
Learning, Exams and Yoinked outta za warudo

~Ancient One PoV~

"Mordo! Please call our three guest"

"Yes Master"

'3 days of looking at all posible future alternatives and it may be one of the best things we could have at teaching those three. The boy more than anything, it's like he has the power to do anything he desires and even I won't be able to defeat him in a few years at most. He should be wanting to learn from me as a hobby, not like he needs it, more like his "Uncles" wanted to see what this was and came here.'

"Ah, Mr. Black, Mr. Lupin, and Mr. Potter welcome back. Thank you Mordo."

"Its Sirius please, Mr Black makes me sound old"- "You are old mangy mutt. Hi"-"Oi!-"Call me Remus please"

And the three of them talk at the same time, its like they are linked, "Okay, first of all let me tell you that if you want to learn our arts it will be extremely difficult and dangerous for you. Every practitioner here at the sanctums was a non-magical while you being already magical beings would be in more danger at learning from us.

Wizard and Witches have magical cores inside of them where they get their magic from, and that core has vessels that go through all of your body making your entire body bathe in your magic from birth. Us, sorcerers gain our type of magic externally from dimensional energies and if you want to get to use those it will be challenging, you would have to do it very slowly to acclimate your body, core and vessels so that they don't rupture and you end up exploding."

-------------------------1/2 years later----------------------------- 3rd person view-----

Harry just got out of the ICW after finishing his last exams for the NEWT's it was a hectic week, Andromeda told them that there where rumors that Dumb-ass-a-door wanted to pass a bill to make every British citizen give their OWL's and NEWT's at Hogwarts in a few months. Pity, Harry had all of Voldemort memories and say what you want about the guy but he was a genius.

Sirius was waiting him as they where going to celebrate after it they where going to France to one of the Black Vineyards. "So pup, finished already? Everything all right?"

"Yup, just finished the last exams on warding, dueling and healing. The dueling one might be a bit of a problem, one of the examiners lacked a little of respect and may be in need of some healing but nothing to worry about." said Harry with a smirk

"What did you do now?" said Sirius with a barking laugh

"Oi I'm a young boy with hormonal issues soo and I don't like being talk down to, so after playing with him for a while I just pranked the living daylights out of the guy. I gave him a sex change and other little stuff, nothing to serious." with his hands up as if surrendering said Harry

They take a portkey that leaves them at the Bureau de la Justice Magique, there where two aurors on call there. "Name, purpose of visit and wand please"

"Lord Sirius Orion Black II and Lord Hadrian James Potter, here on vacations." said Sirius

They opened their eyes wide, Hadrian Potter even if he was British was a legend. "An honor to meet you Lord Potter, hope you enjoy your stay here."

"Thank you, have to unwind some stress just finished my NEWT's" said Harry with a wry smile even though he knew everything for the exams they where nonetheless tiring

"Dogwood and grim whisker, here's your wand back Lord Black. And Elder Wood with T-hestral tail hair core for Lord Potter." the auror checking wands almost shat himself when he saw Harry's wand

"Thank you for you time gentelwizards, good day." said Sirius after both of them got their wands back and left to the apparition point

They went to one of the Potter properties on France first to check everything there and later went to the Black vineyard where they would be 'celebrating'.

What they didn't know was that in another universe a ritual was being prepared to call a champion and after a night of debauchery Harry found himself waking up at hitting the floor

"Oh fuck, what the bloody hell?" said Harry, and at opening his eyes he saw Sirius and other people who he thought where the ones he partied last night. "Fuck padfoot where the hell are the Hangover potions? I told you the veela AND succubus where a bit too much though dogfather of the year for that goes to you."


"Lady please don't shout, my head's killing me! And Sirius please get me that hangover potion!!"

There where some whispers and as Harry looks up he sees a lot of people he didn't thought he would see "Padfoot I'm not sure if this is a something you put in those drinks last night but why am I seeing my parents? And why the fucking hell am i seeing Dumbass there too?"

Choking sounds where heard, until this moment Harry was laying on the floor with a bed sheet covering his body, but when he got up the sheet fell to the floor and his body was there for all to see as the day he was born.

