you got here.

- Who are you, the creature, and why are you in my way? - The blond frowns.

- Creature? Are you embarrassed by the lenses? Actually, it's just a costume," I point to myself, "I'm just a normal person underneath. And, yes, I'm from Midgard.

- You're the first human to call this world what we call it," the prince of Asgard marvelled, "who are you?

- I am the superhero here, my name is Spider-Man and I know the reason you are here, Thor.

- Well, then what do you intend to do, Spider-Man? - Odinson clarifies.

- Spidey, if anything I'm ready to take him down," Clint sends a message over the communicator.

- Everything's under control, hold your fire," I relay the message, speaking into the mask.

I resume my conversation with the ace.

- I intend to let you do what you came here to do," I point my hand at Mjolnir, "I assume you want your weapon back, warrior.

Thor nods concentratingly.

- Then take it," I step aside.

Odinson still squints at me suspiciously, but walks over to the hammer.

- Here I am, old friend," the blond man says with a genuine smile, gripping the hilt tightly, "time to go home.

Thor tenses his biceps and pulls the hammer towards him.

Mjolnir, however, remains in the same place.

The Prince of Asgard begins to strain harder.

From down the street comes the sound of increased thunderclaps, lightning flashes, and a heavy downpour.

Thor screams, but he still can't raise his weapon.

Finally, the Asgardian falls to his knees and bows his head to the hammer.

This is exactly what a broken and frustrated man looks like.

-We're coming, don't let him go," Colson's voice comes from the communicator.

I calmly step closer and place a hand on Thor's shoulder.

- I'm sorry it didn't work out," I sympathise sincerely, as I understand what Mjolnir is and how being worthy is really important to Thor.

- It's my fault, - Odinson said, - I acted foolishly and impulsively, unbefitting a future king, I invaded Jtunheim, I put my friends and the whole Asgard at risk, I disappointed my father, - Thor rubbed his eyes, - I deserved my punishment, this banishment, - the last phrase he said quietly, - I'm not worthy.

I am silent, as any words now are superfluous.

I turn my head, in the passage appear agents, led by Phil.

- Thor, I understand that you are worried now, but you attacked government agents and my superiors want answers, I need an interrogation, will you go voluntarily?

The ace only nods in response and rises.

- Where should I go, Spider-Man? - Thor asks emotionlessly.

- Please follow me.

I'm taking Odinson to the interrogation room.

Phil had decided to interrogate him, and I was behind the glass, with Doom, who wanted to be there, and Sitwell, who had to be persuaded that he couldn't interrogate the suspect himself.

What a bunch.

- So, where are you from? - Phil begins, adjusting his tie and smiling kindly.

But the Asgardian is silent.

- You injured nine agents, that's a felony," Colson says, looking into the folder.

Still the same silence.

- Suit yourself," Phil sighs, "I'll give you a minute.

The agent gets up and leaves the interrogation room.

- Maybe the intruder can tell Duma more? - Victor asks pathetically.

- I'm afraid that's not a good idea," Jasper says.

Phil joins the party.

- Any idea how to get him to talk?

- Let Doom do the interrogation.

While we're arguing, I notice there's a new presence in the interrogation room.

He's dressed in earthly fashion, long black coat, gloves, shoes, black and green scarf tied around his neck. Dark hair and sparkling green eyes. It's Loki, without a doubt.

"Raj, tell me, do you see him too?" - I ask the Clintarian, noticing that no one near me has reacted to Lafeyson's appearance.

"See who, Peter?"

I see.

In the meantime, a conversation had begun between the brothers, in which Loki said that Odin was bad, Thor deserved to be punished, and in general, he went over the brains of the already depressed Odinson.

After twenty minutes, the interrogation room had to be left, as Dr Eric Selvig appeared, introducing the ace as Dr Donald Blake and taking him under his care, because of his colleague's mental illness. Smart move.

