
Special Blue

In the year of 2100 after the 3rd big war in Earth's history mankind has to leave the planet in search of a new one. Marcus being born before the war is apparently already marked for death because of a mutation on his brain and heart only allowing him to live for 16 years. Will he sucumb to his so called fate? Or will the search of a new planet for mankind be what saves him? Want to find out then please continue on to read this story. Hopefully you all will enjoy it. Oh and a quick heads up..yes i'm a novice writer so don't be to harsh with the criticism. Thank you and enjoy. And sorry I don't have a cover yet.

kingtrill117 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Special Blue 2

As Marcus falls unconcious his mind drifts into his past memories.

In the hospital in Chief Sienna's room a commotion draws attention from the staff in the area. "THE F**K ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO MY SON!!" Sienna screams as she holds the arm of the nurse tightly just as she tried stabbing Marcus with a syringe containing an unknown substance. The nurse doesn't answer and contiues trying to force the syringe down onto Marcus. Mark comes rushing in with two security gaurds and they restrain the nurse forcing her to drop the syringe.

"Put her in the restraining cells, I will question her later." Mark says to the gaurds and they take her away. He stares at the syringe trying to figure out whats in it feeling he has seen it before. He puts it to the side for now and focuses on his son as his heart is still lighting the room with a blue hue. "Did she manage to stab him with it to cause his mutation to react like this?" he asks Sienna. "No. It was shinning before she was able to. His crying woke me up so I was able to stop her before she could."

Mark stared at his son pondering on what he should do. "You know that I will kill her for this right Mark?" Sienna asked him bringing him from his thoughts. He nods his head as he was thinking the same thing for her punishment. No one tries to kill his son without giving up their life in return. "Lets calm him down now and figure out how to stop his mutation from glowing." Mark says as he picks Marcus up out of the bed to console him. "Sshh its ok son you're ok. Your dad is here now."

Marcus slowly stops crying as he starts to look at his father. The light from his mutation dims but it doesn't go out completely and pulsed along with his heartbeat. Mark was surprised with this as he felt the mutation might be somewhat related to his feelings. He hands Marcus to Sienna and she holds him close on her chest while rubbing his head. The light from the mutation completely vanishes after that. Mark smirks after that while thinking, 'He is definitely gonna be a mommas boy.'

Marcus falls back asleep in the comfort of his mothers arms. "Its like he wasn't fazed bout what almost happened like the mutation is what warned us." She said watching Marcus sleep on her chest. Mark began to ponder if what she said is true because if it is then maybe his mutation wouldn't kill him, but they will only know after fives years since him having the mutation. "I'm going to go interrogate the nurse now and I'm have gaurds at this door twenty four seven."

Mark goes to the room they have the nurse restrained and stares at her from the window collecting his thoughts. She looks at him in an uncaring manner as she doesn't care what happens to her now because she would be killed by the higher ups if she failed or killed by Mark or Sienna once being found out. Mark walks in and closes the door behind him. "So I can guess that you won't tell me anything correct?" he asks her. She simply smirks confirming his thoughts so he uses the idea in case that was her answer. "Well maybe your sister will tell me what I need to hear since she always did what she could to keep you out of trouble."

He turned to leave the room but before taking a step, "Wait! Leave her out of this because she doesn't know about it." the nurse says gritting her teeth. Mark turns back around and waits on her to continue speaking. She stares at him angrily before saying, "You humans truly use any underhanded tactics to get what you want. Well i guess after my actions you can consider the treaty between our races nul and void." She smiled waiting on his shocked face but he didn't have reaction she hoped for.

Mark put his hand on his chin in deep thoughts. 'So they finally decided to act to kill us all huh, but why go after my son first? Is it because of his mutation?' The nurse seeing him thinking figured that maybe the humans knew more about their plans than they originally thought. "Why did you go after my son first? Did you really think it'd be easier to kill a baby than any of the leaders of our world?" Mark questioned her. She didn't want to give away to much info so she chose to make something up. "You and your wife are the most influential of the Earthlings so we thought causing you pain would make it easier to kill you. Then after killing you we'd take out the rest of the pests." She said coldly.

"You think I will believe something like that. You all could've been made a move on us after all this time but convinently after my son is born with a special mutation you go for him first. Give me the truth or your sister will die right now!" Mark said getting angry about almost losing his son as soon as he is born. The nurse's face soured hearing him as she knew that she had no choice but to reveal something if she wanted her sister to live.

"Fine! The higher ups noticed anomalies in the blood of you humans that would make you lot die out without us having to do anything. But some of the anomalies started to mutate and they knew of some the mutations that took place and if these people that had developed mutations were to get them stable it would help humans grow stronger. They didn't want that so they made sure that the mutations would kill them after some time before it could stabalize. So by secretly poisoning the people who get mutations it made it look as tho it was a random disease. To answer the question regaurding your son I was sent to poison him with the substance because his mutation is a little stronger than the rest so he couldn't be poisoned secretly." she explained to Mark most of the truth.

Mark was surprised that they weren't able to notice people getting poisoned. That shows to him that they need to upgrade their medical equipment. He is also furious that they tried to kill his son, if he could he would kill all of these aliens hisself but he doesn't have the time nor weapon power to do it. Even so there is something that will satisfy him at the moment. He walks closer to the nurse who is restrained to the wall and gives her an evil smile before he swings his leg out kicking to her right knee cap. A loud bang and cracking sound rang out in the room along with her screams. "You are lucky for now my wife isn't here."

Mark leaves the room and goes to inform the other leaders of what he knows. The nurse is sentenced to a torturious death at the hands of Sienna a few weeks later. After the death of the nurse the higher ups of the alien race used that oppurtunity to start war with the humans to cover their tracks to leave others wondering what really caused the war. The war lasted for 15 years during which Marcus' parents taught him everyday the things they knew on science, medical healing and combat.

Present time-

As Marcus has been unconcious in the pond having flashes of his memories of his past it has been four days since he has been gone. Everyone was looking everywhere before someone found a blue dome of aura surrounding trees and reported it. Doc. Stephon, Iesha and other soldiers apart of the search party stare at the dome before a soldier tries to walk through it. The dome doesn't allow him or any of the soldiers through but when Iesha goes to touch it her hand slips directly through.

She immediately rushes in to see if Marcus is inside. She finds Marcus in a glowing bright blue pond and slowly walks to him. She sits by the pond and places her hand on his head and calls out to him. "Marcus can you hear me?" As she calls his name the dome reduces in size shrinking down and goes into him at his heart and the pond stops glowing. His heart is still glowing a bright blue but he doesn't show any reaction. Everyone else is now closer and some think that he has finally died due to his mutation. As some people begin to cry for him his eyes slowly open.