
Soul Land 3: Dagger God Douluo

The day before his spirit awakening, Xie Xie has a dream. A dream of another world called Earth, a dream of another life. On that same day, a power awakens within him. The Anime Compendium of Martial Arts. The MC will be very strong for his age, but not overpowered. He will still have to struggle, train, and preserve through hardships to gain his power. He will not have any knowledge of any of the Soul Land books. Also, he will retain his core personality, as his 'dream' of another life is more akin to watching a movie than experiencing a whole other life, so he will still mostly act his age. Finally, he will have a very close relationship with Tang Wulin. As the story develops, they will become closer, and their dynamic would be more like the one between Killua and Gon than a Goku and Vegeta one. No Yaoi. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Soul Land novels, nor do I own the cover. Basically, I don't own anything in this fanfic. Just like how I don't own my house anymore because my ex-wife Karen took it when she took the kids. P.S: This is my first time novel/fanfic, just trying to improve. Put constructive criticism in the comments or reviews, please cut me some slack.

ImProcrastinating · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Timeskip - Fights and Friendships

A couple of years have passed since Xie Xie had awakened his spirit. Xie Xie is now 9 years old and has just arrived in Eastsea Academy, an intermediate academy for Soul Masters. In these past few years, there have been no unusual events. Xie Xie had naturally breezed through school, becoming a rank 19 Spirit Master. Immediately after his Spirit Awakening two years ago, he got a spirit soul. Coming from a rich family, he was able to buy the oldest Spirit Soul they had in the Spirit Pagoda that was compatible with his Spirits.

Xie Xie also has a special type of Twin Spirit that allows him to use both spirits at the same time. However, it is also a bit weaker than most other twin spirits, because any Spirit Soul he acquires is applied to both his Spirits. In this case, Xie Xie got a 423-year-old Hammer Spirit Soul. He was originally going to get the 500-year-old Piece of Metal that he had in canon, but due to him being exposed to anime and manga, he decided against it because it wasn't 'cool enough'. Xie Xie made the right choice with his Spirit Soul, however, as it granted him an incredibly broken ability for his first Spirit Ability.

That Spirit Ability is called Duplication. Duplication allows Xie Xie to create a copy of his daggers. Depending on the amount of spirit power injected into the ability, the copy has a different amount of power. For example, a dagger with a low amount of spirit power will only have 10% of the capabilities of the original and will break easily. However, lots of these daggers can be made, allowing them to be used easily as projectiles. On the other hand, a dagger with a large amount of spirit power may be an almost exact replica, allowing Xie Xie to create a durable dagger suitable for hand to hand combat. This can be useful for situations where he may need more than two daggers for himself, or to give to allies to let them use.

While Xie Xie had made leaps in cultivation, that was not what he was focused on training on the most. In the past few years, he had been training the different abilities he obtained from the Compendium. He is currently able to use [Arnament: Hardening], as well as using [Observation Haki] to sense people around himself as well as predict their movements. On top of that, he has also been training different techniques such as [Rhythm Echo] from HxH, the unnamed dagger style of Hans Humpty, [Rokushiki], [Breath of the Sun Breathing Style] (not including the techniques, just the breathing), and [Renewal Taekwondo]. Of course, he wouldn't have been able to use any of these if he had not been training his body, as well as cultivating.


First Person POV:

I walked into my dorm, still tired, and irritated from my late-night training. As soon as I walked in, I already had a completely shit impression of my roommates. One fuckin weirdo is hiding behind a bed, some dude got launched out of a window and now the wall is broken, and there's some black-haired rage baby going berserk. Absentmindedly, I kicked away an ugly ass flower blanket in my way, before walking over to my bed.

Guess that was the wrong thing to do because the black-haired pretty-boy immediately got mad. "YOU BASTARD! GET YOUR FOOT OFF OF MY BLANKET!" he screamed. What the fuck did I even do? Why is this crazy fucker even mad?

In annoyance, I instinctively retorted, "My parents were happily married, thank you very much. And they loved me very much. Can't say the same about you though. Your parents must have really hated you to give you such a shitty hairstyle. And that outfit? Oooh boy." That was apparently the wrong thing to say also, because the fucker just charged at me, trying to punch me. Since I was 110% done with his bullshit at this point, I used a [Front Kick] to launch him into the air, and spun into a [Hwechook], catching him in the chest, and launching him out of the door into the hallway.

