
Soul Stone of Euphoria

Magnolia Shepherd, a fifteen year old girl attending Willow Peak Academy the world’s most prodigious school that offers curriculum both for mages and knights. Magnolia excels at spell casting but uses her gifts for menial tasks that could very well lead to her being expelled from Willow Peak. Can this clumsy yet gifted young girl become one of the seven knights that protect Euphoria’s ancient soul stone?

Aoi_Reid · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

This unknown princely man, who was now a victim of mistaken identity descended down the grand staircase. His cold grey eyes shifted back and forth absorbing the information that the book in his gloved hands carried. He didn't hear the strange girl waltz into his home let alone her knocks on the front door.

"Hi... hello... I'm I mean. Adonis.. Hi." She nervously stuttered as he reached the bottom of the staircase. He gave her no verbal response. He closed his book and looked her up in down. It was obvious by her white uniform that she was either a sophomore or freshman at Willow Peak academy since seniors and juniors wore black uniforms.

The dark haired girl trembled with the nerves caused by the few minutes of awkward silence. To end the insufferable silence she shoved Adonis's makeup work onto the princely man that stood before her.

His intense eyes shifted between her and the papers he had. "What I'm I supposed to do with these?" He questioned holding the papers that were forcibly put upon him. "I don't know you, so this matter shouldn't involve me." 

His sentences caught Magnolia off guard. 'Why would Adonis be so cruel?' She asked herself.

She looked down at her feet wondering if she should apologize for something she may have done to wrong Adonis. His last sentence burned through her heart as if he had purposely shot a flaming arrow directly through it. The poor girl thought that her first love was purposely tormenting her and she didn't have the courage to speak up.

"I'm... Magnolia Shepherd ." she sheepishly stated. She felt that if she announced herself whether it was to make him quit this torment or to test if he was under a spell.

"I've never known nor do I care of knowing someone who can not announce themselves properly." He replied as he turned around to walk up the staircase a cat with a unique coloring was sprawled out blocking his path. He could have easily shooed it away or stepped over it but he choose to face the slim female. She wanted to leave but her legs seemed glued down by her unending questions rambling off in her head.

'What's wrong with him? I go to school with him. How did he forget so fast? Do I have that much of a forgettable face? Was a spell cast on him or does just Adonis HATE me?' Magnolia's conclusions that she was jumping to, weren't impossible since Adonis was known for his terrible memory and he was also the heir to the Eshan kingdom this made him a target to rivals of the Eshan kingdom.

'Why should I give my attention to such an overcompensating Neanderthal?' He thought as he shot a glance a Magnolia who was unintentionally mumbling her thoughts as she stared at the floor.

He sighed before attempting to resolve the matters that laid before him. "Perhaps, you may have mistaken me for my cousin, Adonis."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" She asked clutching her fist. "I came here to drop off your schoolwork and you pretend to not know me. Does our friendship mean that little?" She didn't want to hear his answer but at the same time, she couldn't leave without one.

"I speak the truth. It's up to you wether you believe me or not." He replied. Magnolia noticed his eyes were cold and grey. The type of cold that could send a shiver down someone's back. His eyes also looked more like a sliver then grey due to the lighting of the chandelier overhead. Quite, a contrary to Adonis eyes which matched the colored of freshly smelted gold. However, both men shared a glimmer of loneliness in their eyes.

"Lord Caspian Circelle." He added. "That's what you should call me." Introducing himself was his attempt at an apology even know Circelle wasn't his legal surname but the one his father insisted he use.

'Could it be that he's not Adonis ? That this man is an imposter?' Almost immediately after thinking those thoughts she dismissed it all. They looked identical.

"Selene?" He questioned. This name he called her was the nickname Envy gave her. He was one of the Seven Deadly Sins who fought for the people and swore no loyalty to any crown. Some kingdoms consider them villains like the Eshan kingdom, others treated them as equals to their kings and queens. These knights never wore gaudy armor like the western royal militaries wore instead they dressed liked thieves.

Magnolia had meant Envy on several occasions due to the fact that her grandmother mother was training her to inherit her title as the knight Wrath. Neither she asked of his identity nor did he asked of hers since both hid by a mask. Her's looking as if in was dyed in the blood of her enemies while his was no darker then a evergreen's bristles. The last time the two spared each other he made a commented about how it was time for him to find a replacement. He had mentioned he was born with the curse that effected his abilities to perform tasks for the Seven Deadly Sins.

But, the man before her was a dead ringer for Adonis and Envy was at least two years older then her according to her reculication. Maybe more. Unless, Envy used a spell to overrule Mother Nature. A spell like that could only be achieved by either drinking from the foundation of youth or swallowing the soul Stone according to legend. Who knows if the either of them actually existed?

"You're not Adonis are you?" She asked not seeing the obvious answer that had been laid before her. He was disappointed that neither she or he remembered each other.

"What made you jump to such a obvious conclusion?" He snarkily replied. "And I have you know I'm more attractive then Adonis." He smirked.

"You think your better looking then Adonis?" Magnolia replied not buying his sudden change of behavior but appreciated him changing the conversation to a subject that wouldn't make her head spin.

"It wasn't a question it was a statement." His reply made Magnolia laughed. 'Adonis could never be this vain.' she thought.

"Hey! Caspain, was it?" Magnolia said before she left for home. "Make sure Adonis receives his make up work or I'll have to come back."

Caspian frowned at Magnolia's complete disregard for his title.

"We wouldn't want that now wouldn't we, Selene?"