
There Are No Humans like Me

The oddly colored sky and dusty ground disappeared, leaving both Daniel and the oni into the depths of darkness.

"Useless tricks." Said the oni before pushing his terrifyingly intense essence out of his indestructible skin, which corroded Daniel's dark essence the very moment it came in contact with it.

Whenever his body moved, the demon's essence incinerated Daniel's and left gashes of clearer space which would be filled right back with constructed darkness the very next moment.

"I can still feel your presence, puny human." Added the demon before bashing his club on the small patch of sand above which Daniel was standing. However, the club went through his body as if nothing tangible was there to begin with.

A second Daniel appeared right beside the massive demon's shoulder. He was only able to pat the skin of the demon before being slapped by the latter's free hand. This time too, he disappeared leaving no traces behind.