
Soul Reaper in HP/Marvel

Our mc wished to get transmigrated into the body of Harry Potter with the Hogyoku and a Zanpakuto that can imitate the power of all others. Super overpowered MC that will fuck up a lot of cannon and others shit.

HerrSpawn · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

Everyone was silent after Harry's rant of the wars, Dumbledore looked like someone just kicked a kitten "So by looking at your faces I guess you guys didn't know that, about the Horcruxes and by Dumbass face here that looks like someone has trashed his lemon drops he's hurt his little pet death eater Snivellus has to kick the bucket. Ahh karma don't you love that bitch" said Harry with a wistful face

That earned a few laughs from Sirius and James who recieved a smack to the head by Lily and another woman next to Sirius. After a moment of silence it was Albus who started to speak

"What I don't understand is how could you have lived through it all and still be that young." he said giving a pointed look at Harry

"Well, I think you do know but you don't want to believe it, spending your youth searching for them in my dimension at least and no doubt here too, seeing as you have two and are dying because of the other. But that is not really the answer, what I did was with their help, I sent my soul, memories, and powers back in time as possible." said Harry earning a look of recognition on old Albus and lots of shouting of him dying, but Harry continued

"I don't know what happen here that night on Halloween but my parents where killed by snake face and my mum did a sacrificial ritual with her life to give me protection, so when that shithead pointed his wand at me and cast the killing curse it rebounded to hit him instead, his body was destroyed but as he had his anchors, his soul left. The problem there was that as mangled as it was a piece of it attached itself to the only living being on the room."

Horrifying expressions where left at that along with more questions by the people sitting there. Albus looked like he aged 30 years more "So it is as i feared, here your grandmother or this dimension at least died that night to power the very same protections. If you don't mind me asking, who did you destroyed that piece inside of you?"

"I had to die." was the short and simple answer Harry gave

An intake of air was heard by everyone and a downcast Albus looked at James and Lily Potter who began to understand some things they didn't in the past.

"No, no Albus it can't be! There has to be another way!" Lily was already a sobbing mess

As Dumbledore was about to say something, "But if your Harry here has the same problem as I, it is a piece of cake, giving I'm 'Her Master' and all. So on that front you don' have to worry. Also in my dimension one of his anchors was on this very same house. The house is different here, not as abandoned with what I take it that James and Lily being alive here people knew Sirius was not their secret keeper and didn't have to go to Azkaban for 13 years." said Harry

Albus eyes brightened with a twinkle that was missing for a while, and while Lily didn't understand who 'Her' meant it also meant that the Harry here didn't have to die. James on the other hand was beginning to think the he understood but was having it's doubts so he asked "Did you really collect all three of them? You broke the family curse?"

"Okay what the bloody merlin are you guys talking about James? What curse? It is bad? Can something happen to the children? Why didn't you tell me that!!? asked Lily

"Nobody is going to talked about the fact that I went to Azkaban for 13 fucking years?!! What happened to the traitor?" asked Sirius with a looked that described the Black madness

"Indeed I did, but purely by accident. I didn't knew their history, only after the fact actually, and as I beat 'Her' in a game of her choosing 'She' deemed me worthy to be 'Her Master', and while the stories are absurd and idiotic, there is some truths to every tale. You can't possibly master 'Her' you are made a champion, everyone dies, there is no escape but there are some who look for immortality, some in a lets say safe way and some in twisted ways. I'm the one who is supposed to collect the souls of those that tried escaping that. Necromancers, immortals, men/woman who made Horcruxes, in essence those that tried escaping 'Her' by breaking the natural cycle. But 'She' will always gets what's owe to 'Her'. There are only two people on earth that are truly immortal and that is because 'She' allows it, you could cut our heads and we will just regrow back our bodies, or our bodies will regrow a head. Haven't had that happen to me yet so I don't really know.

In actuality that was the job of the three brothers and would have continue to be for their descendants, but as you know some of if from the stories that didn't happen, hence the curse of our family placed by 'Her'. And as you know many wizards and witches have sought to posses the three but as none of them have the blood of the family, at most they would work somewhat but never as intended and never would they be chosen that what 'She' told me."

James and Albus had a look of understanding and realization on their faces along with awe, the others where confused and little creeped out but some had begun to realize about what was being talked about.

"Did you hear that moony, my dimensional kidnapped godson is immortal, I win" whispered Sirius to Remus across the table earning a few sniggerings

"Coming back to important business you said that in your dimension there was one of his anchors in this house, may i know why or how?" asked Albus

"Oh yeah, it's a really long story but Regulus found out where one of them was hidden, he tried to get to it to destroy it but unfortunately died in the process. As dying he gave his last order to the Black house elf, I don't know if it is still the same here to destroy it but as the elf didn't know what it really was he had no way of carrying the order."

Sirius started tearing up at finding what his brother did and called Kreacher and after asking they found out everything that happen when and when he said Harry could destroy, the elf turned to look at Harry "You can carry Master Regulus orden for Kreacher?" and presented the locket putting it on the table

Harry held out his hand and out of nowhere he had the Elder Wand on it which with a flick turned into his Zanpakuto as his sword and the wand had merged. He ordered in parseltongue 'Open' and brought down the sword on it making the locket let a ear bursting screech and a black smoke with Voldemort face coming out of it and with another swish of the sword it exploded in a puff.

No one had words to explained what happened and there was total silence at what Harry did like it was nothing, but Kreacher broke the silence "Oh Master Regulus final order completed he will be happy yes. Done by good master a good Heir Black finally yes yes finally no Heir should be bloodtraitor filthy Half-Blood no no no a powerful Pureblood like Mistress wanted."

"Kreacher, Harry is a Half-Blood sorry to burst your bubbles, he is Lily's son." said Sirius

Kreacher was about to retort to that but Harry beat him to the punch "Yes, I'm her son but also a Pureblood, my mother was adopted, she was a daughter of House Vermillion, a House tought to been dead with at the end of the Grindewald war. My mother was adopted, she is actually your cousin some removed Sirius." said Harry

Kreacher stood with his big head held high for one upping Sirius and with a sickening smile.