
Soul Reaper: Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death Battle of Grunge In a massive open wasteland different banners could be seen raised under the moonlight, the Melios Royal family had their blue emblem with the Image of a lions head with a battle axe and sword behind it, standing at the front of the 4 million strong army were 3 imposing looking men on really Intimidating beasts. Derios what’s our plan of attack?, Philip asked a Middle aged man that looked to be in his early 40’s but was actually 2 centuries old already, he stood at 6’6 feet tall and had a muscular build, he was sitting on a pure black griffon called Hades that had fire as it’s mane and a metallic tail that glowed really red with fiery eyes and wings on its back, it stood at 7 feet while on all fours, he wore a black armour with red engravings to match the colour of his Soul Beast and he had two battle axes on his back one glowing red and the other glowing black I’ll attack from the front while you and Adisa attack from right and left, he replied while staring at the terrifying looking man at the highest mountain in the wasteland, it was none other than Uzeroth, The Harbinger of Choas, he was a man that stood barely 5’7 feet tall with a pitch black dragon behind him that stood at 20 feet making him look like an ant compared to it but the power coming off him was more frightening than the Dragon itself scaring the soldiers of the 3 kingdoms except for the veterans and the kings. Philip take your army to the left I have the right! Adisa said while marching his army, he is a tall looking dark skinned man with shining silver armour on him and a Golden spear on his back, walking beside him is his Soul Beast Snow, a 6’5 feet tall pure white wolf with blue fur on its paws with a long tail with a blue icicle at the tip, it emitted a chilling cold 100 metres around it making those close to it shiver like hell except for Derios, Adisa and Philip and some of their generals, Philip rode his soul beast a Pegasus with four wings that stood at 8 feet tall and had brown fur and a stony looking tail with a mace spike at the tip he named him Rocco because of the stony tail. ………… Standing far far away was a young man in his twenties wearing nothing but a simple golden and black robe but the obvious thing about him was his jet black and white hair and his ominous looking black and golden irises, he looked like a sage just sitting and enjoying the weather. Mazael what do you think?? Should I join the fight now he asked his Mentor and oldest friend, Well don’t you want to wait for your friends before you guys go join the fight Mazael asked back, They look like they need my help those monsters Uzeroth created look quite strong to my Soul Perception and they are outnumbered 3 to 1 even with the numbers of the soldiers. Standing up and dusting his robe he opened his mind link saying to his friends, “ Hey guys how long would it take you guys to get here” , a female voice replied back angrily, if only you had reduced your speed a little but you were too eager to kill monsters we should get to you in 5 minutes with our current speed, Alisha out!!! Hehe it’s not my fault I have to kill monsters and increase my soul bank and besides Uzeroth is my mortal enemy I’ll kill him no matter what, he said while moving at supersonic speed and seeing the battle starting in front of him. The sound of his flying made everyone look up and every soldier on the ground saluted and shouted together It’s Eros!!! The Soul Reaper!!! The Angel of Death is here!! Victory is ours!!!, with up to 10 million people screaming it was a magnificent sight and it made him happy that people saw him as a hero even though he had killed countless in the war all this time. Looking up Uzeroth couldn’t help but sneer as the one person who was actually a huge pain in his ass could be seen flying towards him in the blink of an eye I’ll make sure to kill you this time Soul Reaper!!! He shouted causing a little tremor all around the battlefield.

Adissababa · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: Inner Turmoil

Looking up at the one person he hated most other than his father, he couldn't help but shed tears at how helpless he was at defending himself and all the pain he went through after his mother's death.

One day I'll get strong enough to kill you and everyone in this village and any other person that causes me pain!!!!!! He screamed at the top of his lungs even with all the pain,

Hahahaha!! Look at you cripple! You can't even walk! Orion said bursting into a laughing fit again before walking away and leaving him to drown in his own despair.

I wish my mother was still around he said while trying to get to the mansion before he becomes unconscious and so he could get his wounds treated before he died of blood loss,

Young Lord!!!, the only person that cared for him in the whole village called to his battered body before coming to help him inside and treating his body, he smiled as Anita helped him to his bed, she was a middle aged woman around 50 that had taken care of both him and his brother since they were born and ever since he was a cripple and he loved her dearly for it and they got closer after his mother's death.

Let me guess your brother again?, Anita said while patching him up and shedding tears while doing so, she wish she could take his pain because she considered him her own son since he was born, she had always believed he was special and meant for much much more and still does till today, but she was just a lowly servant and could do nothing to save him from the sufferings and she knew his father never loved him because of his disability and simply just ignored him most of his life and the only other person that loved him was dead which always made her mad that someone so young could go through so much, looking at the now sleeping face she smiled and left his room after making sure he was going to make it.


I don't have much soul energy left!!! Mazael lamented while cutting through Earths atmosphere and looking for someone to crash and make his plan to get his powers back and he found the perfect area, a cave covered by tall trees by the side of the biggest mountain he saw and he sped into it leaving a blind light he didn't expect anyone to see cause of how secluded it was, but someone saw.


Waking up from his sleep and the first thing he experienced was pain from his injuries that would still take a while to heal, he touched his right eye and got sad cause he's already lost one of his sights and now he thinks himself as a complete cripple but something unexpected caught his peripheral, looking out his window he saw a bring golden and dark light that cut through the sky at incredible speed and went into the forest surrounding their village but nobody saw cause of how silent and dark into the night it was already.

Piquing his interest he decided to go see what it was and he could use the distraction so it was a win win to him but he knew the journey would be stressful, so moving his frail and injured body into his wheelchair, he slipped through the back gate of the mansion into the road behind it and then wheeling himself along through the dark path of the forest with nothing but a little fire and his sword Incase of wild animals or monsters which he knew he would have little chances of surviving against even but he was already dead anyways to him so he still kept on going.

Okay I'm safe for now, my next line of action is to find a body to inhabit and grow it into an immortal body but with a mortal body it'll take a very long time which i am prepared to sacrifice but I need a strong human I've been hearing rumors from the 3 realms that some of them have developed powers but not enough to threaten us from the remaining realms so it should be easy forcing myself into a strong ones body and cultivating it.

Hahahahaha! I can already taste my revenge! , I can't wait to see the look on their face after seeing that im still Alive in a millennia , im going to paint it after killing them all! Mazael Screamed with a devilish smile.

What the hell is that sound and voice! Eros said while being scared for the first time in a long time as he got close to the source of the voice after an hour or two of finding the entrance to the cave, as he wheeled himself in through the rocky and muddy floor which made it even more for him but he kept going to locate who it was , going deeper and coming into a huge opening deep in the cave what he saw made him fall off his wheelchair and injure his already injured body more.

Staring at the little weak thing that just came into his view, Mazael couldn't help but be saddened at the sight of the human in front of him because he assumed they were all this weak cause he hadn't been to the mortal realm in a long ass time so he didn't know much about them, but he was interested in knowing somethings from this human since he was lucky enough to first meet him as soon as he came to Earth.

Mortal look at me and tell me what I want to know!! Mazael said with clear authority but only received a blank stare instead, wondering why he was looking at him like that he did the equivalent of a mind face palm while understanding why he had that stare so he activated his Soul Search Technique on him to learn his language in a second and find out answers to his questions but something unexpected happened that he never expected,

Why didn't it work!! he said in complete wonder while trying again and again which baffled him even more, he expected it to have worked even though he only had like 10 percent of his powers right now but it was more than enough for him to still wipe out half of Earth with and now his famous soul search technique didn't work on a minor weak thing

What in the Purgatory is happening here!!!! Mazael Screamed while Amazed and shocked at same time.