
?Sparell Academy?

123_ABARAJAS_321 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

________________________________ CHAPTER 1::: ________________________________

The light enters through the window indicating the beginning of a new day.

In the room, you can see a 14-year-old teenager with long black hair dressed in red with a red sword.

On the other side

of the room, there is another teenager on the other bed with shoulder-length blue hair dressed in black and silver with a silver scythe.

Hey, are you ready Ellen?- asked the blue-haired boy.

Yes I am- answered George, the black-haired boy.

George and Ellen head to the dining room to eat their breakfast, where they found John and Cassy.

Cassy has long red hair and glasses, she is

wearing a white and gray dress, with two guns (one white and one gray).

John is 14-year-old wearing black jeans and a black shirt.

(A huge contrast to his white hair, he also has a crossbow

near him).

Good morning guys- says Cassy.

Are you ready for our first day?-says John.

John, Ellen, Cassy, and George eat their food in the dining room.

Then they go to the carriage waiting for them outside.


This place is awesome- says cassy.

It's fine- says ellen.

The carriage stops in front of the gates of a white castle with shiny black gates and all kinds of animals with beautiful plants.

Shall we go inside?- asks George.

Ellen grabs George's arm and clings to him.

Yes, let's go inside- answered Ellen excitedly.

The carriage goes inside the gates where they see other teenagers (their between the ages of 10 to 14).

Hello, my name is Mr. Erick- says Erick.

It is my pleasure to welcome all the first years- says Erick.

Now all the students are to go to your assigned a schedule where you will receive a dorm and your

classes for this semester- says Erick.

The professor started calling names ,and everyone got a schedule.

Which class are you in - asked George.

I am in the advanced classes for the first years, and you?- answers Ellen.

Ellen and George head back to the dorms they are at (their dorm mates).