He was tall and built like a Greek God, well endowed too to boot. He look around and recognized a few faces but everyone was looking at him with there eyes popping and their mouth hanging when he look at himself he saw he was naked and then understood everyone expressions so he looked around and saw the bedsheets he waved his hand and it flew at him, wrapping himself on it and did a transfiguration on it to get some actual clothes.

Murmurs broke out about wandless magic and such and it was grating Harry that nobody said anything more "OKAY CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!" and adding a little bit of pressure with his reiatsu it almost brought everyone to its knees

"Mr. Potter if what I presume is right, we did a ritual to summon to our world a champion to fight against the Dark Lord." said Dumbledore

"Are you fucking kidding me? You just up and kidnap someone out of their world and expect everything will be all sunny and rosy? And I bet all the gold in gringotts that it was your idea Dumfuck."

"I don't know why you have such animosity with me child, but yes it was my idea. The ritual would someone that had already defeated Voldemort someone older truly."

"Well I gonna start by saying you are an idiot, because if you wanted someone who defeated old snaky face with daddy issues you could have gotten baby me when I rebounded the killing curse right back to his ugly mug if you meant someone who offed for real the bastard you got him. And even if I grace you with my otherworldly presence I am almost 160 years old now so don't call me a child you whiskered goat fucker."

Another cacophony of shouts flew by after that statement "Impossible you could not be more than 17 young man, it's not right to lie your parents should have teach you that! And you should show your respect to the headmaster!"

"Well who would have thought, molly the mouth talking about manners HA! That's a good one and respect is earned not given." said Harry, earning a few snickers and leaving her mouth hanging for a moment before she started screeching only to be shut upped by a wave of Harry's hand

"Please lets not fight, maybe we could go upstairs and talk like adults. What do you think?" said Albus looking at everyone and then at Harry

"Well after you old boy" said Harry with a smirk

As they where climbing some staircases Sirius approched Harry "So I took you to a pary with veela and succubus eh? How was that?" wiggling eyebrows

"Heh, my Sirius yeah, I just had finished giving my last NWET's and we went to celebrate" said Harry with a wistful smile. "We are at Grimmauld Place right? And what year is it?"

"How do you know where we are? we are under fidelus you shouldn't know that! I dont like this Albus." said Moody

"Well I believe being Heir Black would make me know where all Black properties are so calm your little wooden leg Moody. I would assume moldyshorts came back with the tri-wiz tournament last year so you are calling the Order back or he's been back more time and you are fucking loosing as usual." Said Harry as he enter the dinning room while looking around, and this Grimmuald was not rotting like the one on his world, so it seems some things where different than his world. Lily and James Potter being alive one of those too.

That had them all flinching. "We are loosing indeed, which is why we voted to bring someone who had already vanquished Voldemort." said Dumbles

"Well don't you have your saviour? I mean when I killed the fucker for good the last time we didn't need to grab someone from another world."

"We have young Harry, but he is not trained to fight and is a boy. And what do you mean for good?"

"God you are an idiot, you know he is the one the prophecy spoke about, you knew tommy boy was still alive and you mean to tell me you didn't prepare the kid or trained him at all? And for good I mean of all the times I tried to kill the fucker, first as a baby he ate a killing curse and left as a wraith, my first year at Hogwarts he was possessing Quirrel I burned the shit outta the idiot when he tried to get the Philosopher's Stone, then second year when through one of his anchors he opened the Chamber of Secret possessing the Weaslette and I had to destroy the diary with a basilisk fang after killing the basilisk. Then there was the triwiz tournament where I get kidnapped and used in a ritual with my blood to bring the fucker into a new body/homunculus whatever it was, had a fight there too and lastly at the battle of Hogwarts where I could finally kill the cockroach.

We thought it was finally over, all his anchors where destroyed even the one that he left on my scar as a baby when he turned to ash, but he came back a few years after it wasn't until later that we discovered that even if we had destroyed his Horcruxes that until we incarcerated all his DE's or kill em' he would keep popping up.

I don't know here but he marked his pets with the 'Dark Mark' like cattle, that was soul magic among other things, he could siphon magic from them to fight and to stay alive even though he didn't have any anchor to this plane anymore."