
?Sparell Academy?

123_ABARAJAS_321 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

________________________________ CHAPTER 2::: ________________________________

Ellen and George get ready and headed back to the field where they see John and Cassy.

Good morning- called Ellen and George.

Good morning- answered John and Cassy.

Then they started doing warm ups with all the other kids, when a teacher came running along the field screaming to go back inside immediately.

People started coming from the gates covered in blood and soot.

Behind the people are monsters, you can hear them growling.

The sound echoes from all sides.

In the front of all these monsters is one single person leading them.

They are slaughtering all the people he lays his eyes on.

Guts and blood are flying everywhere.

With a face of pure joy on his face, he stands there witnessing from the sidelines.

Help me!!! ,Daddy don't leave me.

On the side you can see a little girl pulling on a mans clothes, yet he remains motionless.

He has lifeless eyes with his own blood all over his clothes.

The girl's screams garner the attention of all the monsters near her.

The monsters turn her way.

The monsters eat her alive, with no mercy.

The people look on with horror stricken faces.

The cultivators attack together, but one by one they all die until there is only John, Cassy,George, Ellen, 3 Teachers, and 5 Students.

The monsters have furry bodies with crazed looks on their black eyes, blood dripping from their fangs as they devour every human they lay their eyes on, paying no mind to the dead ones.

You can hear the screams of despair, pain and anguish resounding from the very air and grounds themselves.

The last survivors hide themselves in the bodies of the dead ,and wait for the monsters to leave.

30 hours later.

Are they gone- asked Ellen. Let me check- answered John.

John checks the field to make sure the monsters are gone.

The coast is clear- answers John. Everyone gets out of their hiding spots.

The students and teachers are crying.

It's all your fault screams one of the students.

Yes it's all your fault you demon.

All the students start accusing and pointing fingers at Ellen while Ellen is on the verge of crying.

Tears are threatening from spilling from his eyes.

Im sorry, I didn't do anything- sobs Ellen.

Enough!! ,It wasn'tEllen's fault- growls George.

Everyone takes a step back once they see his bloodshot eyes.

George slowly calms down until his eyes go back to their normal color.

George then starts comforting Ellen.

No more arguing ,let's make sure there are no more survivor- says John.

A monster abruptly comes out of the school building. Ahhh!!!!!!!- screams the students.

Lets move out, we will meet in the other school that belongs to Sparell Academy, in the main Kingdom, so we can warn everyone to prevent this catastrophe from happening once more- answers Cassy.

The problem is there are only 3 vehicles- says John.

We will have to split up- answers Ellen.

Me Ellen, George, and John will go in one of the vehicles- answers Cassy.

I and these 2 students will go in this vehicle, and the rest will leave together- answers one of the teachers present teacher.

Okay, that will work-answers George.

Everyone leaves as soon as George answers, since the monster is almost close to them.

The vehicles each leave in different locations.

In the first vehicle are George, Cassy, John, and Ellen.

Cassy and John are at the front, while George and Ellen are cuddling at the backseat.

The group continues on their trip to the kingdom.