
Soul Land 3: Dagger God Douluo

The day before his spirit awakening, Xie Xie has a dream. A dream of another world called Earth, a dream of another life. On that same day, a power awakens within him. The Anime Compendium of Martial Arts. The MC will be very strong for his age, but not overpowered. He will still have to struggle, train, and preserve through hardships to gain his power. He will not have any knowledge of any of the Soul Land books. Also, he will retain his core personality, as his 'dream' of another life is more akin to watching a movie than experiencing a whole other life, so he will still mostly act his age. Finally, he will have a very close relationship with Tang Wulin. As the story develops, they will become closer, and their dynamic would be more like the one between Killua and Gon than a Goku and Vegeta one. No Yaoi. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Soul Land novels, nor do I own the cover. Basically, I don't own anything in this fanfic. Just like how I don't own my house anymore because my ex-wife Karen took it when she took the kids. P.S: This is my first time novel/fanfic, just trying to improve. Put constructive criticism in the comments or reviews, please cut me some slack.

ImProcrastinating · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

First Day of Class

3rd Person POV:

Immediately after Tang Wulin and Xie Xie's fight, as well as their subsequent friendship, they and their roommates were called into the dean's office and reprimanded. It was quickly resolved with all 4 of them being sent to Class 5, as well as Xie Xie paying for the damages. The two fodder hurried back to the room in preparation for their first day of class. On the other hand, Xie Xie went to train and meditate, while Wulin went to the Blacksmith Association. After a long day, both of them went to rest in their dormitory. Of course, not without bonding with each other first.


1st Person POV:

I woke up to the blaring of the alarm. Of course, it was fucking annoying, but at least I was able to wake up. I climbed down the bunk bed and went through my normal daily routine before shaking Wulin awake.

"Huh? What? What's happening?" he groggily asked.

Shaking him even more, I responded, "Wake up, shithead. It's time for class. I'd rather not be late for orientation and the first day of class, but you can if you want."

"OH HECK! Let's go! I'm wide awake," he answered back, startled. He quickly got up, dressing himself up and washing his teeth, before hurrying us both out of the dorm. But that's not what's important. Did this kid just ironically use 'heck' in a sentence? Oh hell no. This. Needs. To. Change. As I was thinking about ways to corrupt Wulin, I realized that we had already arrived at the sports field, where the opening ceremony was being held.

I spaced out for a few minutes, and by the time I re focused, it seemed that the boring speech was over. Our teacher, a tall, (objectively) handsome man with long, blue, hair came to get us. He brought us to the classroom where he made an admittedly inspiring speech, before telling us to introduce ourselves. I didn't listen to most of our classmates' introductions, but I like to think it went like:

"Hi! I'm CannonFodder-1! My spirit is Uselessness!"

"Hi! I'm Extra#69! My spirit is Ginormous Cock!" Actually, that would be a pretty good spirit now that I think about it. Anyways, after a few rounds of introductions, it got to my new friend Wulin.

He introduced himself, saying, "I'm Tang Wulin. My spirit is Blue Silver Grass, rank 12." Now, I'm not an expert on spirits or anything, but I'm pretty sure that a normal Blue Silver Grass is not that strong. Nor does it grant its user that much power. I mean, he was even stronger than me, and not to be arrogant or anything, but I'm pretty sure that all of my training should allow me to overpower any non-power type spirit master my rank, based on strength alone.

Anyways, after my two roommates introduced themselves, it went to me. Since pretty much the whole class besides Wulin seemed to be cannon fodder, I decided it was fine to offend them. So I introduced myself with a, "My name is Xie Xie. You should probably remember it so that when I'm famous you can all brag to your imaginary friends that you witnessed my glorious self in person. Hell, I'll even sign autographs for you. You can give it to a girl you like so that she can touch herself to the fact that she owns something that I've touched. I have two spirits, the Shadow Dragon Dagger and the Light Dragon Dagger. I'm rank 19, a rank most of you probably won't ever reach in your life. My goal is... to be the fastest Spirit Master ever."

I realized mid-way through my introduction that I didn't have a goal, so I set a pretty generic one. It'll probably change at some point, but for now, it seems pretty solid. After all, most of my favorite characters in anime are fast as fuck, like Minato or Shisui. Plus, I myself am an agility type Spirit Master, and I love speed. Just blitzing people before they can even react is so satisfying.

Anyways, the cannon fodder seemed to get mad at my introduction, and my teacher looked at me weirdly. His gaze didn't linger on me for too long though as the rest of the cannon fodder made their introductions. After a while, the introductions were finally over, and our teacher made a small speech and dismissed the class. As I walked with Wulin out of the classroom, I noticed he was staring at me strangely. I pondered over what was bothering him for a while, before coming to a realization.

"Ah! I see. You're looking at me like that because you're worried that I called you fodder right? Don't worry, you're much stronger than those cocksuckers in our class. You even got some of that MC aura on you. I can tell."

He paused for a moment before responding, "Uh... thanks? Anyways, that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried that the people in our class might dislike you for that introduction you made. You definitely should be careful. Also, what the frick is an MC aura?" God fucking damn it. He said something like 'heck' or 'frick' unironically again. That definitely needs to change.