- Should I follow them? - I'm asking Colson a question, because the most interesting thing is going to happen right where Thor is.

- Yes, but be inconspicuous," Phil lets me off light-heartedly.

- Yes, sir.

It won't be a problem.

I approach the nearest servant and ask him to give me a lift to the city.

I follow the men into the buildings, as I know where they're going.

At Selvig's laboratory I switch on the highest mode of symbiote cloaking, aka Clintar's chameleon mode, becoming almost completely invisible, blending in with my surroundings.

Like a ghost, trying not to make a sound, I follow Thor and watch the situation, preparing myself for what's to come.

And how, pray tell, am I to prepare to contain the Destroyer?

Meanwhile, the Thunderer himself was having a heart-to-heart with Eric Selvig, not understanding Darcy Lewis' jokes, and making nice with Jane Foster.

Right now they were sitting around discussing the mythology of the nine worlds, science and magic, until Jane fell asleep.

- You can stop being invisible," Thor muttered.

Having taken note that there is no longer any need to disguise yourself, I am cancelling the invisibility.

- Do you understand? - I clarified, sitting down on a nearby log.

- You make noise like a troll troop, - grins the Asgardian.

- Ouch, you're the second one who says something like that, - I poke a stick into the fire. - There's a spark between you two," I point to Foster.

- Yeah, maybe you're right," Thor looks at the girl with obvious attraction, "maybe living among humans will be my redemption?

- You're not going home? - I'm genuinely surprised.

Did Loki's words have that effect on him?

- My father does not want to see me, my brother said so, - Odinson decided to explain, - and I realise that as a prince I have behaved unworthily, I have brought Asgard not glory but danger, and I need to atone for my transgression.

- And you just take your brother's word for it?

- Loki would not lie to me about something like this.

I can barely contain my laughter. Loki. He wouldn't lie. Loki. Yeah, yeah, "Trust me, Thor, I won't fuck you up, oh, I did."

- Wait, the Loki who's known in legend as the God of Deception and the Prince of Lies? He wouldn't lie to you?

- My brother does have a bad reputation, but it's more complicated than that, no offence, Spider-Man, but mortals don't understand.

Wow. I'll try not to take offence.

- Well, whatever, Goldilocks, good luck in your new life," I get up and walk away, switching back on my disguise.




The youngest heir to the throne returned from his father's chambers and glared angrily. His mother was right, sooner or later Odin would wake up, decide to bring Thor back, and the small victory that promised the throne would turn to dust.

We must act more decisively.

It's time to kill his brother.

Lafeyson has gone to activate the Destroyer.


The next morning.

Peter Parker.

To his credit, the Shield makes a great portable barracks. Although sleeping in a mask is a real treat.

I do my morning routine and head to the coordinator's office.

The base is bustling with activity, and I've had a really long sleep today. Acclimatisation.

I go into the tent.

- Good morning! - Colson greets me, chipper and ready for battle as ever.

- Morning, Phil. How's it going?

- Apparently, Mr Blake's friends have arrived, according to the agent, Xena, Gimli, Robin Hood and Jackie Chan.

- That last one sounded very racist.

- That was Agent Chan, he's allowed.

So the Brave Four didn't abandon their leader and prince. Which meant that everything before the Time Destroyer came....

My musings were interrupted by a sharp rumble.


Running out of the room.

A piece of metal armour landed not far from the base.

At the sight of the Destroyer, the Sense hummed menacingly. Yes, I realised that this devil's toy was not to be trifled with.

- What's that? - Colson caught up with me.

- Maybe it's a hello from Stark. - I duplicate the sending joke.

- I don't think so," Phil replies, taking my words at face value.

At that moment, the monstrous construct turns towards the city.

- Call an evacuation, send agents to get people out. This thing is clearly after Thor.

Catching up with the Destroyer.

- Uh, hello," I wave, "isn't this weather lovely?

Legitimately, the armour ignores me and moves on.

