
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Chapter 34-Gathering the Young Demons

"Ugh, yesterday was quite a feast. So, where am I? I said as I woke up and looked around the room.

Louise, Rias, and Miyuki were sleeping next to me. Apparently this room belongs to Rias. Yes, it was a good feast yesterday, and Sazeks brought some strong stuff that even affected me.

"Girls, wake up, it's a gathering of young demons, we can't be late," I said.

"Just five more minutes," Rias said sleepily.

"Rias, there are only three hours left before the gathering," I said softly in Rias's ear.

"What! Rias shouted sharply, jumping up from the bed.

"How long until the gathering of the Young Demons is over?" – What is it? " she asked quickly.

"Exactly three hours and twenty-three minutes," I told her.

"Louise, get up. Now quickly run and wake everyone else up, we need to hurry, " Rias said after waking Louise up.

"Okay, Miyuki, let's go quickly teleport home and get the others," I said to Miyuki, who had woken up, and she just nodded in response.

"Okay, Rias, Luisa, I'll see you there," I said before stepping through the portal.

After arriving at the mansion, I quickly told all my servants to gather in the hall in two hours, after dressing up prettily.

I went to Medusa and Medea and told them to put on their cloaks. It is better not to reveal their appearance ahead of time. Besides, I'm sure one of the old demons will definitely recognize them.

Two hours later, everyone gathered in the lobby and I explained our tactics to them.

"So we just go out and beat everyone up. WE are much stronger and more powerful than all of them put together. Irina and Zenovia will go with me. I'm sorry, girls, but you're not as strong as the others yet, and I don't want you to get hurt, " I said from the couch.

After that, we sat and chatted for a while longer, and then I just teleported all of us.

- Now there will be a gathering of young demons, where you will need to behave as pretentiously and contemptuously as possible to everyone else. You must understand that you are much better and higher in status than everyone else and behave appropriately, " I said as I entered the building.

As I entered the building, I heard two demons arguing.

- Hey, Agares, why are you looking at me so disdainfully? I'll give you a blink right now! A guy who looked like a punk from the two thousandth said.

"Ugh, Glasea-Labolas, I don't think you've been taught any manners." Although looking at you, I wonder what you're doing here at all, the lower demons even look neater, " the bespectacled girl replied to him.

"Oh, you..." he started to say before I could interrupt.

"Shut up, both of you! I said calmly, releasing a bit of my aura that already surpassed that of any of the lords of hell.

- You are in a prestigious location and must behave accordingly. Don't give me a hard time. If you want to fight, then get out of here, " I said, looking at them contemptuously, and then calmly sat down at the next table.

The two men just stood there, afraid to say anything, and then they just sat down at the tables and looked at each other with hostility.

We sat there for a few minutes, until Rias entered the hall with a guy and their servants.

"Daniel, hi, you're already here," Rias said, coming to sit next to me.

"Lord Gaap, greetings. My name is Sairaorg Baal, and I am the heir to the House of Baal, " Sairaorg introduced himself respectfully as he sat down next to us.

"Sairaorg, I've heard of you, rising star of hell. I think you'll be a good Satan in the future, you're strong enough, " I said, glancing at the guy.

"Well, I think we'll all sit down at the table and introduce ourselves, as is our proper etiquette," I said as Sona entered the room.

- Ahem, let's start with me. My name is Daniel Gaap Darkness, and I am the Lord of the House of Gaap, a great governor and powerful prince, also known by the title "God Slayer", " I calmly introduced myself as I looked at the pale faces of the demons as I pronounced my title.

"Nice to meet you." My name is Rias Gremory, and I am the next head of House Gremory, " Rias said.

"Sona Sitri, the next head of House Sitri," Sona said.

"I am Sairaorg Baal, heir to the House of Baal and holder of the title 'Great King'," said the next demon.

- Diodorus Astaroth. Heir to the Astaroth family. Nice to meet you all, " the cute guy who was the traitor and spy of the Chaos Brigade introduced himself.

"My name is SiegwairaAgares. I am the heiress of the house Agares and I hold the title of Archduke, " the girl I had calmed down at the beginning quietly introduced herself, looking at me cautiously.

- Zephadore Glasea-Labolas. The heir of Glasea is Labolas, " the punk said, looking at me fearfully.

"Sorry for waiting so long, you're already expected," the demon said as he entered.

At his words, I got up and led the way through the opening door with my servants. All around us were bleachers filled with" high-ranking " demons strutting around. Also sitting nearby were the four satans and the leaders of the allied factions. And Serafall and Sussex's faces at my arrival showed that they expected me to be in trouble. And I decided to give them a nice smile, as if to say that there would really be problems.

"All right, you're here. We have called you here so that you can personally see the faces of those who will bear the full burden of your younger generation. Also, such a gathering is a tradition and is held in every generation without fail, " the old demon said in a pompous tone.

