
The Files

As Chris and Angel walked towards the library after school, they could feel a chill in the air. Some may have said it was just the fall, crisp air that swirled overhead, bringing the warm-colored leaves with it. But they knew well that it was the anxiety of the trip that made the world so much colder.

"Should we get something to eat before we, you know?" Angel said as she stuffed her hands in her pockets and shrunk into her jacket. "No, too jumpy to eat, let's just get in, plugin, and get the hell out and to a safe place," I said as I held the door open and let Angel glide through before closing the door behind me. I huffed "Good afternoon Ms. Jason!" I say in a rather cheery voice, making Angel flinch. "Oh good afternoon Christ, how nice to see you!" She quickly glanced at Angel "Who's your friend?" "Oh, this is Angel." Angel gave a shy smile and a little wave before putting her hands back in their rightful place. "Ah, well hello Angel, what can I help you with today? A book on history, comics, magazines?" Ms. Jason smiled as the room got silent as if everyone wanted to hear what we came for. I turned a little pale and leaned in, whispering "Can...Can we go to the back? we got a history project and we need to look over some documents." "Oh of course dear." She slides a small key towards me as she stamps a small paper and gives it to me as well "You have a good hour before the Fabian brothers come in for their daily meeting." Ms. Jason said as she turned herself back to her computer, typing away and returning the room to its whispers and hidden secrets. "Let's go," I say as I grab Angel's arm and lead her behind all the bookshelves and to a rusted door that read "Quiet Room" in broken, faded, black letters.

Angel cleared her throat as Chris pushed open the winey door and sat in front of a computer, the only thing that looked new out of everything in this dark room. "Mmm... I hope you don't expect me to sit down, this place hasn't been dusted probably since the 1900's" she said as she closed the door. "That's fine," Chris said as he started up the computer and typed something in while squinting at the small paper. Angel sighed and stood behind him as he plugged in the flash drive and started up the projector. "click on it..."

"Yeah, yeah hold you're...oh god" I clicked on the flash drive labeled "Security files" and opened it up. "Security camera footage 1-20-17, Security camera footage 1-21-17....S-Security camera footage 1-22-17" Angel read as she covered her mouth. "Why would Mr. Lerner have this," I said, turning towards her "WHY WOULD HE HAVE THIS!?" "I don't know.....I don't know." I clicked on the first file as a video popped up, waiting to start...