
A Merchant Permission

"My name is Der.."

Daniel looked at Der with confused eyes, almost as if he had forgotten about something of extreme importance..

Unable to single out that thought in his mind, he threw it to the back of his head, and said "You can call me Daniel." as a polite smile formed on his face. He then added "What can I help you with?"

"I would like to know how you arrived here.. I have been trying to go home for many years.. I still have a family to go back to." Responded Der with a near Melancholic voice.

Daniel became pensive for a few seconds, then responded "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I actually haven't arrived directly from that world.. A year ago I ended up in a second world, and was only teleported back here earlier this morning."

A look of disappointment appeared on Der's face, as he said "There is no chance then.."