
Soulmates [BxMxMxMxM]

Hayden Archer is a 17-year-old teenager. He hides behind his smile, pretending to be an innocent teenager. But he's anything but innocent. He is depressed and lonely. His parents abuse him for having four soulmates especially since all four are men. One fateful day, when mother orders him to go to the store to buy some milk, he witnesses a murder. He is then kidnapped by the Italian Mafia. To his shock, he finds out that his four soulmates are all in the Italian Mafia. Will his soulmates be able to heal his broken heart? Start Date: 12/13/2021 End Date: TBA

harutotreasure13 · Hiện thực
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13 Chs

Character Profiles

[Hayden Archer]

Street Fighter and Street Racer (In the future)

Age: 17

Hair Color: Midnight Black

Eye Color: Sapphire-Blue

Height: 5'7"

[Sinclair Russo]

Don of the Italian Mafia

Age: 24

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gray

Height: 6'6"

[Damien Armani]

The underboss of the Italian Mafia

Age: 24

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Eye Color: Forest Green

Height: 6'4"

[Cassius Black]

Assassin employed by the Italian Mafia

Age: 19

Hair Color: Left side of hair is dyed Silver while the right side is Black.

Eye Color: Amber

Height: 6'2"

[Matteo Moretti]

Hacker of the Italian Mafia

Age: 18

Hair Color: Dyed pink (naturally brown)

Eye Color: Chocolate Brown

Height: 5'10"