
Soulkin Online

Athos. A world ruled by the great spirits. A world of swords and magic. One day the great spirits decide to play a game. Let's see who can get the best follower. Dílis, after being betrayed by those he trusts most, gets summoned by a weak spirit as their follower. The advised job he receives is demon king? Join Dilis as he learns about the people he calls monsters and see what he becomes. (The excellent book cover made by @theinsanetomboy on Wattpad.)

masonmelbourne · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Welcome to Athos(2)

Welcome to Athos(2)

For the first time since being transported to the other world, Dílis decided to sit down and properly look over his status window.


~Level: 1

~Race: Monster


~Title: [Pawn of the Great Spirits] (1)



~Stats: Strength(3) / HP(30) / Intelligence(5) / Stamina(4) / Mana(0) / Total: (15)

"Hmm, let's see," Dílis began looking over his status with a blank expression.

It was the same as when he had made his character, except for the fact that he was now in possession of a title.

"Pawn of the great spirits," he muttered under his breath.

"Oi, the hell's this?", he asked pointing at the title.

[Oh nothing much just something everyone who was summoned here gets, don't worry about it]

"For some reason, when you tell me not to worry about it, it makes me worry about it more."

[I am hurt you don't trust me]

"Still this doesn't help me solve my current dilemma."


" I mean it's not like I have any skills like inspect."

As he said that, another screen appeared in front of him.


It was blank except for the word, skills, and open space where, presumably, he would see his skills once he got them.

Speaking of which, Dílis didn't have much of an idea on how to acquire skills as a monster.

Typically, one would buy or earn a skill book which would then allow them to earn the skill, if their class permitted it.

For example, a paladin couldn't learn dark magic just like a necromancer couldn't learn light magic.

The monster was different, in that they could not use skill books.

Dílis had heard that you have to earn the skills themselves, which wasn't a lot to go off of.

Dílis thought back to the potion and started twirling it in his hand, thinking about what he should do with it.

"It wouldn't be wise to drink something you don't know anything about...but at the end of the day, I'm not that wise so, bottoms up."

Dílis brought the potion up to his mouth and drank it all in one go, cringing at the taste.

"Caw, man, the hell was that made of," Dílis wiped his mouth "Tasted like spoiled milk and dog food, eurgh."


As dílis heard the notification sound, it was if his body was on autopilot, he immediately turned over to his status screen and began studying the changes.


~Level: 1

~Race: Monster: [Goblin], (Wolf)

~Class: Demon King

~Title: [Pawn of the Great Spirits] (2)



~Stats: Strength(3) / HP(30) / Intelligence(5) / Stamina(4) / Mana(0) / Total: (15)

Dílis stood for a short while checking over everything that had changed.

He had gained a new title, Dílis tapped the title option and found a new one other than his previous one.

[The Beloved King]

-A king must have the charisma to rule his subjects.

-Likeability with monsters of the same species is drastically increased.

"Oh this is rather good, what worries me though is that I can only use it on goblins...," Dílis stopped as his eyes returned to where his race was stated.

What he saw had caught him off guard, he had previously skipped over his race since he didn't think it could change but now it displayed the name of two low-level monsters.

Goblin and Wolf.

What did that mean?

Dílis was confused, how could he have two different races.

Dílis looked at the newly filled class which monsters shouldn't have been able to acquire.

He had acquired a new class which he had never seen in game before, Demon King.

Dílis knew what the Demon King was, it was the very personification of evil which the hero would eventually subjugate.

There were some exceptions, I mean a surprising amount of them are actually cute girls, then the series would continue with them joining the hero or something.

Unfortunately, Dílis was not a cute girl.

"Who would have thought that the Demon King would be a goblin...or is it a wolf? I don't know."

'It would be nice if I could inspect the class to see what it does though,' as Dílis thought that, the skills window, which he had previously closed, appeared again. This time the window had text covering it.


[Eyes of the Demon King]

[Rank Hero] [Proficiency 0%]

-A king must truly see his subjects

-Can use the eyes of truth possessed solely by the Ruler of Monsters

"Oh really layering on the king thing isn't it."

[Huh king? did you just say, king?]

"What? um yeah, w-"

[Holy shit, jackpot!]

"Wait why?"

[Duh, a king's a king, it's a crazy good job, that is if you have your own kingdom.]

[Do you have your own kingdom?]

"Why the hell would I have my own kingdom!?"

[Hey I don't know what you get up to in your spare time]

"Wh...I...how..." Dílis just sighed.

[Wait but there's already enough kings what are you the king of, Goblins?]

"It says here I'm the Demon King."

[Huh what's that? you mean those things the church made up?]

"Huh, what do you mean?"

[Pftttt hahahahahah you, you're the king of nothing, hahaha...haha...ha...haaaa]

Dílis was confused, the demon king he knew of was a big deal but at least he now knew that demons weren't real so that's something.