Expecting him to go down after that, I turned my back to walk back towards the beds. However, it seems the little shit didn't go down from that one, as my passive [Observation Haki] alerted me to tendrils of grass coming after me. I didn't pay any heed to it, until it snaked around my body, binding me. Since my dumb-ass thought it wasn't a threat, I allowed it to wrap around me. Wrong thing to do though, cause that was some tough ass grass. How the hell would I have known though? Grass is hardly threatening. Like, at all.

As I was bound, the black-haired asswipe ran around me to the front, before giving me a hard punch to the stomach. If I hadn't used [Arnament: Hardening] in time, I probably would've been launched off. Even with [Arnament: Hardening], it still knocked the wind out of me, causing me to wheeze. Thankfully, I was able to recover fast, allowing me enough time to struggle against the grass, causing the kid to retract the grass binding me. As soon as I got free, I quickly hit him with a hard [Arang], elbowing him in the stomach hard enough to cause him to keel over. While he was slumped over, I hit him with a [Baekdu], kneeing him hard enough in the chin to launch him into the air.

Finally, I hit him with a [Reverse Sweeping Kick], hitting him square in the chest, launching him into a wall. I waited for a few seconds, before sighing in relief when he didn't get back up again. Ah... now that was satisfying. Now that I think about it, after releasing all of that pent-up aggression, I'm not nearly as annoyed as I was before. On the contrary, I feel kind of giddy. I didn't think that there would be another kid my age that would be able to make me hurt even a bit. His grass was annoyingly tough, and his punch hurt me quite a lot.

Taking these things into account, I decided. Once he wakes up, we're going to be friends. The very best of friends. We're gonna have so much fun fighting and beating the shit out of each other. Cause that's what friends do, right? Look at Goku and Vegeta. They fought a lot. And Sasuke and Naruto were said to be great friends, but they almost killed each other. Inwardly confirming my previous thoughts about friendship, I walked up to the unconscious body of the black-haired kid whose name I don't know.

That's not good. How are we going to be friends if I don't know his name? Resolving to ask his name, I quickly shook him awake. After a few seconds of shaking, he finally woke up, before widening his eyes in anger and surprise when he saw my face. Once he saw that I didn't intend to harm him, he just looked at me, confused. Deciding the atmosphere was kind of awkward, I decided to break the ice with a nice conversation starter.

I crouched down next to him, before speaking and holding out my hand to shake. "Hey, hey. Black haired kid. What's your name? We should totally be friends. We'd kick a shit ton of ass, and it'd be super cool. And we'll have so much fun beating the ever-living fuck out of each other! Oh yeah, and sorry for stepping on your blanket. And for insulting you. Anyways, you wanna be friends?"

He looked at me in absolute bewilderment, before speaking in an uncertain voice. "Uh... what? I mean... I accept your apology? And sure! We can be friends! I don't know about fighting each other, but being friends sounds fun! My name's Tang Wulin!" He beamed, showing me one of the largest smiles I've ever seen in my life, before shaking my hand in agreement. I didn't even know that someone's face could do that. Infected by his optimism, I gave him a slight smile of my own.

Cowardly-Extra and Extra-That-Got-Launched-By-Wulin both gave each other a confused look before asking each other the question that had been on both of their minds since seeing the encounter between Xie Xie and Wulin.

"What the hell just happened?"

I'm really sleep-deprived right now, so my practically dead brain decided it would be a good idea to write a chapter. In this chapter, I'm trying something new with the First Person POV. I'll probably come back to edit this later, but for now, the chapter is going to stay like this. Just as an FYI, I haven't even read the whole chapter in one sitting, so...

As for the weird-ass way Wulin and Xie Xie became friends. I don't know. Xie Xie from my fanfic seems like the type of guy to ask if the person whose ass he just kicked would be his friend. I mean, he's been influenced a lot by anime, where all of the best friendships/rivalries had friends beating the shit out of each other. And Wulin is just so pure and innocent, that he'd probably completely forget about the fight in seconds, and just be super happy about the fact that he made a friend on his first day in school. He's probably the only person that would be the friend of the dude who just kicked his ass and stepped on the flower that reminded him of his now-gone sister. So, yeah. They're a pretty weird pair.

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