
Special Blue

In the year of 2100 after the 3rd big war in Earth's history mankind has to leave the planet in search of a new one. Marcus being born before the war is apparently already marked for death because of a mutation on his brain and heart only allowing him to live for 16 years. Will he sucumb to his so called fate? Or will the search of a new planet for mankind be what saves him? Want to find out then please continue on to read this story. Hopefully you all will enjoy it. Oh and a quick heads up..yes i'm a novice writer so don't be to harsh with the criticism. Thank you and enjoy. And sorry I don't have a cover yet.

kingtrill117 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Marcus Reborn

His eyes open and they have a dark blue color with smaller white lights inside the iris giving the feeling of a night sky. His mutation stops glowing and his eyes go back to his hazel color. As he wakes up he notices all the people surrounding him and begins getting himself up with Iesha helping him out the pond. "Are you ok? You have been gone for four days and when we finally found you, you were inside a blue dome." Iesha says to him thankful he isn't dead.

He stares at her studying her face as if its the first time he has seen her. She is a beautiful girl with long black hair, an oval shaped face, small lips, brown eyes and light brown skin. He looks around at everyone else as if he is seeing them for the first time too. "Do you think something has happened to his mind because of his mutation Steph?" Iesha asks Doc. Stephon. "Perhaps. Maybe his mutation was changing and we interrupted the process or it has finished and his mind just needs time to reprocess. Either way we have to wait before we can get the answers to our questions." he answers.

As if reacting to Stephon's words Marcus' mutation on his brain reacts causing his eyes to go back to the stary blue that he woke up with. Seeing it everyone was in awe of how beautiful his eyes looked, some of the women present even started blushing staring at them so they turned around. Marcus' brain started processing and understanding the new knowledge he gained about his mutation. Doc. Stephon wondered if he would still die today or not as it would hurt to lose the last connection to his closest friends. He also wanted to know if his mutation had been purified or if it still had traces of poison.

Even though his mutation was stronger than others the aliens they went to war with still figured out a way to poison him before running them away from Earth. While he is in his thoughts Marcus finally acknowedges their presence, "What are you all doing out here?" he asks. Stephon looks at him wanting to ask the question on his mind. "We came looking for you since you have been gone for four days. Can you tell us what happened to you?" he asks.

Marcus is shocked to find out he has been gone for so long. 'Was it because of my mutation or the natural mana pond?' he thought inwardly. "Well honestly I felt as if I was drawn to this planet before we had landed. After landing the feeling got stronger and it led me hear to this natural mana pond. I got in after it reacted to my mutation and went into sort of a daze remembering a lot of things from my past." he explained to Steph.

Steph raised his brow in a questioning manner. "Natural mana pond? How did you know what it is called after just finding it? Is that because of your mutation?" he started asking his questions. "How do you feel after coming out of the pond? Do you feel any different?"

"I know what its called because of it. After getting in it gave me information about it while somehow cleansing me. I don't feel any different but I feel as if I have energy I should've had for a while now. Its like being reborn." Marcus explains. "I also have new information regaurding my mutation. Its not a mutation but a special energy trait that has existed for years and always goes to whoever it choses to have its power if you can hear its call."

Steph starts pondering on what Marcus has said so far. 'If its cleansed him does that mean he isn't going to die? If true then that is good news. Before we finish this conversation we should get back to the ship.' he says internally. "Lets go back to the ship. Everyone is worried about you after all." Steph says with a smile. "Alright lets go." Marcus nods with a slight smile. They make their way back to the ship and stopping a few times since Marcus wanted to remember the scenery he didn't pay attention to on his way to the mana pond.

Once back at the ship some of the people were shocked to Marcus back safe and sound since with the mutation, as far as they know, he should be dead since it has been sixteen years. The others were happy he came back unharmed at all. After talking to some of the people that welcomed him back he went to the meeting room of the ship with Doc. Stephon and Iesha to talk about his special energy trait. "Do you know what all you can do with this new energy that you have unlocked?" Iesha asked.

"Well with the mark on my brain I can enhance my thinking speed to figure out things faster and enhance my eyes to inspect things like our Halo-scanners but in more detail. With the mark on my heart it can warn me of oncoming dangers to me before i get hurt and i can use the energy from my heart to make the dome you saw earlier and make a shield or heal my injuries." he explains to them. As they thought on what he just told them he waits for them to ask any more questions.

"So earlier when you said that the mana pond cleansed you does that mean that it got rid of whatever was killing you?" Stephon asked the biggest question on his mind. Marcus nods with a smile which eases the tension Steph has in his heart. "What a relief." he sighs feeling a weight lift from him. "I can't help but wonder now if this is the only mana pool on this world or if there're more all over and if they could help us in some way." Stephon voiced his thoughts out loud.

"I can feel that there are more but I don't know how many exactly but its a lot. All of them aren't blue like the one i found however. I feel that the blue mana pools are specially made for my energry trait so if anyone besides me sits in it then nothing will happen." Marcus said after thinking about what he felt inside the natural mana pond. Steph and Iesha were speechless to learn that the other mana pools on this world could be beneficial to everyone else. If they could get a new energy like Marcus then they could get stronger and go back to Earth and finish the war with the Moguls the alien race that forced them from Earth.

"Well since we know that most of the areas in our vicinity are safe we can set up our homes in this area with your approval Marcus." Steph says remembering the reason they had originally came to this planet. "Then let the set up of our new living quarters begin." Marcus said as he got up from his seat. Steph and Iesha also got up and left the meeting room with Marcus. They started getting the crates they made before leaving Earth and spread them out in the open area. The crates were made to store enormous amounts of anything put into its space and in this case buildings.

Pressing the unlock button on the remote for the crates they all opened up putting out living houses and other multitudes of buildings like the armory and medical center. 'While everyone gets prepared with the set up I should make sure the surrounding areas are actually safe.'