
New Connections [Edited]

As Spirit left Endo and Ryoku at the entrance of the DWMA, he took a moment to have a heart-to-heart conversation with the boys. The sun bathed them in its warm glow as they stood outside the academy, their excitement palpable.

"Endo," Spirit began, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I've witnessed the strength within you, both as a meister and in your soul perception. Remember, as you embark on this journey, take in everything you can. Build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills. With your unique abilities, you have the potential to achieve remarkable heights."

Endo nodded, a quiet determination shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Spirit. I will maximize this opportunity and strive to become my strongest meister. I won't waste the gifts I've been given."

Turning to Ryoku, Spirit's voice softened. "Ryoku, my dear boy, follow your heart. Allow your natural curiosity to guide you and dive deep into the subjects that captivate you. Your passion and intuition will be your greatest assets on this path of discovery."

Ryoku grinned, a mischievous spark in his eyes. "Don't worry, Spirit. I'll explore every nook and cranny of this academy and make the most out of every class! I'll show them what I'm made of!"

With their words of encouragement exchanged, Spirit bid the boys farewell, reminding them to stay focused, disciplined, and faithful to themselves. As Endo and Ryoku made their way into the DWMA, they couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement building within them.

Entering the meister and weapon partners class, Endo and Ryoku joined their fellow students, their eyes scanning the room for potential connections. They met Akane Hoshi, a charismatic meister with long black hair covering his left eye. His warm smile instantly made them feel at ease, and they were drawn to his friendly demeanor.

They also encountered Clay Sizemore, a blond-haired weapon whose piercing blue eyes seemed to scrutinize everything around him. His skeptical nature hinted at a deeper layer of complexity, and they were intrigued by his guarded presence.


However, the enigmatic figure sitting in the corner caught Endo's attention. The most noticeable feature was the massive screw in his head as he slowly turned it. He has stitches all over his body, indicating experimentation on himself and all over his clothing.


The sound of his screw turning echoes in the room, giving everyone inside it an eerie feeling.


He has shaggy white hair and piercing golden eyes. The young man sat casually in a chair, his posture relaxed yet exuding a sense of authority. Endo could feel the weight of his powerful soul wavelength, which surpassed even his own. There was an aura of mystery and hints of madness.

Endo approached the young man cautiously, his curiosity getting better. "Excuse me, sir. You seem to possess incredible power. Are you a teacher here?"

The young man glanced up, his eyes narrowing slightly as he assessed the young meister before him. "No, I am not a teacher," he replied calmly yet authoritatively, barely glancing at the badge I was wearing. "I am but a student like you in the way of life."


"However, you may call me Frankenstein. A Meister", He finished saying.

Endo nodded, yet if it wasn't for his natural calm state, he might be outwardly as giddy as he was on the inside. "It's an honor to meet you, Frankenstein; my name is Endo. Also Meister"

Frankenstein glanced at my badge again. I felt a small pressure wash over me. Then, with a curious look and a small smile, he said, "Remember, Endo, true strength lies not only in power but also in understanding. Seeking understanding of self will help you forge your own path."

Endo was surprised by this. He didn't remember Stein having an enigmatic personality in the show. Perhaps he is different now that it was still 10 years ago.

As the day ended and the boys reunited with their families, they excitedly shared their experiences and the new connections they had made. Spirit and Marianne listened attentively, their hearts swelling with pride at their children's progress and the bonds they forged.

"Your official journey as meisters have begun," Spirit declared, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "Endo, Ryoku, embrace every opportunity, absorb every lesson, and grow stronger with each passing day. Remember, the path of a meister is a lifelong journey. Take it step by step, but always strive for greatness."

With renewed determination, Endo and Ryoku looked at each other, ready to face the challenges and adventures awaited them. They knew that the next chapter of their lives would be filled with trials, growth, and the unwavering support of their newfound friends.

And so, with hearts ablaze and spirits soaring, they left the dining room, their steps echoing the promise of greatness. The training had begun, and they were prepared to seize every opportunity to become powerful meisters.

The journey ahead was bound to be filled with twists and turns, but with the bonds they had forged and the lessons they would learn, they were ready to face whatever came their way. The DWMA was their home now, and they were determined to leave an indelible mark upon its storied halls.

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