"The six of you are the new stars of the younger generation who will lead hell in the future, but the last of the demons standing here is a much more unique case. The youngest lord in the history of hell and already surpassing many demons in power. Therefore, I want to arrange fights between you that will strengthen your strength and confidence. And even with the obvious winner, you can learn a lot from those who are head and shoulders above you in terms of strength, " said Sussex, standing up and looking at us.

- Will we fight the Chaos Brigade? Sairaorg asked.

"No, the Chaos Brigade will be destroyed by House Gaap alone," Sazex said calmly, setting off a sharp conversation among the other demons.

"So I apologize for delaying this long explanation. Because we all see our dreams and hopes in you-the younger generation. I want to make one thing clear - you are the most important and important treasure of the entire underworld. And in conclusion, I would like to hear your aspirations and dreams. Can you tell us what they are? Sussex said, looking at me first.

"My goals are simple. I want to rule this entire world, unifying it into a single power in which I will become the new god! I пафосноbegan to speak pathosily, releasing more and more power. At the end of my sentence, I released about half of my aura. All the demons in the room were already sweating profusely from the torrent of power I'd unleashed.

- Ahem, excellent target, Lord Gaap, " Azazel said, handing over the right to speak to the next one.

- My dream is to become Satan! Sairaorg said simply, but after me, his goal didn't seem so ambitious anymore.

"My goal is to become the head of House Gremory and marry my fiance, Daniel" Rias said, giving me a cute wink. Apparently, my demonstration of power didn't work so well for her, because she already fully believed in my omnipotence.

The others 'goals were basically the same as Rias'. Become the head of your house and a strong demon, nothing original. But now the turn came to Sona and she expressed their goal.

- I want to build a ranked game school in the underworld, " she said calmly.

- When it comes to learning games, isn't there already one? As if testing something, one of the demons asked.

- This is an institution that only accepts high-class demons and children of nobles. The school I want to build is an institution where there will be no restrictions. Where both the reincarnated and the lower K Lass demons can learn in peace, without any restrictions, " Sona said.

"It's a very worthy goal, and I like it," I said, before anyone else could get in.

After my words, all the other demons seemed to fall silent in confusion and didn't dare to say a word. Serafall, meanwhile, blew me a kiss and winked, thanking me for Sona's support.

"As Lord Gaap said, a commendable goal. We'll monitor your progress in implementing it, " a demon said, looking cautiously from Sona to me.

"Since that's the case, the first ranking games will be held in a few days. I will now announce your opponents, " said Sazex, picking up a scroll.

- The first fight is Rias Gremory vs Sona Sitri. Second battle – Siegwire Agares vs Zephadora Glasea-Labolas. Third Fight-Lord Daniel Gaap vs Sairaorga Baala. Diadora Astaroth goes through to the next round without a fight, " Sazex said calmly, making a fuss.

"Hmm, Sairaorg, I liked you, so I'll give you a chance to win, personally I won't fight, you will only have to defeat my servants, so get ready to fight," I said, looking at the young demon.

After that, everyone began to disperse, and I went to the Lords of the three factions.

"So, did you find out the identity of the spy, Daniel?" Serafall asked me, jumping on my neck as soon as I entered.

"Yes, unfortunately the Chaos Brigade spy is a relative of one of the lords of hell," I said simply, looking at Beelzebub.

"So it's a Diadora?" I've suspected something like this for a long time, " he said calmly, but I could see his hands trembling.

"I won't kill him, but you must swear an oath that you will put him on a chain and personally monitor him and re - educate him," I said.

"I swear that I will do whatever Lord Haap wishes," Beelzebub said with a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Daniel, thank you for helping Sonya. I'm afraid that if it wasn't for you, she would have been publicly ridiculed, " Serafall said gratefully.

"Okay, it's time to prepare for battle. After winning the Sairaorg, put Diadora as my opponent. I am sure that it is during the second round that he will reveal himself, " I said.

"Okay, let's do that. But you're sure your servants can handle it. He's very strong for his age, after all, " Sussex asked me.

"Do you know who my servants are?" Girls, можетеplease come in here for a while, " I said, calling Medea and Medusa.

"I'm sure some of you know their exact identities," I said, removing the cloaks from both girls.

"Them?" I thought they had already died a long time ago... "said Azazel when he saw the girls' faces.

"But who is it?" Sussex asked thoughtfully.

- Medusa Gorgon and Medea Colchis, famous figures in ancient Greek mythology, " Mikhail said.

"I see now. You resurrected them too, didn't you? Sussex asked me.

"Yes, and it was at their request that I destroyed the Greek pantheon," I told him.

"Resurrected it?" Azazel said in a strange tone.

"Yes, I can resurrect people, and not just people in general," I said.

"I won't reveal my own method, just think for yourself," I continued.

"I see you, then," Azazel said.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the ranking game," I said, and walked back to the mansion with Serafall and my servants.