
Chapter 9: Love Potion Number 9

Alexis's POV 

"I need you to understand the seriousness of what you are about to do," I told Melanie, handing her a vial of pink liquid. "This is not a game. One sip of this, and Rick is going to be completely in love with you. Are you SURE you want to do this? Because once he drinks it, there's no turning back." 

The vial actually contained tap water and some red food coloring. There was no way I was going to give her a love potion to give to anyone. Ever. But she didn't need to know that. 

"Yes, yes, I understand," she replied eagerly, examining the vial with care. "So, what's this stuff called? And how much do I put in his drink again?" 

It was more than a little disturbing to see how excited she was to be essentially drugging my partner. I was just glad that Melanie had come to me for what she wanted. If she had gone to anyone else, they might have given her the real thing. It occurred to me, and not for the first time, that love spells should not be legal.