
Soul Eater: Endo Shohei

A soul from our world transmigrates to the world Soul Eater! Has 2 perks to help him along the way. ____ Hello, I'm writing a soul eater FF! There aren't many on here and the ones that I found are... leave a lot to be desired. I know I'd like to read a ff about it so lets give it a shot. PS: If you know me as an author, you know my update rate is abysmal...sorry to say. This book is indeed a whim at the moment. Leave a comment and let me know if I should at least attempt to continue this book. I need to see if there is an audience. PSS: COVER NOT MINE! Let me know if you own it and would like it removed...Looks dope btw

Anoton · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Meeting with Lord Death

After their return to Death City, the team consisting of Marianne, Spirit, and Endo took a moment to collect their bearings. Sid and Mira, now around 15-16 years old, informed them that Lord Death requested their presence.

Curiosity was piqued, and the trio went to the grand chamber where Lord Death held court. The room was unlike anything they had seen before. It consisted of a small walkway through shrine gates onto a platform surrounded by an enclosed desert, floating clouds, and a perpetual sun. The whimsical atmosphere reflected Lord Death's playful personality.

As they entered the chamber, Lord Death greeted them with a cheerful voice, "Ah, welcome back, my lovely meisters and young Endo! How was your mission? Did you encounter any trouble?"

Marianne stepped forward and respectfully reported, "We successfully infiltrated the witch city and gathered valuable information. Additionally, we observed Endo's exceptional soul perception abilities, which resemble the rare technique known as super soul perception. It allows him to perceive souls at an extended range, even seeing through witch's soul protection and Kishin's madness."

Lord Death's expression turned slightly more serious as he listened. "Super soul perception, you say? That's quite remarkable, Endo. Your abilities are truly unique and powerful. But, unfortunately, it also means you have a target on your back. In the world of meisters and witches, such abilities draw attention and could put you in danger."

Endo, who possessed a calm and introspective nature, nodded thoughtfully. "I understand, Lord Death. I am aware of the risks and will do my best to protect myself and those around me. I believe in the strength of my training and the support of my team."

Lord Death's gloved hand rose to his chin as he pondered momentarily. Then, with a mischievous grin, he said, "Well, well, Endo, you've grown into a responsible young meister. I'm proud of you! But remember, my dear child, you cannot leave Death City without being sufficiently strong to defend yourself. We wouldn't want any harm to befall you."

Observing the exchange with concern and pride, Spirit chimed in, "That's right, Endo. We must prioritize your growth and ensure that you can handle any challenges that come your way. But, of course, your safety is our top priority."

Marianne nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with determination. "We will continue to train and guide you, Endo. Together, we will ensure you are prepared for whatever lies ahead."

Endo felt a surge of gratitude and determination welling up within him. "Thank you, Spirit, Marianne, and Lord Death. I am grateful for your guidance and support. I will work hard to become stronger and protect those dear to me."

Lord Death's playful demeanor returned as he clapped his hands together. "Excellent! That's the Spirit! Now, let's focus on your training and preparations. The path of a meister is never easy, but with the right determination and a pinch of silliness, anything is possible!"

The meeting continued as Lord Death discussed their recent findings and provided further guidance. Endo listened attentively, his calm and focused nature guiding his thoughts. Finally, as the chapter drew to a close, the team left Lord Death's chamber, their resolve strengthened, and their bond deepened, ready to face the challenges that awaited them.

Upon returning to their home in Death City, a sense of relief washed over the team. Marianne, Spirit, and Endo found themselves in the company of Ryoku, Maka, and Black Star, who eagerly awaited their return. The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.

As they settled down, exchanging stories and enjoying a moment of respite, Ryoku, Maka, and Black Star were eager to hear about their mission. The team decided to keep the details vague, emphasizing the seriousness of their task and the vital role Endo played.

Always exuberant and full of energy, Black Star exclaimed with a proud grin, "Of course! Endo shines like a star no matter where he is! He's just an older version of me!"

Maka, displaying her unwavering trust in Endo, said, "Absolutely! Endo's abilities and dedication are exceptional. I'm glad to have such a big brother."

While the others were engrossed in their conversation, Ryoku remained quiet, his gaze fixed on Endo with a severe and contemplative expression. Finally, sensing his brother's unusual demeanor, Endo excused himself from the group and approached Ryoku.

"Is everything okay, Ryoku?" Endo asked with genuine concern.

Ryoku hesitated momentarily before speaking softly, "Endo, I've been thinking... Your abilities, they're incredible. By the time I learn one thing, you learn three. I worry about what might happen to you out there. So promise me you'll be careful. Wait for me to be there to watch your back."

Endo placed a reassuring hand on Ryoku's shoulder. "I understand your concern, Ryoku, and I appreciate it. I promise you, I'll do everything I can to protect myself and everyone else. We'll overcome any obstacle that comes our way."

Ryoku's serious expression softened, and a small smile formed on his lips. "I know you will, Endo. Just remember, I've got your back too. We'll face these challenges together."

Endo nodded, grateful for his brother's unwavering support. As they rejoined the group, they continued their conversation, sharing stories and dreams, preparing themselves for the next chapter of their journey.

With the promise of adventure and the strength of their newfound family, they were ready to face whatever lay ahead. The story of Endo, Ryoku, and their comrades was just beginning, and they were determined to make their mark on the world of meisters and witches.