Shall I try to hold him off while the evacuation takes place?

Oh, that was a good one!

I shoot a web and try to tangle the contraption's legs, naturally, the metal golem doesn't even notice the obstacle.

Of course.

"Okay, Raj, back me up."

I latch onto the Destroyer and, drawn in, put all my strength and the symbiote's power into one precise strike at the mechanism's body from bottom to top.

The armour is tossed several dozen metres into the air.


Thirty seconds later, the construct falls to the ground. Dust rises.

Suddenly, my senses start ringing like crazy and I sharply remove my carcass from the trajectory of the laser-energy volley.

And the sensors don't stop crackling.

Thank you Spidey Sense, as if I hadn't realised I'd been hit already!

"Looks like you managed to get his attention, Bearer."

"That's a credit to us all, mate."

The Destroyer twists its head round, firing at me, but continues on towards the city.

And there's nothing to latch on to! Fucking desert! Not even a single fucking giant cactus!

I pursue the machine, trying to hold it off as best I can without getting shot at.

At the city limits, my luck fails me.

I get too close, and the Destroyer manages to grab me. I hope I've bought enough time.

- Too close," I try to get out of the steel's grip, "you should have asked me to dinner first.

Armour withdraws his arm and throws me away with a truly unearthly force. The potential energy converted into kinetic energy from the effort of the Asgardian indestructible guardian is so great that my body is carried across the main street, and my flight ends with a hard collision with a brick wall.

- 'Ah-kh-kh-kh-kh-kh-kh-uch,' I wonder if I bit my tongue or is that blood from my flattened organs?

"How are we doing, Doc?"

"Carrier, you have three broken ribs, a torn spleen, and a bone fragment has punctured your lung."

"That's why it's hard to breathe."

"I'll have it fixed in three minutes, bear with me."

"How long will it take if I keep moving?" - I'm trying to stand up.

"Seven minutes."

"Seven minutes, then."

Pushing my body off the wall.

- You're not in the best of shape, I see," comes a voice from the side.

I turn round.

Dr Doom is standing on the roof, arms folded across his chest, his metal-clad arms folded across his chest, his cape swaying in the wind behind him.

How pathetic we are.

- What brings you here, oh almighty Lord Doom? - I say sarcastically.

- Don't be sarcastic, boy, Doom has come to stop this creature," Victor's gloves shimmered with green lightning and some kind of circles, probably magical.

- I wish you luck," I clung to the wall, trying to regain my composure, "while I catch my breath.

The Ruler of Latveria flew into the air and shot two azure energy charges into the Destroyer's back. The armour spotted the new opponent and began its own energy bombardment. Victor changed tactics and the light green charges turned into a chain of branching dark green lightning bolts, the damage of which was supported by rocket volleys. Von Doom's armour was clearly capable of surprises.

Von Doom landed on the sand and aimed his hands at the Asgardian guardian, a second later yellow circles appeared underneath the Destroyer, yellow and black fire erupted from them and consumed the armour, the same stream erupted from Doom's hands, further igniting the construct.

After a few minutes, Victor's spell begins to weaken.

Doom lowers his hands and stares at the unextinguished metal. The Latverian is about to move closer as an energy stream rushes into him, Dr Doom reacts by folding his arms crosswise and, judging by the faint glow, activating his force field. However, the Destroyer's volley still throws Doom into the café on the street, smashing the Latverian's body through the wall.

Gotta give Victor credit, he fought the thing. Also, I noticed that even though the Destroyer had recovered, it was moving much slower.

Nothing is invulnerable, everything can be destroyed. It's the feeding. It needs to be fuelled, which means that if you hit it long enough and hard enough...

"I'm done, Bearer," the Clintarian cheered me.

I inhale a full breath.

"Thank you, Raj."

I jump down onto the road and stand directly in front of the Destroyer, who is moving relentlessly at me.

- Spider-Man!

I react to the shout and turn around.

