
Given a Second Chance, Karma Will Get You

*AAAAAAAARRRRGHH* *AAAAAAARGH!!* Shouted the king of monsters as the enormous amount of spiritual essence started to fight against his very existence as a being of corruption.

His body was completely engulfed by the white energy, which seeped into his lungs and stomach, and burned his skin.

Daniel immediately noticed the effect of the karmic retribution, and observed the spiritual essence devour the body of the King of Monsters.. But the more he watched, the more worried he became.

Despite the fact that the king was being severely injured, it appeared that he could actually survive the experience.

So, before the spiritual essence could dissipate in the air, Daniel, whose immortal essence was quickly regenerating, teleported behind the king and hugged him tightly.

He rapidly wrapped one of his arms around the king's chest, his legs around his waist, and finally, forced his mouth opened by pressing at the sides of his jaw with his hand.