"Well actually a Demon King is."

[Ah, what is it]

"Well...nothing...no, it's nothing," Dílis decided not to say anything as he thought it best not to tell this annoying voice anything, as they may make him do something dangerous, like going against the other Summons.


He once again looked at his class. He had intended to use his new skill to find out further details on it but after voicing the activation he would normally use, nothing happened.

Dílis looked back at the skill window.


He checked his class once again before something crossed his mind.

'This isn't a game anymore, this is just something I have so I should just be able to think it and-'


[Demon King]

-The Demon King is said to be the monsters' saviour, though the meaning of the job has been lost to time.

-Only one monster every thousand years has the capability to become the Demon King.

-The Demon King must understand those he commands, once conditions have been met, one would be able to freely change their race.

"Well, isn't this a big dea-" Dílis stopped himself before he gave anything more about his job away.

"Hey! You still there?"


Dílis called out again, "You there!?", still no answer.

Dílis waited for a couple of minutes before he received a notification.


[Spirit: Hey if you're wondering where I am don't worry about it, I'm gonna stay with my friend for a while so you do whatever you want okay.]

"That bloody-did they abandon me."

Dílis was dumbfounded at the actions of the spirit, so much so that he had to take a moment to collect his thoughts.

'No, no, think a moment Dílis, wasn't this what we wanted? Now we can do whatever we want without any repercussions. We still don't know the power that thing possesses. It's probably better to be separated from them.'

Dílis looked back at his status screen before thinking to himself that he wanted to turn into a wolf.

All of a sudden Dílis began growing in height, fur started growing on his arms as they elongated, paws appeared where his hands used to be, claws as sharp as knives started protruding from his paws.

Dílis' vision became sharper, his smell, stronger, he could now see a dog like nose in front of him.

Then he fell.


Turns out a wolf can't stand on two legs very well.

Dílis struggled for a while before righting himself.

He knew what had happened, though baffled.

He had turned into a wolf.

There was no pain, no sound, one moment he had been a goblin, the next, a wolf.



'Huh? What the frick, why can't I speak.'

'Oh yeah, a wolf can't speak, right but what the fuck I can turn into a wolf'

Dílis felt stronger, more powerful than before. He tried taking a step forward.


He fell flat on his face once again.

Walking on all fours was quite a new sensation, it was like you had two extra feet which you had never used before which, well, he had.

Dílis got back up and tried again.

One step.

Two steps.

Three ste-


'Hngggg this is so annoying'



[Rank Common] [Proficiency 2%]

-Enables the use of all four limbs freely

'Proficiency 2% huh, eeehhh this is gonna take a while'

Over the next few hours, Dílis continued to try and walk using all four limbs, falling over too many times to count.

Dílis decided to stop after about four hours of trying, he had gotten to a point where he could at least walk without falling over.


'Ah, right, I can't check my status because I can't speak. Wait, if I can still use my skills without voicing it, then I should be able to open my status the same way right?'

'Ehm, status?"

The status screen once again popped up in front of him, its contents different this time.


~Level: 1

~Race: Monster: [Wolf], (Goblin)

~Class: Demon King

~Title: [The Beloved King] (2)



~Stats: Strength(4) / HP(40),(4x10) / Intelligence(2) / Stamina(5) / Mana(0) / Total: (15)

'I see, so my stats have changed huh? It seems my physical capabilities have gone up but my intelligence has taken a hit for it.'

'I want to turn into a goblin'

Dílis began shrinking, becoming more compact, his front legs turned into arms, his paws into hands and feet.

He had to take a moment as his eyesight had turned much worse from when he had been a wolf.

He hadn't noticed it at first but the wolf had much better eyesight than the goblin, he would be able to notice smaller, finer details and movements, everything looked like it was a lot clearer.

It had it's disadvantages though, for one, his field of view was a bit narrower and the colours in his surrounding were dulled, contrast that with the full-colour version of the lush green woods he was in and when he turned back into a goblin it was quite an ordeal.


Dílis was interrupted, not by some wild beast, no, it was because of his stomach, it was now midday and Dílis was pretty hungry, not having eaten anything since breakfast.

He looked around at his surroundings.

He knew this place, The Berry Woods, it was a beginner level hunting spot where one would find small groups of about three goblins at most and maybe the occasional wolf.

Most beginners like to come here as it is recommended by the tutorial instructor, however, if you had at least a little knowledge of the game you would skip over the woods as there are much better spots to level up with not much difference in difficulty.

However, this was perfect for him as this was one of the lowest level hunting spots, perfect for the weak monster he was now.

"If I can just chill here for a bit I should be pretty safe, I'm the (former) leader of the Invisible Hands after all."

Dílis began journeying into the forest, in hopes of finding food.