Quickly putting that to the back of my mind, I reassured Wulin. "Don't worry about the people in our class. They don't have the balls to do shit to me. Or ovaries. Anyways, just don't worry about it. As for MC Aura... how do I explain it? I guess it means that you seem special. Like, different from all the other cannon fodder." That was a major understatement, but hey. That's the best I could explain it to someone who doesn't watch anime. He still looked a bit confused but nodded nonetheless.

As we were walking, Wulin got stopped by one of our seniors, who told us all about our teacher. It seems he's not fodder after all. Six rings are definitely rare in Eastsea, and he seems to still be pretty young. After our senior finally stopped talking, we started walking back to the dorm. But I felt that something was bugging me. Like I forgot to ask something. After thinking on it for a minute or so, I finally remembered.

"Hey Wulin, what's your phone number?" I asked. He looked startled for a moment before the expression on his face changed, turning into embarrassment.

"I uh... can't afford to buy a phone, so I don't have one," he responded. Well then. I checked my personal bank account, seeing that I still had around a few million Federation Credits left. I can easily buy him one. It'd be inconvenient for one of my friends to not have a phone. A phone's only like 10k Federation Credits, so it's not really a problem for me. Come to think of it, I'm quite the nouveau rich, aren't I? I mean, even if I only knew Wulin for like a day, he's pretty chill, and I have a shit ton of money to spare.

[A/N: By the way, phones ARE actually canon. I'm pretty sure. It was shown multiple times in the manhua, which I've been rereading, and my admittedly vague memory of the novel remembers that phones were present there too. Or at least I'm pretty sure. Anyways, I always wondered why they never really used their phones too much in canon, so I decided to make it have a bigger role in the story. It'll mostly be used for character development and interaction, though. Also, Xie Xie is way richer than in canon because he decided to learn cooking with his father. From there, he worked in a restaurant for experience, and his dad paid him wages like any worker in the restaurant, replacing his allowance. And let me tell you, they get paid a lot. Anyways, I didn't mention this in earlier chapters, because this is going to be part of Xie Xie's backstory that I'll be touching on more in that one chapter where they go to the shop and Xie Xie reveals his backstory from canon.]

Going off my previous line of thought, I answered back to Wulin, telling him, "I can buy you one if you'd like. I mean, it'd be pretty inconvenient for me to contact you if you didn't have a phone, so I'll buy you the newest model tomorrow." He tried protesting multiple times due to his kind nature, but I cut him off each time, because what kind of nouveau rich kid am I if I can't even buy a friend a phone?

After a few minutes of back-and-forth, we decided to go to the cafeteria before heading off to do whatever. There, I discovered that Wulin can EAT. I mean, he can eat like 10x more than me. This added to my already developing 'Wulin is a main character conspiracy theory'. I mean, look at Goku, Luffy, and Naruto. Goku and Luffy can eat a shit ton, and Naruto eats way too much ramen for it to be healthy. Of course, even if he is a main character, I'll still be able to whoop his ass, cause I'm me. The most handsome, talented, and badass person to ever exist.

After eating, we split up, with Wulin going off to meditate and me going off to train. I started off with my daily physical training while using [Breath of the Sun], before going into meditation and entering my mindscape. In the training room, I trained my Haki, as well as my [Renewal Taekwondo] and Hans Humpty's dagger style, which I will now call the [Feline Style]. Why, you ask? Because that's basically what it is. It has no set moves, relying on unpredictability and the flexibility of a cat. It also focuses on agility, but most dagger styles do.

After a bit of training, I went over to the computer to browse some manuals. Scrolling for a few seconds, I found a few intriguing manuals. They were, interestingly enough, taken from a basketball anime. They were [Misdirection] and [Zone-on-Command]. [Misdirection] was pretty self-explanatory, but [Zone-on-Command] was honestly, pretty broken. It allowed someone to enter the [Zone] at will, bypassing the conditions of high talent, a trigger, and a passion for basketball.

That meant I could use the FUCKING [Zone] in battle, outside of basketball. That's absolutely cracked. Of course, something this strong had a restriction. It consumed much more stamina than a natural [Zone], which by itself already consumed a shit ton of stamina. While it could be used longer the more you used it due to the activation of the zone becoming more natural to your mind, that was still a pretty big downside. As I am now, with my freakish stamina, I can only use it for a minute maximum, or unlimited in 5-second bursts with a 15-second cooldown in between. However, that is also because this is the first time I've used the ability.

Hoping to lengthen the time I had in the [Zone], I began to train [Zone-on-Command]. After a few more hours, I finally finished my training. Finally done with training my new abilities, I went back to the dorm to rest. Tomorrow would be my first real class, and I was honestly pretty excited. Hopefully, we would be sparring. Destroying cannon fodder is always fun.

I know Wulin never said 'heck' or 'frick' in canon, but I just really like thinking that he's so pure and innocent that he occasionally says 'frick' and gets super guilty about saying a 'bad word'. At least while he's 9 years old. In the later years, he won't be saying that anymore. Also, his personality later on will definitely deviate from canon. Not too much, but enough that the change in Xie Xie from canon will also influence him a bit. Like, I know that he's definitely mature and sensible for his age when it comes to life in general due to his upbringing, but I feel like he'd also be pretty innocent in terms of socializing.

Also, long chapter! Yay!

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