At the end of the street stands Erik Selvig and his students, a surprised Thor, and, in roughly the same condition, the Fighting Four. It was Miss Darcy who shouted, by the way.

- Get out of there, he's unstoppable!

That's what Thor shouted, coming towards me.

Probably best to leave the job to a professional.

- Ideas, suggestions? - I specify, when the Asgardian is on the same level with me.

- I'll handle it," the blond walked up to the Destroyer, "Loki, is that you, brother?

Alas, it went as expected, the Asgardian guardian, controlled by the God of Deception, flattened Thor, throwing the Thunderer into the car.

The fighting foursome immediately rushed into action, with me just trying to help as much as possible, covering the civilians.

And then, after a few minutes, there was a sharp smell of ozone. I heard the wind whistle and saw Mjolnir fly from the base, straight into Odinson's hands.

The God of Thunder opens his eyes abruptly and a bolt of lightning strikes him, knocking us all back.

Out of the white sparkling stream emerges Thor in all his glory, classic helmet, armour and red cloak.

The Asgardian spins his hammer and takes off, taking the Destroyer with him.

I just watch as the two objects turn into tiny dots, but the tingling sensation of triggered Sentience lets me know they're coming back.

- Everybody move out!

I was listened to and after a few seconds, Thor drove the construct into the tarmac with his hammer.

The dust settled and a smiling Odinson appeared in the light, immediately rushed by the four aces.

- Thor, you're back! - shouted the fat bearded man.

- Yes, thank you, my friends, for not leaving me alone, - the Thunderer embraced his battle companions. - And also, thank you, Midgardian hero.

I don't get it, was he talking to me?

Indeed, Odinson looked at me with eyes that sparkled with lightning.

- You have shown true courage in defending the people of this place from the evil I have brought upon it," Thor stepped closer, hammer in hand, and he held out his other palm to me, "Thank you, Spider-Man, you are a great warrior.

I shake the Thunder God's hand, feeling a tingling sensation in my skull.

- Yeah those were seeds, we heated up that tin can for you.

- By the way, where's the warrior in the cloak and iron armour?

That's right, Doom!

I run back to the diner, but there's no sign of Victor.

- Looks like the good doctor has decided to bow out.

By the way, he's supposed to have had my back in this massacre.

I turn back to the group and see that Thor and Jane are clearly saying goodbye.

- I have to stop my brother, I'll see you later," the Thunderer looks at everyone in turn. - Heimdal, open the Bifrost!

After a shout, Odinson is swallowed by the rainbow-coloured glow of the portal.

- That's something you don't see every day," I comment involuntarily.

The next moment I felt a touch on my shoulder.

- Um, hi, I'm Darcy," the brunette said sweetly.

- Hi. Spider-Man," I introduced myself. - Thank you for calling me," I said, remembering the moment.

- Oh, it's nothing," the girl snorted, "but I'm a fan, can I have your autograph?

- Um...sure.

I've been getting a lot of autographs lately.

The fighting foursome preferred to wait for the Shield agents, while I signed for Darcy and chatted with Dr Selvig. It wasn't every day I got to talk to an astrophysicist of that calibre.

Soon the Shield motorcade arrived, led by Colson in the Lola.

- Well, sir, you've missed a lot," I greeted Phil.

- Are you okay? - The agent asks, looking me over.

Yeah, the suit took some damage in that skirmish, that's for sure. So did I, by the way.

- Live and let live eagle, give me one chicken sandwich, an oxygen cocktail and I'll be healthy as an ox.

- So it's over, then?

- Oh no, my friend, it's just beginning! - Volstag said loudly, clapping Phil and me on the shoulders. - Let me buy you some mead and tell you amazing stories about our adventures in the nine worlds!

Thor's friends begin to direct us to the nearest bar, and I hesitate.

Willingness to sacrifice myself in the coming battle.

That's what Mjolnir considers the ultimate sign of worthiness.