
Nerve Racking

"Crap, crap, crap" I whispered as the large man came closer, his fist were clenched and he grided his teeth, as if he was going to stuff me into a teddy bear skin after he beat me to death. I backed up as far as the closet would allow before I shut my eyes and began to pray for my untimely death. "Oh here I have it! " Mr. Lerner said proudly with a hint of fear in his voice, The man calmed a bit as he turned towards him "That's amazing Jeremy!... And here I thought I had to nail you to the ceiling" He his laugh was rather sinister for his own joke, but Mr. Lerner didn't laugh, he only got paler because of it. "Right-o... So here you go" He handed the man a flash drive and some paper work while forcing a smile and hiding the sudden flinch when the man grabbed it.

Angel paced around in the hallway as she waited for Chris "common don't tell me they caught you" She mumbled as she bit her nails in worry and frustration. As she paced some more she heard the door slam, she looked up "oh no" She raced to the bathroom and closed the door, laying down on the dirty,cold floor and watching from the vent on the door, she saw Mr. Lerner and the blond haired man shake hands before he walked off out of sight. Angel was confused but a little more relaxed that Chris was nowhere to be seen, when Mr. Lerner had vanished back to the teacher's lounge Angel had ran to his door and knocked "hey dumb dumb, are you there?? " She put her ear to the door, hoping for a response.

"Yeah yeah I'm here" I said as I crawled out of the closet, wiping off my clothes and walking around the room again "Mr.Lerner had given that guy a flash drive and some paper work" Angel shouted. I opened the door, making Angel lose her balance and almost fall. "Really... Dammit I could have got that, but that guy would have killed him if I had" I said to myself almost in a whisper, I made my way to his desk again, searching more than ever to see if I had missed something like before.

Angel watched as Chris messed up Mr. Lerner's desk "Have you seen that guy around here before, like as a janitor or a sub...apart of the lunch staff maybe? " She looked at the window as Christ responded with a senseless mumble of "I don't know"continuing his search. Angel sighed and checked the closet, moving every jacket and checking every pocket for something. "Ah-ha!! " Angel said with excitement as she pulled out a flash drive from Mr. Lerner's rain coat.

I stopped my search to look at the treasure that Angel had found "that's amazing" I cheer as I take it from her and place it in my sweater pocket, zipping it up and patting it. "Let go to the library after school to check it out" Angel nods as we hear the bell and head out the door to are next class, almost skipping in joy.

Mr. Lerner came back to his room after the children had left, somewhat perplexed as to how his door was open after he closed it. "Mmm... " He grunted as he made his way inside, seeing his classroom a reck like as if a tornado had passed through,"I know I left the desk a mess, but not that badly. " He picked up the papers and fixed it up as he saw his closet wide open, his face turning as pale as the moon as he walked toward it, seeing everything out of place and his rain coat robbed "Dammit!! " Mr. Lerner screamed as he panicked, he looked at the floor of the closet, seeing that someone had made a pathway in all the dust "hmmm... Someone was in the closest earlier" He mumbled as he closed the closet.

He went to his desk and picked up the phone, dialing a number and fiddling with his shirt button "yes hello" He said urgently "We have a problem... It's about code A... Someone knows."