
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · Urban
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26 Chs

I want you

I wish, I was a different person. The kind of person, to be surrounded by people at all times. I like to think of it as attracting people wherever I go; having a presence, an uncommon magnetism.

Being the person that sticks out in the crowd. But, not because the clothing is very colorful or because of doing something visible. But, simply because, people like to watch the person's moves. And the person exist at a degree of remove of those around.

Yet, I also want to be, and look friendly, as well as liked by those around me. You know, being strong together, and at the same time, being, very strong alone.

I want them to see me as a teacher and someone to look up to, not quite in an idealistic way but an amiable person, sort of way.

* * * *

My heart was set free the moment I saw him coming towards me. It really left my body right after it was set to be free.

I was nervous, like it was the first time I see him, but still, overflowed with happiness: it felt so warm and cozy inside. Someone had given my core a warm jacket and plugged in the heaters down there, that was how it felt. Then followed by a hug, I melted.

For me, he was the magical beast everyone wanted to hug. Although he was strong enough to kill one with a single blow, people would still gather around him. In this case "people" was me. So dangerous he was, you have to stay far not to be bitten - but it seems that my heart did not agree with that. Because I was still following him blindly, and very closely, no matter what.

* * * *

"It's nothing. I just couldn't believe it was you" she told him.

He looked at her confused, then asked; "Why? Is it supposed to be someone else, coming to look for you?" He looked pretty disappointed and mad at the same time. Then with just a few words from her, the dark clouds above his head faded. He was just as happy as before, if not even happier.

"Zozo, are you kidding?" She said and giggled. "You're the one I look forward to meeting the most!"-she promised him.

"Ed~ Sheeran~ you do huh?" He was more than happy to hear that. She was also just as happy to gather up all the courage and be able to tell him what she had in mind.

"Ed Sheeran? Do you know my name? Who do you think you are talking too, aye? Hold up, do you even realize who I am?" She asked him a question after another. He couldn't hold back his laughter in the end and burst out laughing. Yeah, this was his Ed, who else would ask him such, or argue with him - no one except her would do that.

He came to look for her it seems, that alone made her feel very special. Now, they are holding a conversation, just the way they did before... Suddenly:

"Wahhh! Zoz, I'm so sorry but let's continue later, ok?" Adrienne had to get going, so it seemed.

He had his mouth wide open - they had just met.

Zachary had looked forward to this day for ages. "Why is that? Do you have to do something?" He thought, it might be tied to the reason why she was absent yesterday, and why she left early today.

"I have to get something from the grocery store, I mean the supermarket here, and then go to the park..."

"The supermarket? You could've gone to the store that's closer to the park, then, no?"

"That's what I did" she said. "But they didn't seem to have what I was looking for there" she said, downhearted.

"But, you are going to the park, right? I'm going to the bookstore and then we could meet together outside, again. I'll be going home after that, anyway. We can go together since it's on the same way. Would that be fine with you?"

She was pretty baffled. What he says then, meant a lot. But she thought she would ask him about that later though. "Yes, for sure, that's be awesome!" she said, instead.

She went on to the supermarket, while the two of, Mira and Zachary continued to the bookstore.

"He hugged me!" She thought to herself when they had left. She walked down the stairs to the supermarket as she daydreamed about the scene over and over again.

* * * *

Do I take that as he prefers being with me, then Mira? He and Mira were together after all, yet although I gave them some space, he still insisted on tagging along with me to the park.

I'm not sure what this boy has got on his mind, but I surely don't mind how things are turning out.

I wish to tell you about my source of inspiration: a novel called "The Reluctant Fundamentalist". An amazing book written by Mohsin Hamid.

Will forever be one of the good bokes I've read and I highly recomend it.

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