
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · Thành thị
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26 Chs

Unexpected visit

Less than 15 minutes left and I might see her. Feeling full of joy, it felt so real.

I was not sure, if I'd find her there or not. But still, my emotions were overjoyed over it and I was extremely excited. Thinking about meeting her, I was looking forward to it. Yeah, I know. It sounds like I've not seen her in at least a month.

* * * *

My heartbeat increased, my brain stressed, I started breathing faster and all of my muscles were fixed. It was as if I had to be on my guard around them.

This was caused by simply hearing my name being called by that person. I tried so hard to hold my tears back, but one accidentally slipped through my defense and down my cheeks. It felt so hot, just liked a drop of boiled water on my skin. I don't breathe this hard when I'm running, how did I end up like this?

A thousands and millions of questions and thoughts came to my mind. Simply questions like: "what should I do" and "how should I react to this". I mean, should it be normal to see them together or should I ask about their destination?

Mira was with him after all, it would've been a lot easier if he was alone. Now I'm not even sure about what to do.

Then again he might not want to talk to me, but would he really call me if so? I should probably say hi. I need to go over first.

My heart kept beating faster and faster the closer he got. It's not the first time to see him on the street by a coincidence. Not the first time to meet him at all. And not the first time I'm going to talk to him.

* * * *

While she was on the way to the supermarket 10 minutes earlier she started to tear up. Instead of being happy by the thought of him, it made her feel sorrow instead. Than something crossed her mind: What if Zachary replaces her with Mira, what would happen to her than.

She thought of looking for someone to replace him if that may happen, a new best friend, but it was unimaginable. He was a rare friend and irreplaceable. It's impossible to think that way she thought...

That's when: "ADRIENNE!!" He screamed as loud as he could. Thankfully his voice reached her but what's wrong with that helpless look on her face when she turned around to see him?

* * * *

She looked at if I was a ghost. Did she really not want to see me, that bad?

I smiled and smiled, though. My angle. Yeah, that's her, the girl standing right over there. She was all that I had in mind, up until we got here. The girl with me kept going on about something but my mind was filled with her, I could not think of any other person or another thing.

I first saw her standing further away up front and called her name.

It feels like forever since we last met.

I'm almost tearful. Soon everything will go back to how it was, anticipating that makes me happy. I'll explain it all to her, and after hearing me out, she won't be at me no more.

I ran up to her at that moment. "Where have you been?" I was honestly worried about her, so, so vert worried. But she looked at me with a pair of frightened eyes. She can't be scared of me...

I did not care no more though.

All I ever wanted at that second was to hold her tightly and not let her go - so that's what I did. I hugged her close to me and I noticed how my body also wanted to say something but in its own way.

"Ed, why are you not saying anything?" I looked at her again, and I was surprised.